
How to develop the brain: games, recommendations and ways

The modern environment surrounding a person requires him to use all his life resources. Often, for normal functioning, he has to combine the creative and analytical sides of his personality, but they are not always developed as much as necessary, so training can help reach new heights.

Human brain

As you know, the brain consists of hemispheres: right and left. Despite the almost complete external symmetry, they can be developed in different ways. Their close interconnected work is responsible for the vital activity of the organism and the personal characteristics of a person. Developed cerebral hemispheres allow a person to gain new abilities and experience.

how to develop a brain

Right hemisphere

The right hemisphere is responsible for the emotional perception of the world by a person. That it controls all the emotions experienced by the personality at the moment. It can be anger, rage, sadness, discontent, or any other negative emotions. As a rule, the more developed right hemisphere of the brain is among extroverts, music and art lovers, that is, those who are able to perceive beauty in full.

Typically, such people have good intuition and build their arguments based on it. They prefer to be based on their feelings, conjectures, ideas or examples from life. Learning a foreign language takes place using the process of working the right hemisphere of the brain. It is also responsible for the person’s awareness of unity with nature, the perception of man and all that surrounds him as an inseparable whole, his acceptance of the past and present, as well as facial expressions and gestures. The right side is involved in spatial orientation and location.

Left hemisphere

Most recently, doctors believed that the left hemisphere is dominant. The left side is responsible for the logic of man, the sequence of his chain of reasoning. People who have more developed left hemisphere of the brain, well perceive letters, signs, symbols, remember names and dates, understand words, their meaning, analyze the facts. They are easily given work with computational operations, with mathematical, chemical and physical calculations and formulas.

They often strive to stand out from the crowd, and they do it very well. The left hemisphere controls mental processes and is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and joy. Also, with the help of it, the process of learning the native language, improving speech, writing, reading techniques is happening. It participates in the coordination of human movements. While listening to music, the areas of the brain that are responsible for learning and memory make it work in an enhanced mode, while releasing hormones of happiness.

Brain Hemisphere Test

To learn how to develop the cerebral hemispheres, you first need to understand which one is dominant and which requires additional training. There are a huge number of tests for this. First you need to extend your arms in front of you and put your fingers in the lock. Pay attention to the thumb of which hand was on top. This will allow you to know which hemisphere of the brain is better developed, that is, which of them is dominant. You can still clap your hands and note which hand was on top. Another good way to identify the dominant hemisphere is to cross your arms over your chest. It should be noted which forearm will be on top.

brain development games

To get started, it’s worth trying to draw pictures in your head, they must be positive, bright and happy. Silence and a state of calm will help with this. You can turn on your favorite music.Step by step, draw elements, patterns, and strokes. Work with colors. Let the picture be colorful. This can last from a few minutes to an hour or more, in a word, how much you want. As a rule, such a simple method gives very great results. With it, you can develop your brain so that it will be configured to receive intuitive answers to long-worrying questions that affect unresolved life problems.

Here's a simple quick-witted test to see if your brain is capable of reading this kind of information. The letters encoded by numbers at first seem incomprehensible in the word, but nevertheless, the developed brain quickly gets used to previously inaccessible notations for it and reads such an encryption as regular text.

94НН03 С006Щ3НИ3 П0К4ЗЫ8437, К4КИ3 У9И8И73ЛНИ3 83ЩИ М0Ж37 93Л47Ь Н4Ш Р4ЗУМ! 8P3CH47LICHNY3 83SCHI! CH4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84Sh R4ZUM CHI7437 E70 4870M47ICH3SKI, N3 Z49UMY84YAS 06 E70M. H0R9IS. ONLY 0PR393L3NNY3 LYU9 AND M0GU7 PR0CHI747 E70.

The meaning of the following exercise is very simple. It is necessary to pay attention not to the word, but to its color. This allows the brain to not only perceive and analyze the word, but also switch to the perception of its color scheme.

how to develop the right brain

Foreign languages

Those who have ever wondered how to develop the brain while studying can freely begin to learn a foreign language. This is useful not only for those who are going to go abroad and get a lot of impressions, but also for those who want to understand a different culture. Remembering new words, studying the structure of sentences, doing exercises can be turned into interesting games that develop the brain.


Sports can also suggest how to develop the brain. During training, he is involved in controlling human movements, respectively, when push-ups, squats, throws, swinging the press of the hemisphere get a good charge. Of course, indirectly. The fact is that when you exercise, the body produces a protein that is involved in the development of neurons. Because of this, blood circulation improves, blood enters the brain, nourishes it, enriches it with oxygen, as a result of which it begins to work more efficiently.

If there is not enough time for systematic training, then regular, but regular exercise will also benefit and show how to develop the brain. It should start with training the vestibular apparatus. It can be tilts, turns, pulling up, jumping. You can stand on your toes and at the same time reach out and look up. Such an exercise can help a lot in organizing coordination of movements.

how to develop the hemisphere of the brain


Memory is a necessary component of human life. It is she who is responsible for maintaining information in consciousness. Scientists have suggested some simple ways to develop the brain while working with memory. First you need to take your old album with photos, choose any photo and try to reproduce in your head what is depicted on it. It would be nice to feel all the emotions that you experienced at that time, to reflect on this a bit.

Another good way is to talk with yourself or with an imaginary interlocutor. You can ask him about something and present his answer. This will help to find the source of information embedded in your brain at a subconscious level.


Scientists believe that ambidextras are special people. Their brain is much better developed than ordinary people. Scientists have proven that conventional mirror painting can help achieve very good results in the development of your brain. You can take a blank sheet of paper, pens in both hands and try to draw simple symmetrical shapes, gradually complicating the drawing. Then you can display patterns and, finally, try to write with two hands. This activates the brain as a whole and makes it work in multitasking mode, which, of course, will only benefit.

Another effective method is to change the dominant hand.People who are used to writing and drawing only with their right hand need to periodically do the usual things with their left. And lefties, on the contrary, are right-handed. At first it seemed easy, but it wasn’t there. You can start by changing the location of the mouse. For example, you are used to the fact that it is always on the right side. Try to take it in your left hand and perform the same functions. The same applies to brushing your teeth, turning pages, pressing buttons on the remote control or phone. At first it will be difficult for the brain to adapt to changes, it will come out clumsily and awkwardly, so it takes a little patience before the first results appear.

developed the left hemisphere of the brain


Before you figure out how to develop the right brain, you need to understand how music affects it. A lesson in music trains imagination, figurative perception of information, emotionality. The brain processes a large number of streams of musical information, involves the brain centers responsible for its perception and processing, forcing both hemispheres of the brain to work at once.

Many scholars assure that listening to classical music can develop the brain. This is especially true of Mozart's music. Such conclusions should be believed if only because his works set the brain in the right way, the body relaxes, calms down. It draws attention, and it is easier for a person to concentrate, get rid of negative emotions.

developed right brain


Creativity has always been considered the best way to get your head to work to the maximum. This is a kind of game that develops the brain, only for interests. For example, writing involves completely different thought processes. This analysis, and finding solutions in difficult situations, and filtering unnecessary information, the choice from a huge data set of what is required to write a work or article. In addition, before starting work, a person needs to master some of the elements that he will need in the future.developed cerebral hemispheres

As mentioned above, the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. Drawing of both simple geometric figures and full-length paintings activates areas of the brain aimed at solving various problems. Accordingly, for those who are looking for how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, while choosing the most interesting method, it is drawing that is well suited. This also includes writing music and poetry.

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