
How to open a children's game complex. Business plan for children's entertainment complex

Nowadays, in many cities, entertainment centers are very popular. Children's game complexes are no exception. The age of the kids does not mean that the prices for their entertainment will be lower than for adults. Many parents do not spare money for the sake of the happiness and smile of their heirs, therefore such a business is very promising. This article is intended to tell you how to open a children's entertainment center.

Children's play complex

Every year the competition in the field of children's entertainment is growing, but it is noted that the service market is still not oversaturated, and there are plenty of customers here. However, two serious points should be kept in mind. The first is start-up capital. To organize a medium-sized entertainment complex, considerable investments will be required. The second is the organization of order control.

In a business in any way related to children, all safety rules must be followed. If something happens with the child on the territory of the entertainment complex, the consequences are expected to be extremely unpleasant: the owner will have to pay for the treatment of the victim, and pay moral compensation for the harm done.

Analyze the market

First, to start a business, it is worth analyzing the area where the complex is planned to open. As mentioned above, such an institution is expensive, so it will not be possible to make it accessible to everyone. Otherwise, the children's game complex will not pay off.

Based on this, it is necessary to determine whether the inhabitants of this village will be able to allow this kind of rest for their children. Statistics show that if the average salary in the city is below 12-15 thousand rubles, such a project in this place should not be started. Otherwise, the entertainment complex for children will be unclaimed.

However, the salary of residents is not the main criterion for making a decision. A more important point is the presence of competition. Based on general information, you can make the final decision.

Register at the Federal Tax Service

Entertainment complex for children

First you will need to register as a legal entity. Registration of a legal entity takes place in the Federal Tax Service, where it will be necessary to choose the organizational form of doing business and the form of taxation.

The recommended form for running this business is IP. Next, you will need to determine the OKVED codes (92.7 - other activities for the organization of leisure and entertainment), register with the PF and other off-budget funds. To work, you must purchase a cash register or strict reporting forms that are subject to registration with the tax service.

For the design of this business does not require special permits and licenses, but the standards relating to the organization, it is still worth studying. You can, of course, use the Internet and study the regulatory framework, but it will be easier to contact the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and the state fire supervision.

The employees of these organizations will tell in full about the requirements of sanitation and fire safety, about the current regulatory framework. The case involving children is of particular interest to regulatory authorities. In case of non-compliance with all requirements, a large fine awaits you.

Business Plan - Your Assistant

In order not to make mistakes (mainly financial), it will be necessary to develop a business plan for the children's game center.It will help from the outside to see the positive and negative sides of the proposed project, in which it will be necessary to first invest energy and material resources, which will need to be decided later. The business plan will answer the basic questions. You will understand how to open a children's play center, where to start, what this discovery should ultimately lead to.

We select a room

Children's game complexes for shopping centers

In order for a children's game complex to bring joy to children and parents, as well as profit to the owner, it is necessary first of all to choose the right room. This is one of the most important parts of the project. For such an institution, both a separate room and a platform in a shopping center are perfect.

The optimal size of the complex to accommodate all equipment should be at least 130 square meters. In large cities, you can place the complex in a residential area, and in small towns a placement in the center is a more suitable option. Of course, high traffic will be a big plus for the institution. If there is a kindergarten or school nearby, it can also have a positive effect on business.

Which is better: a shopping center or a separate room?

How, then, to decide whether to open an entertainment complex in a shopping center or in a separate room? Many people think that children's gaming complexes for shopping centers have more attendance, and renting there is several times cheaper - this is a misconception.

It is assumed that children interfere with their parents during shopping, and they leave them in such complexes. Owners of shopping centers are pleased with such a business and offer low rents. But this is not so.

The average cost of rest for children in the entertainment complex is about 500 rubles. Usually, trips there are planned and performed for the enjoyment of children, so accommodation in a shopping center is not a special advantage. In addition, large shopping centers have specially created children's rooms. There, parents can leave the child completely free.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that a successful children's game complex can be located in a shopping center or in a separate room.

We select equipment

The next step will be the selection of equipment for the project. In this case, the main task is such a moment - you should cover the age group as widely as possible. What will be interesting to children aged 5-7 years old will not be liked by 10-12 year olds. Therefore, choosing equipment, you need to take into account the needs of different age groups - this will help to increase the number of visitors to the institution.

How to open a children's play center

A set of equipment for a children's entertainment center usually includes: soft trampolines, multi-level game labyrinths, various game simulators, small rubber slides; sports equipment - balls, educational games and other things.

Some complexes have plasma TVs on which children can watch cartoons. The set can be supplemented with something new over time. The cost of equipment varies depending on the quality and manufacturer of the goods.

A game labyrinth can cost about 400,000 rubles, and an inflatable trampoline - 100,000 and more. For starters, it is recommended to purchase a minimum set, which will include one children's labyrinth (20 m2 about 200,000 rubles), a chair and a table for an employee (about 10,000 rubles), lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). With the further development of the business, equipment will be available for purchase.

When buying equipment, the main condition is the availability of documents confirming that the product is not dangerous for children and is made in accordance with all standards. The manufacturer is also obliged to organize assistance in installation, since the installation of the kit must be carried out according to safety regulations. Before installation, you should carefully study the requirements.

We select staff

One of the most important steps in organizing a business is staffing. There is a misconception that young girls are suitable for the position of educator of such a complex.Only people with a pedagogical education can cope with such duties, because children are very moody.

The staff is responsible for the kids and teenagers who are in the playroom, as well as for the equipment, ensures compliance with the rules, order and cleanliness. The ideal option is people with a pedagogical and medical education who are retired.

Payment for game complex services

There are various forms of payment for complex services: hourly pay, one-time entrance fee, subscription for a certain number of visits.

30 minutes of visiting such a room on weekdays will cost about 90 rubles, on weekends and holidays the price can be increased. Usually, in playrooms, parents are allowed to accompany a child under 3 years old for free, a separate fee is charged for escorting older children (from 30 rubles). It will be necessary to establish the maximum time spent by the child in the playroom.

An entertainment complex for children will be profitable depending on the season: with a cold snap on the street, tomboys are more often given to such rooms, but in the summer, on the contrary, they try to take them out of town, to fresh air, so you should not count on big profits in the summer months. Also on weekdays, the visit will be more after 6 hours, when parents pick up the children from kindergartens and go shopping, leaving the children in the playrooms. The work schedule will be more convenient to do from 9:00 to 21:00 h.

Main conclusions

Children's game center business plan

Opening a children's entertainment complex will require about 1,500 million rubles, most of which will be spent on the purchase and installation of equipment. Such an institution will be able to pay off in a year.

So, this article should help in resolving the issue of how to open a children's entertainment complex. A business plan will also help you with this.

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Very valuable advice and advice. In the future I will use this plan. Thank!!!
Thank you very much ! Extracted more useful information.
Thank you very much for such comprehensive and useful information, in the future I’ll be required but I will use your advice :-)


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