
Age qualification for leadership positions in the Russian Federation. Age restrictions in various fields of activity

Occupation of certain posts and certain types of activities involves age restrictions. For their implementation in Russia, as in most other civilized countries, such a concept as age qualification has been introduced. Spheres of restrictions and age limits are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government of the Russian Federation

The law on age limits states that every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached eighteen years of age has the right to participate in the election of the government of the country. Persons from 21 to 35 years old have the right to propose their candidacy, which depends on the proposed position. A citizen who has reached the age of thirty may become a member of the Federation Council. Deputies of the State Duma shall not be younger than twenty-one years.

age qualification of the president of the russian federation

In the subjects of the Russian Federation:

  • legislative bodies of state power - from twenty one years;
  • local governments - from twenty one years;
  • the head of the executive branch is thirty years old.

President of the Russian Federation

The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation provides for the fulfillment of mandatory conditions. First of all, the age limit is observed - adult citizens are allowed to vote. Persons held in places of deprivation of liberty and incompetent people may not vote.

Any resident of the country who meets certain conditions can take the post of president of Russia.

  • Censorship of citizenship. The candidate for the position must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. This does not take into account the method of its production.
  • Censorship of Settlement. A contender may not be a person who has lived in the country for less than ten years. This period should not be interrupted, except for business trips, vacations and other similar trips abroad.
  • The age qualification of the president of the Russian Federation. A resident of the country who has reached thirty-five years of age may become the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. There are no upper age limits to date.


Article 119 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulates the requirements for representatives of the judiciary, including the mandatory age requirement for a judge. It depends on the alleged responsibility and complexity of the work.

  • 25 years - the arbitration court of a subject of the Russian Federation, district, constitutional, military (garrison), world.
  • 30 years - regional, military (district), regional, arbitration, federal.
  • 35 years - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Loan of the Russian Federation.
  • 40 years - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The age limit of a judge is seventy years.

age qualification for judge

There are other requirements for this position. The more influential the representative of the judiciary, the more restrictions and prohibitions the post assumes. For example, no judge should be seen in immoral acts and deeds discrediting honor and a good name. Inaccessible participation in political life, joining parties and their financial support, occupying leadership positions in any social movements (including those that are not related to politics). Of course, a judge is required to comply with the law, like all other citizens. Here are just watching him carried out even more attentive.


On January 1, 2015, the amendments made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation entered into force. They determine the age limit for the leaders of organizations engaged in scientific activities. Under the new law, the position of leader and his deputy can belong to citizens no older than sixty-five years.Upon reaching this age, the pensioner is subject to transfer to another position.

age qualification for managers

By decision of the founder and the general meeting of the collective, a delay of this restriction is possible for no more than five years. The censorship affects employees of both state and municipal scientific organizations.

Such measures are aimed at “rejuvenating” the team and relieving managers of the responsible administrative burden. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to devote all time to scientific activity.

age law

Food restrictions

The Russian Federation has a law restricting the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. Low alcohol and cigarettes can be sold to people over the age of eighteen, and high alcohol drinks are only available to those who have crossed the twenty-one year mark. Selling prohibited products to minors is punishable by fines, their amount can reach three hundred thousand rubles.

age qualification

In European countries, a similar age limit is observed, but the age of people who have bad habits is twenty-one years and older. A similar amendment to the Constitution is planned in the Russian Federation, since the problem of teenage smoking and alcoholism is very relevant. According to the government, eighteen-year-olds cannot make an informed decision whether to drink alcohol or not, to smoke or not. Scientists say that by the age of twenty-one, a person is able to make the right choice.

Mass culture

Since 2012, Russia has introduced a mandatory age requirement for mass information products. All films, television shows, video games and theatrical productions containing scenes of violence, erotic content or demonstration of bad habits are available to citizens over sixteen years of age.

Television was especially affected by the new restrictions. Now, in connection with such censorship, at the beginning of each program, film or commercial, graphic marking should appear, which contains information about the age limit. All cultural and informational works intended only for adults can be reproduced from eleven to three in the morning at local time.

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