
How do they line up for an apartment in Russia?

The solution of the housing problem is a difficult task for the Russians. Housing in our country is not cheap, and incomes are quite low. Therefore, many families are forced to live and raise children with the older generation, in very cramped conditions. The small apartment in which grandparents live, children and grandchildren is a typical picture in Russia. There is a way out of the situation. The legislation of our country provides for some categories of citizens the opportunity to get free housing at the expense of the budget. Who are these people? What conditions are necessary for obtaining housing from the state? How do they line up for an apartment? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.

how do they queue for an apartment

Who needs free housing in Russia?

Having started an independent, adult life, people tend to separate from their parents and become independent. Own roof over your head is one of the most important signs of an independent, successful person. However, income does not always allow you to purchase your own housing and flush out of the parent's nest. In this case, the person should carefully study which of the Russian citizens has the right to queue for housing. According to the legislation, citizens of Russia, who have a very small area of ​​an apartment, have this right. Namely, it is less than the norm established by regional authorities. For example, in Moscow this norm is ten square meters, and in the region - eight. At the same time, a family applying for housing should be recognized as poor.

They can also be put on the line if people with epilepsy, schizophrenia and other diseases that cause discomfort to those around them live in a communal apartment.

If the apartment or house is unsuitable for living, and it is impossible to restore and repair them, then the family can apply for new housing. Moreover, the area of ​​old housing does not matter.

In addition, there is a preferential line for housing for some people. For example, orphans, people with diseases that are dangerous to others when living together, residents of houses who plan to demolish other categories of people.

Conditions for obtaining an apartment from the state

If you understand that you can apply for free housing from the state, you need to find out the prerequisites for queuing. The legislation provides for the following conditions:

  • the presence of Russian citizenship;
  • residency qualification in the region;
  • getting the status of the poor;
  • in the last five years, a person has not worsened their living conditions: exchanging an apartment for a smaller one, selling their apartment and buying a smaller one, registering adults in the apartment.Is it possible to queue for an apartment in the Moscow region

When all these conditions are met, you can safely apply to the local government. You must take a passport and documents with you that confirm the financial insolvency of the applicant, official papers confirming the birth of children, marriage or divorce. It should be remembered that in different regions of our country there may be a list of necessary documents. Therefore, it is worthwhile first to clarify with the authorities what papers should be brought along with the application.

Queuing procedure in Moscow

Each region sets its own rules for providing free housing. Consider how to queue for an apartment in Moscow.

how to queue for an apartment in Moscow

Only those who have been resident in the city for 10 years can apply for free housing in the capital.Candidates are not only residents of municipal apartments, but also those whose apartments are owned.

If the candidate is subject to a strict residency qualification, the first step towards the goal should be to contact the social welfare department. There, the applicant can officially receive the status of the poor. Management specialists evaluate the total income of family members and all their property (movable and immovable). To obtain the status of the poor, you will need to provide a lot of certificates of income and property. Social protection experts will evaluate all the income and property of a citizen. If, according to experts, a person cannot purchase an apartment on their own over the next 20 years, he will be given the status of a poor.

Before queuing up for an apartment in Moscow, it is necessary to collect the required minimum of documents: application, passports, birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce, individual tax identification number, documents confirming the absence of other housing in Russia, documents on the availability of benefits, If there are any. Most likely, in the process of placing themselves on the queue, self-government bodies will require other documents and certificates from the candidate.

The application will be processed within a month. Based on the results of the review, self-government bodies will make a positive or negative decision on placing them in the queue.

Housing Queuing Rules in the Moscow Region

People living in this region are interested in the question of how to queue for an apartment in the Moscow region.

Residents of this region are provided with a less severe residency qualification than Muscovites. Inhabitants of the Moscow region can apply for queuing after five years of permanent residence in this subject of the Russian Federation. Is it possible to stand in line for an apartment in the Moscow region, bypassing the residency qualification? Unfortunately, this is not possible: additional square meters are laid only for permanent residents of the region. If a person falls under this criterion, he can apply on his own behalf or on behalf of his family to a local government body with a request to recognize him as a poor. State authorities must make their decision within a month.

If officials recognized the citizen as a poor, you can continue to try to become the waiting list for free housing. It is necessary to apply to local authorities with a corresponding statement. You need to take with you documents proving the identity of the applicant and his family members, as well as official papers confirming low incomes and insufficient housing. In the queuing process, many other papers may be required. The main thing is that all documents must be official and reliable. It is not worth hiding the presence of additional income and property, as this can lead to negative consequences for the applicant and a refusal to register.

Free "squares" for large families

An important question that interests many - how do large families in Moscow queue for an apartment? Are there benefits for this category of citizens?

To the large family queued up for an apartment, it must meet all the necessary criteria for registration: qualification of settledness, lack of income and square meters.

how to queue for an apartment with a large family in Moscow

There are several programs for families with many children in Moscow. Their goal is to accelerate the process of obtaining housing in the capital for these families. We list the opportunities that the state provides to large waiting lists:

  1. Cottages for large families. Large waiting lists can live in such a cottage up to the age of sixteen of the youngest child. It is impossible to buy a cottage, the family uses it on the basis of a gratuitous use agreement.When the youngest of children reaches the age of majority, the family must leave the cottage, and the state is obliged to provide them with housing in accordance with social standards.
  2. The second option for such families is a state subsidy. Such a subsidy covers only part of the cost of the apartment. It is issued in the form of a certificate that can be spent on only one purpose - the purchase of an apartment.
  3. Social mortgage and installment plan. In this case, the waiting list purchases housing from the state on preferential terms and with deferred payment.

Before queuing up for an apartment, a large family in Moscow needs to familiarize themselves with all the opportunities that the city authorities provide, to assess their financial situation. Then the waiting list will be able to choose the best option for solving the housing problem.

Opportunities for Single Mothers

Single mothers are one of the most vulnerable categories of the population. Left without male support with children in her arms, a woman needs not only to cope with everyday life and psychological stresses, but also to provide for her family financially. Therefore, many women from this category are interested in how to queue for a single mother’s apartment. In this regard, Russian legislation has undergone negative changes. Whereas earlier mothers raising their children independently belonged to the category of beneficiaries, now they stand in line and receive housing on an equal basis with other citizens.

However, there are some opportunities for accelerated housing for single mothers. They can become participants in the program "A young family - affordable housing." In this case, the candidate for the purchase of an apartment under this program can be not only a complete family, but also one that consists of a mother and children. The main condition is that the age of a single mother should not exceed 35 years, and among children there should be at least one minor. Also, a single mother can buy housing at preferential state programs on a mortgage or in installments.

how to line up for a single mother’s apartment in Moscow

Before queuing up for a single mother’s apartment in Moscow, she will have to collect a lot of documents, confirm the low level of her income and the lack of the required number of square meters. For a single mother, such a trip to officials and collecting official papers can be a big problem. However, another option is not provided by law.

Disabled persons and their rights

Persons with disabilities is a special category of Russian citizens who need protection and assistance from the state. These people are especially acutely aware of the lack of a separate room and spacious housing. The question of how to stand in line for an apartment in Moscow for a disabled person worries both the beneficiaries themselves and their families.

how to stand in line for an apartment in Moscow for a disabled person

In general, the setting process is almost the same as for other categories of citizens. A person must confirm his financial insolvency. The area of ​​the existing real estate must be less than the social norm.

When collecting documents for queuing, a disabled candidate must also provide certificates of disability and existing diseases.

The state provides people with disabilities and their families the opportunity to get an apartment faster than other waiting lists. Such people are placed in another, preferential turn.

Other preferential categories of waiting lists

Candidates for a free apartment are interested in what other preferential categories of waiting lists exist. How to queue for an apartment in the Moscow region for a teacher, doctor, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, what benefits the capital of our country provides for orphans, residents emergency homes and other socially unprotected layers of the population - such issues concern both Muscovites and residents of the region.

According to the legislation, the following groups of citizens belong to the category of preferential waiting lists:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • war veterans;
  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • tenants of houses for demolition;
  • disaster victims.

For these people, the question of how to queue for an apartment in the Moscow region and in the capital and get housing from the state is solved much faster and more efficiently than for other citizens.

Is it possible to queue for an apartment without registration

For workers of socially significant professions (teachers and doctors), the Moscow Region provides an opportunity to receive a subsidy from the state to improve housing conditions. This subsidy can be used for preferential mortgage loans and the purchase of an apartment. It is provided to those teachers and doctors who stood in line before March 1, 2005.

Features of queuing without registration

In practice, situations often occur when a husband and wife are registered in different regions. Then the question for public housing candidates arises as to how they queue for an apartment without a residence permit in Moscow or the region.

According to the law, candidates must have a permanent registration in the region. What to do to those families where the husband and wife are registered in different regions? In this case, the application for placing in the queue should be written by that family member who is registered in the region and is suitable from the point of view of residency qualification.

Thus, the question is whether it is possible to queue for an apartment without registration in Moscow and the region, the answer is clear - this is impossible. The applicant must be a person registered in the region and living there for a certain time, established by law.

Apartment Queue Efficiency

The practice of queuing for free housing has a fairly long history in our country. During this time, many families managed to get an apartment, a subsidy or buy housing under state programs. However, it is worth noting that waiting in line takes too much time. As a rule, people expect housing from the state for 20 years or more.

Exception - preferential categories of citizens. At the same time, families continue to huddle in small apartments that accommodate several generations at once.

Legislation in this area is constantly changing and tightening. Therefore, the solution to the question of how to queue for an apartment is becoming more and more complicated.

Given the constrained housing conditions for most Russian families, it can be said that legislation in this area is not very effective.

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