
How to get housing for a soldier. Unified register of military housing

The receipt of housing by the military is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 76. This right, in particular, is established in Art. 15 of the said Law. Let us further consider how housing is provided for military personnel. military housing

General information

The provision of housing for military personnel has its own specifics. In particular, for some categories of persons, apartments are provided after the first five years of fulfilling their duties, to others after 20 years or upon dismissal from the ranks of the troops for good reason. Some military personnel can use only a mortgage or a state housing certificate.

Empowering citizens

In order to assist military personnel in resolving housing issues, the state transfers obligations from in-kind to cash, that is, provides compensation. This, in turn, allows citizens to independently choose the quality and size of the acquired property, as well as the place where it will be located. The ability to purchase housing after 3 years of participation in the funded mortgage system, even before the end of the service, along with the above possibilities, is one of the forms of exercising the right to housing. military housing register

Subjects of law

In accordance with Art. 2 Law Governing military status apart from himself, his relatives can also receive housing. In particular, the subjects of law include:

  • Children over 18 years of age who become disabled before coming of age.
  • Spouse / spouse.
  • Minor children.
  • Persons who are dependent on an employee.
  • Children under 23 years old, studying in full-time educational institutions.
  • Other relatives provided for in the Federal Law or other regulatory acts.

Clarification of norms

In accordance with Art. 69 LCD RF, upon receipt of housing under the contract social. family members are parents, children, spouses, living together and who are citizens of the Russian Federation. Other relatives, as well as disabled dependents, belong to this category only if they are moved by the tenant into the apartment and they run a common household. In court, family members and other persons may be recognized in exceptional cases. The provisions referred to in Art. 69 LCDs should be used in determining the rights of an employee’s family to receive a particular dwelling. This is indicated in paragraph 22 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of February 14, 2000.

Terms established by law

The procedure and grounds in accordance with which housing is provided for a military serviceman, together with the provisions of the Law on their status, is regulated by the LC. Under current law, any citizen of the category in question must be transferred premises within three months from the date of his arrival at the place of discharge of his debt. In this case, we are talking about office housing. unified register of housing for military personnel

Employment contract

The Law provides for a special procedure for persons who entered into a contract before 01/01/1998 and their relatives who are with him. Such citizens can be accommodated in dormitories or residential office premises for the first 5 years of service. A contract of employment is concluded with such persons. The document defines the procedure in accordance with which this housing is provided for a military serviceman, his release, as well as maintenance. The contract is drawn up in a standard form, which is approved by Government Decision No. 487.After dismissal in some cases, a citizen may acquire ownership of housing. For a soldier whose contract has expired, another room may be provided. However, if it was not provided to him, and he did not exercise the right to re-register the apartment (if permitted by law) for himself, then he is obliged to free the space occupied by him within three months. housing for military personnel

Protected Categories

It is not allowed to evict from residential office premises without providing housing in exchange for citizens who need special state guardianship. Such categories are established in the Federal Law and the legislation of entities. These include:

  1. Relatives of military personnel who have died (deceased) or disappeared in the course of their performance of official duties (duty).
  2. Senior citizens by age.
  3. Citizens who became disabled 1, 2 groups as a result of injuries, injuries, shell shocks that were received during the performance of a duty or as a result of a disease associated with the service.


Housing for the military should be provided in order of priority. In this case, the norms and facilities that are provided for in the RF Housing Code are taken into account. The subsidy to military personnel for housing is established by the Federal Law and regulatory acts of the entity in whose territory the military unit is located. At the same time, citizens who have the right to the priority provision of premises, housing is allocated earlier than those who entered the register in the same year, but do not have benefits.

Additional circumstances

Housing for military personnel is also provided subject to civil transactions and actions, the performance of which led to a reduction in the size of the occupied space or to their alienation. These circumstances are taken into account for the period established in the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation, prior to the provision of an apartment to a citizen under a social contract. hiring, but not less than 5 years. housing subsidy

Required documents

Housing for military personnel is available upon request. The petition must be accompanied by documents confirming that the citizen is in need of an apartment, allocated under the social contract. hiring. These include, in particular:

  • Statement of track record, certificate of family composition papers confirming the service and containing information about its total duration.
  • Copies of St. v. On divorce / marriage, if any.
  • Inquiries from the place of residence of the serviceman and his relatives since 1991: information from house books; Messages (certificates) from BTI until Jan 31. 1998 year.
  • Copies of financial l / s from the place of residence of the employee and his relatives for a five-year period before the filing date of the application.
  • Information about the TIN of a citizen and family members.
  • Data on the rights of citizens, which contains the Unified Register of Housing for Military Personnel and Their Relatives in the Russian Federation since January 31, 1998.
  • Copies of papers on the provision of additional social guarantees regarding the allocation of housing in accordance with the law.

If copies of financial documents and documents from previous places of residence cannot be obtained, citizens present certificates of impossibility to provide them. It is allowed to transfer other documents that confirm the rights of those in need.

Unified register of military housing

For the first time, an electronic information base has become available since September 30, 2010. Access to the register of housing for military personnel is available to all contracting citizens who have received a corresponding individual unique number. The database can be used online, regardless of time zone or region. The register of housing for military personnel can be visited by going to the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Previously, the database contained information only about the citizens themselves, performing their duty under the contract. Today, the amount of information has increased significantly. military housing 2014

What can I use the base for?

Through the registry, you can:

  • Check if the personal data is filled in correctly.
  • Get information about changes in legislation, regulations adopted by the Government.
  • Find out the place where housing will be built. It can be indicated to the settlement and specific address.
  • See a map of the construction for the coming period and find out possible settlement options.
  • Get information on the date of registration.
  • Find out the place in the queue.
  • Get a list of documents that are necessary for registration of ownership of an apartment.


She relies if housing was not provided to the military. The year 2014 was marked by the introduction of a new procedure for assisting those in need of buying apartments. By decision of the Government, persons belonging to this category began to receive monetary compensation instead of providing premises. The amount established by the state is sufficient for the acquisition of housing both in a new building and in the secondary market. In this case, citizens themselves can choose the area where it will be located, and even another city. The opportunity to buy a room in the secondary market allows you to purchase an area larger than in a new building. Moreover, the quality of housing can be quite decent. receipt of housing by military personnel

The procedure for recognizing citizens in need of housing

Assignment to this category is carried out according to Art. 51 LCD RF. In need of housing are recognized military personnel living on official housing, having a duration of performance of the debt as a whole more than 20 years. This category includes citizens who were dismissed when they reached the age limit, due to health reasons or on the basis of organizational and staffing events with a total length of stay in the army of 10 years or more.

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