
What is human IQ and how is it measured?

How to understand how great your mental abilities? What is the potential of your brain and is it difficult to find out? As it turned out, it became possible to find answers to these questions due to the fact that mankind invented a universal coefficient relatively long ago. What is IQ? This reduction is familiar to everyone today, however, if you dig deeper, you will find that most people have a rather vague idea of ​​this. It is well known how many tests there are in order to find out and calculate your mental abilities.

The emergence of the concept of IQ

It would seem that there is nothing simpler, but as soon as scientists seriously took up this topic, a lot of questions and, so to speak, white spots arose. Why did it happen? There are as many myths and legends on this subject as there are IQ tests. It is generally accepted that the most reliable and accurate test was invented by the German scientist Hans Eisenck around the forties. While working in the laboratories on his work, he tried to find out whether the size and weight of the brain affects his activity and mental abilities of a person. what is iq

What is IQ? Just logical thinking or something more

He developed a system where the subject for a certain period must pass the test in the form of several dozen small logical tasks. It is created in such a way that a person can most effectively use his logical thinking. It is generally accepted that the average or normal indicator is equal to a hundred. It is this result that is most common among most of the world's population. According to the test, for talented or highly gifted personalities, it is one hundred and twenty.iq testConversely, in mentally retarded and not so capable people, the coefficient ranges from fifty to ninety. It is good to know that such an IQ is inherent in only three percent of the world's population. Having dealt with the indicators and their value, we can proceed to the emerging issues. Not so long ago it became known about a little girl whose coefficient after passing the test was one hundred thirty-five. This caused general surprise, because, according to the test results, the girl is smarter than specialists in nuclear physics.

World famous test

What is the catch? Scientists came to the conclusion that the IQ level of a person mainly depends on brain rhythms, therefore it is perfectly normal that the child’s coefficient exceeds the rate of great scientists. And the activity of the human brain directly depends on the environment and the work of the body. Lack of sleep, overwork, and stress can significantly reduce IQ. Initially, such tests were not in the public domain, but were intended only for educational institutions, but over time, this information appeared on the World Wide Web, and now everyone can learn their abilities and mental potential.iq optionToday, to pass the IQ test, it is enough to find it on the Internet and spend about five minutes of your time, which is not particularly difficult. Thousands of people around the world have already passed it and shared their impressions, leaving feedback. IQ tests pleased most of the subjects. As it turned out, many are several indicators above their employers and bosses. The subjects underwent various tests for the “mental coefficient” and were pleasantly surprised that the answers do not diverge, but confirm each other.

Explanation of indicators

In general, people left a pretty good impression, of course, with the exception of those whose indicator was below average or mediocre.Some influential scientists are of the opinion that in the world there are many other factors that affect and determine intelligence. Of course, they should also be taken into account. It would be wrong to judge an individual’s ability based solely on the results of an IQ test. From day to day, people evaluate and, so to speak, test the world around them based on non-verbal moments in behavior. Even after a short but informative conversation, a person at a subconscious level comes to certain conclusions regarding the mental abilities of the interlocutor. iq reviewsIt is noteworthy that in people whose IQ is above average, the first impression of a stranger is rarely erroneous. The prevailing opinion is subsequently difficult to change, often it requires quite convincing arguments and arguments. Many years of research by experts have confirmed another interesting fact: among relatives, friends and other close people, the IQ level is approximately at the same level and is as similar as possible.

IQ and binary options

The level of intellectual development plays an important role for those who participate in binary options. For those who have not come across such a concept, we can say that this is a certain financial instrument with a predetermined amount of potential profit. Options are attractive in that they make it possible to effortlessly receive an amount two or three times higher than your own investment, and in some cases, profit can be one hundred percent. iq levelIQ Option is a broker of modern binary options. Trading on them, as is already known, can bring profit or, conversely, loss in the shortest possible time. As a rule, it is easier for people with a high IQ level to trade on trading exchanges, because, according to the test, they have more developed logical thinking and other intellectual abilities that are so important in financial matters.take an iq test

Inconsistent data

As was already mentioned at the beginning of the article, this field of science is far from completely explored. It is known that in this system there are a number of gross shortcomings and errors. After all, how else can one explain the fact that Bill Gates had a result of one hundred and sixty, and that of Muhammad Ali - only seventy-eight, which is below average. According to this scheme, the smartest person can be both stupid and vice versa.

It turns out pretty paradoxical picture. Based on pre-existing facts and evidence, everyone decides for himself whether to trust such tests or not. Of course, how accurately you can determine the level of intelligence directly depends on the test that we use. As for IQ itself, in the modern professional environment this indicator is rarely taken into account when hiring. Rather, the qualifications and professional skills of the person who is trying to get a position are taken. Therefore, you should not focus only on this coefficient. Indeed, such a subjective and vague concept as the human mind is rather difficult to evaluate objectively.What is IQ?

There is a place for research

What is IQ? As you know, a person’s brain works by only one percent, if all its secrets and features open up at least a little over time, this may mean that the greatest mystery in the world is revealed - the work of the human mind.

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