
How to get on the labor exchange: legal advice

The realities of the modern world are such that each of us can unexpectedly replenish the ranks of the unemployed.

How to help yourself with such a problem

how to get on the labor exchange

What to do after losing a job is a personal matter for each of us. Someone may despair and become depressed, someone does not look for work at all, but devote themselves to family affairs (most often this option is chosen by women), and someone tries to look for work through friends or a worldwide network. Should I join the labor exchange? Everyone decides for himself.

How will the exchange help? Why do you need to get up there?

where to get on the labor exchange

The exchange helps people who apply to it in finding a job that matches their knowledge and experience, and helps them get a job. It is important that this organization provides all this assistance for free. Other services are also available free of charge. About them will be discussed later.

Where to get on the labor exchange and what kind of help you can count on

Assistance is provided in collaboration on job search with employment center (labor exchange). That is, if you want the labor exchange to help you, you can register at the institution of your city. Specialists of this organization can help in resolving the following issues:

  1. To navigate in a large number of areas that the labor market has in our time, and choose the one that suits you, corresponds to your knowledge and experience.
  2. Learn a new profession or retrain from one specialization to another, more necessary for you at the moment.
  3. Get the opportunity to participate in community service while you are looking for a position that will be permanent for you. It is important that public Works are paid.
  4. Register as an individual entrepreneur if you would like to open your own business.
  5. Move to another city to work there if a job is found that is more suitable for you.

And of course, those who turn to this organization will receive the most important help: the selection of suitable work at the place of residence.

What is the material assistance provided by the labor exchange

You should know how to get on the labor exchange, including in order to receive money from the employment service during the period when you still do not have a permanent job. The person who applied to this organization can count on the following payments:

  1. Allowance. Unemployment benefits are paid also when a citizen participates in community service paid by an organization, or when he is temporarily incapacitated for one reason or another.
  2. When a citizen takes courses in training, retraining or advanced training, he can count on receiving a scholarship.
  3. After the benefit payment period expires, the citizen has the right to rely on material assistance.
  4. If the person who applied to the labor exchange decides to move to another region to work there, he will be paid a lump sum allowance.
  5. Pension for the period remaining until the start of the retirement pension, or early appointment of this type of payment.

Costs compensated by the state

How to get on the labor exchange, you should also know because the state not only pays money to citizens who are registered, but also compensates them for a number of expenses, namely:

  1. The service compensates for the costs of registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. If the employment service has sent a citizen for training, the state will compensate for the costs of a medical examination, if necessary.
  3. If the exchange sent a citizen to another region to work there, the state compensates him for the cost of travel to and from the place of work, as well as per diem expenses for renting a dwelling.
  4. Travel to the place of study and back if the citizen is aimed at training, retraining or raising it. Also in this case, the costs of renting a living space are compensated.

How to join the labor exchange? What documents are needed for this

get on the labor exchange documents

If this is your first time visiting an employment service, you need to fill out an application to provide job search assistance services. In addition, if you consider it necessary to join the labor exchange, the documents that you will need to bring will be as follows:

  1. Passport or a document that replaces it.
  2. Documents of education, i.e. diploma, various certificates, certificates.
  3. All papers that contain information about work experience. This may be a work book, military ID, various agreements (contracts or civil law).
  4. Certificate of average earnings. In order to get it, you need to contact the accounting department of the company where you worked before you quit.
  5. Persons with disabilities must submit an individual rehabilitation program. It indicates the conditions of the work that they can perform and which they are contraindicated for health reasons.

How to get into the labor exchange if you are in a position

get on the pregnant labor exchange

There are different situations in life. For example, a woman leaves her job, and after a while she finds out that she is pregnant. She is not opposed to work before childbirth, but is not sure that they can be registered with the labor exchange.

If this situation happened in your life, you can not ask the inspector if it is possible to get pregnant at the labor exchange. Of course, this is possible. According to the law, no one can forbid a woman "in position" from joining the labor exchange, but there is one restriction - after 30 weeks of pregnancy it is no longer possible to submit papers.

The documents that a pregnant woman should submit are the same as for those people who are not “in position”. The inspector involved in the registration of the unemployed must in every way help the applicant in filling out the application and, if necessary, fill it out independently.

After 30 weeks of pregnancy have passed, a woman should no longer be registered on the exchange. She needs to take a certificate of term in the clinic and deregister. Otherwise, an overpayment will be made. All the same, the woman will receive the benefit, but she will not be paid by the employment center, but by the social protection authorities. The labor exchange assists in the search for work only to those who really need it.

How long can you stay on the labor exchange

By law, you can be registered at the employment center no longer than for three months. Two months after this, you can re-enter the labor exchange.

Is it worth it to get on the labor exchange

Definitely worth it. The government annually allocates hundreds of millions of rubles to the fight against unemployment. If you register on the exchange, you will be paid a benefit, the amount of which is from 850 to 4900 rubles. The exact amount depends on the length of your work. Of course, this is very little money, but for those who are left without work, no money will be superfluous.

In addition, you will have the chance to take courses in more than 70 areas. You can learn many computer programs for free, get the sought-after professions of a bartender, hairdresser, nail service master, learn a new foreign language or advance in the one you already know.

All this can be done absolutely free. Perhaps in the future this knowledge will give you the opportunity to get a higher position, to advance in career growth. It is very important that even if you manage to find a new job, no one will force you to drop courses halfway. You can safely go through the training to the end.

What are the disadvantages of cooperation with the labor exchange? Why is this organization not particularly popular?

In addition to the undoubted advantages, there are a number of shortcomings in the placement on the labor exchange.

  1. At least twice a month, you will need to come to the employment center and check in. If you miss the turnout date, you will be deregistered. Accordingly, you will be deprived of cash benefits.
  2. Each time you will be given a list of vacancies and firms in accordance with your education and work experience. These companies need to ring up and come for interviews. Typically, these vacancies are no longer relevant or closed. Not everyone can calmly accept the constant "no."
  3. The bulk of the job market is working professions. For specialists with high qualifications, there is practically no work. Employment agencies rarely place their vacancies at the base of the employment center. High positions are occupied by the vacancies of a policeman, nurse, security guard. About any journalists, financial analysts, lawyers and other popular professions are out of the question.

That is why it is more profitable to seek work through the Internet or in special newspapers, as well as on the websites of organizations of interest to you. It will take much less time and effort than to learn how to get on the labor exchange and implement these plans.

Therefore, it is not surprising that not many people apply to the employment center. This organization is rather a source of benefits when you need money, as well as the opportunity to take free courses and get additional “crusts”. Only for this it makes sense to find out where to get on the labor exchange. In general, it's up to you to decide whether to get registered there.

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