
How to create your own clothing brand: promotion methods and costing

Do you have a desire to communicate with the stars who often appear on the pages of magazines, with famous models, as well as sit at fashion shows without fail in the forefront?

Or maybe you want to have your own store in a popular shopping center? If, in addition to specialized education and the makings of a designer, you have a desire to make this world more beautiful, then you should carefully study the following question: “How to create your own brand of clothing?”.

Force assessment

How to make your own clothing brand? To do this, you do not have to be a designer by profession. The passion for fashion and the presence of a sense of beauty are important. It will take some work experience in this area. An undoubted advantage is the familiarity with the activities of a garment factory or with the work of a retail outlet that sells clothes. Useful experience in a large studio, in a company engaged in the supply of clothing, or in a fashion magazine.

how to create your own clothing brand

In the absence of such opportunities, it is worth getting an intern in a large company. One or two years of work will provide a certain amount of knowledge. An important factor will be the accumulation of certain capital. Work in the company will give not only experience. You will get the necessary connections that will help you grow your own business.

Concept definition

In today's market there is a huge brands of clothing. In order to gain recognition, your line must certainly stand out with something.

How to create your own clothing brand? To do this, you will need to develop exclusive collections in which there will be a large percentage of handmade or inexpensive youth outfits. First of all, you need to have an idea of ​​your potential customers and the requirements that they will put forward when choosing models. All these questions require answers even before the start of opening a business.

how to create a clothing brand

The easiest way is if you are really familiar with the target audience. Even better if you are one of its representatives. For example, for inveterate club visitors there is no problem answering the question about those outfits that are in demand at parties.

In the same way, athletes will always determine those models that are the best suited for physical exercises. If you do not have such knowledge, then you should wander around the shopping centers and get acquainted with the concepts that popular manufacturers offer.

How to create your own brand of clothing, if there is no bright idea that you are sure of yet? In this case, it is not worth rushing to open the brand. It will take some time to gain experience, which can be gained by organizing, for example, your own franchise store.

Strategy Design

How to create your own brand of clothing if the concept of your own business has already been formed? All details of the upcoming project must be described in the business plan being prepared. This document will be a definite guide to action. In addition, a perfectly designed business plan will be a powerful argument in the eyes of the investor to make a decision in your favor. When developing a project strategy, it is important to consider the following:

- the general concept of the brand and the uniqueness of its proposals;
- a description of the main models and directions;
- a plan for the development of the collection and its further production;
- Niches available on the market, target audience and main competitors;
- A plan to promote the created brand, including the likelihood of wholesale sales and the opening of its own store
- the prospect of developing a line with access to the international market or the sale of a franchise.

how to create your own clothing brand

Cost calculation

- Work on the brand name - from ten dollars to three thousand. Specialized companies also offer to test the options under consideration on ordinary customers. Such a service will cost 1-10 thousand dollars.

- Development of a corporate logo - from 150 to 2500 $.

- Final tests on potential consumers and brand registration - $ 300-1000.

On average, creating your own brand will have to spend 3-3.5 thousand dollars.

Investor Search

How to create a clothing brand? First, you need cash that can be provided by the investor. Where to find him? Search for an investor must be carried out among successful businessmen, attending thematic conferences and specialized exhibitions.

It should be borne in mind that an offer with a ready-made business plan will be attractive in which a thorough calculation of the initial costs has already been made. The document should contain photographs of finished samples. An attractive idea for investors will be a bright idea, considerable professional experience or the possibility of implementing a franchise for opening stores selling clothes of your brand.

vehicle branding

First stage

Even before writing a business plan, you will need to come up with the name of your own brand. It should be memorable and bright, just perceived by ear and written in letters of the Latin alphabet. If your own imagination is not enough, then you can consult with friends, relatives or acquaintances from social networks, promising as a prize for the name invented a discount when buying future models. After that, you should create your own page on the Internet. It is worth remembering that only brand promotion on the World Wide Web will allow new models to break through consumer market.

how to create a clothing line

How to create a clothing line if a full-scale business is not yet ready for launch? Several samples should be sewn on their own or ordered at the studio. At the same time, the quality of the models should be impeccable. In this case, it will be easier to find an investor for your project.


Creating your own brand from scratch is always difficult. The main difficulty lies in the selection of highly qualified personnel. The chief assistant to the designer, especially at the initial stage, is the designer. This specialist transfers all the sketches to the fabric. How well the outfit will fit on different types of figures, as well as the choice of fabric for a particular dress, depends on the quality of the designer’s work.

Another important specialist is a technologist who knows the secrets of the ideal quality of clothes and all the details of tailoring.

Model development and production

An important and exciting stage is the creation of the first collection. It should embody your vision of the brand and reveal the nature of the new clothing line. It is desirable that the collection contains not only basic things, but also exclusive outfits. After creating a sketch of the model, the designer will develop a prototype of the product and its pattern. The technologist will determine the sequence of assembly of clothes and create the first instance.

Own sewing workshop for mass production opening is not necessary. It is enough to conclude a contract with a factory in any region, providing them with their own fabric and patterns.


An important condition for successful sales is brand recognition. This will require creative and vibrant advertising. For clothing designed for young people, the most effective promotion on the Internet. One of the options for outdoor advertising will be branding of vehicles. This move will increase not only the level of sales, but also the rating of the company.

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