
How to change the name: step by step instructions

There are many reasons why a person is puzzled by the question of how to change a name. Most often, the reason is banal - just do not like what was given at birth. Well, in our life everything is solved, and there are several answers to the question regarding how to change the name.

how to change name


Becoming a passport holder with new data is a small problem. Although many people think differently, believing that this process carries a huge amount of difficulties. But in fact, there are no harsh conditions, the most important thing is that a person should be 14 years old at that time. From the moment a child reaches this age, he has the opportunity to change his first name, middle name or last name of his own free will and at any time. The only thing is that up to the age of 18, the consent of the trustee or parents will also be required.

The reason why I would like to carry out this operation also does not bother anyone. If a person does not like his name - well, this is not so rare. And, in fact, the same with middle names. Because it often happens that a mother’s brother or grandfather is much closer to a person than his biological father, from whom he only got a middle name. It is clear that as a result there is a desire to change it.

Name Patronymic name

What is needed from the documents?

So, although changing the name is a fairly simple process, there are some difficulties in this matter, as in any other. And the first one is in the documents. How to change the name, what is needed for this? The first thing is to contact the registry office. And you need to have a statement with you, which indicates that a person wants to change - it can be a surname, name, patronymic.

It will also be necessary to provide birth certificate. In the event that a person is married, then a certificate of his marital status will also be required. It happens that with the requirement to change the name in the passport, a divorced person applies. Divorce certificate will also need to be provided in that case. Still need birth certificates for their children, but this is if they are still underage. This is necessary in order to make appropriate amendments to their documents as well.

Legal provisions

About how to change the name, what is needed for this and what nuances does this process have, is described in detail in the federal law “On acts of civil status”. And before asking questions, you should study it. In this provision, it is written that if a person wants to change passport data (it does not matter that this is his last name, first name, middle name), then he will need to wait a month from the passport office for an answer. In any case, it must be considered for this period. There are rarely cases in which it is increased. But the maximum period does not exceed two months. And if such a need arises, then a person must be informed of this in a mandatory case.

change of surname

Replacing documents

So, when the fact of the change of surname is carried out, a person will have to issue a special certificate, which will become the basis for replacing the passport. This is the second stage; everything needs to be documented. To obtain such a certificate, you must come to the passport office at the place of residence. And in addition to this document, you will need a statement to replace or issue a passport, two photographs (of a standard generally accepted standard) and all papers that are mandatory for affixing appropriate marks in a new identity card. This is a birth certificate of children, a military ID, a certificate confirming registration, a certificate of marriage or its dissolution and a passport.And still it is necessary to pay a state duty. But the change of surname does not end there either.

The fact is that changing your last name or first name is a simple process, but it takes a lot of time. The main difficulty lies not so much in filing papers as in the fact that you have to change a whole bunch of documents. In addition to all of the above, you will still need to get a new document on education. And it’s good if the name change occurs while the person is a student - there will be no particular problems in getting a diploma.

Full Name

Document Update

Perhaps the replacement of all of the above is the most difficult stage. But with the main problems does not arise. These are a driver’s license, a compulsory medical insurance policy, a foreign passport and payroll cards.

By the way, many are afraid of the stage of replacing a diploma of education. Strict legislation that would regulate this process does not exist. It's just that in the REGISTRY OFFICE, a person changing his name / patronymic is given a certificate that says that he now has other passport data. And with such a document, both the certificate and the diploma are absolutely legitimate.

By the way, often an employer helps a person renew documents. Anyway, questions about SNILS replacement, health insurance he can do. Only your employer will need to be informed about this.

Perhaps the biggest difficulty is the replacement of documents with real estate or with some other property. The same thing applies to gift giving and heredity. However, this can be addressed a little later. The first stage is the replacement of the passport, and only then you should take care of other issues.

Replacing a foreign passport

How to change the name in a foreign document? So, everything is simple. Firstly, this procedure is quite simple, and it can be carried out at any time - our Russian legislation does not limit these terms in any way. And if there are no plans to leave somewhere in the near future, you can not think about it. However, the delay is also not necessary.

The application is submitted to the OVIR, and there it has been reviewed and approved for several weeks. Along with this document, you will need to submit your new passport, its photocopies (you must duplicate all pages that have any marks), a certificate of citizenship (but this if it was received after 09/01/1992), four photographs (3.5x4.5), a receipt on payment of the state duty (its size is about a thousand rubles) and, of course, your old foreign document. Then it remains only to wait until the name change in the passport is carried out. A person must be informed about this.

name change

How to replace a medical insurance policy?

If you can wait a while with a foreign passport, then it is advisable to replace the medical policy as soon as possible. Health can fail at any moment, and nobody will treat a person with one name according to the passport and another - according to the policy.

A name change in this document is possible after applying to the insurance company. Least of all hassle is required if the employer takes care of the replacement, as mentioned above. Well, all the detailed information about this procedure can be found by contacting the insurance company. On average, a replacement will take two months. In addition to the application, it will be necessary to provide three more documents - a new Russian passport, medical policy, insurance certificate (SNILS).

how to change the name and surname

Driver's license

Many people think about how to change the name in their driver’s license. This is just as important as replacing a passport. After all, everyone knows how the use of invalid rights is punished. So, how to change the first and last name in your ID? To do this, you must contact either the MREO or the traffic police. Usually, replacement is performed in two months. Before you go there, you need to collect some documents. There are slightly more of them than you need to replace the rest of the certificates.

The first is, of course, a new passport with changed passport data. The second is the original and a copy of the marriage certificate. You will also need to show a medical certificate confirming the suitability of a person to drive a car. This is the most unloved stage for those people who decided to change their name in rights. You will also need a driver’s card, a receipt for paying the state duty (its size is about 800 rubles) and, finally, old rights.

But there is one plus - it is not necessary to change documents to your car, numbers, and also power of attorney. You just need to make the appropriate changes to the TCP and get a new registration certificate of the vehicle.

Bank cards and accounts - do I need to change?

Definitely necessary. Without fail. In any case, the cards are accurate, but if you have your own account, you can simply inform the bank that the name, surname or middle name has been changed. Everything is simple - it will be necessary to come to the department with a new document and certificate issued at the registry office. Employees will review the information provided and make the appropriate changes to their database. This process is perhaps the fastest of all that accompany the change of passport data - it will take only a few days.

change of name in passport

Replacing a work book

This is also important. Although they get to the work book in the last turn. And after the rights, medical policy, insurance certificate, cards and passport have been replaced, this seems like a trifle. And everything is actually nowhere simpler - it will be necessary to go to the personnel service of the company in which the person works. And in fact, nothing needs to be done. It is only necessary to provide the photocopied copies of the certificate of replacement of the full name and a new passport. An employee of the personnel department will do the same as was the case with the replacement of data on the bank account - they will correct them in the database and make the corresponding entries in the work book.

The processes associated with the change of name, surname or patronymic to many seem very tedious and complex. Therefore, many abandon the idea of ​​doing this. Some girls do not even take the name of their chosen one after marriage, because they do not want to do all of the above. However, you just need to be patient and spend some time. The most difficult thing is to fill out questionnaires and applications.

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