
How to choose a metal tile. Which metal tile is better to choose. Reviews

Own home has always served as a place for a person who is ready to take him into their arms at any time. But not only a person needs heat, but from time to time the house needs attention and repair.

Today we want to talk a little about the most important place in the house - this is the roof. After all, it is the same as a man’s hairdo. After all, each of us visits the hairdresser from time to time, and the roof also needs care, and why not visit her architectural and construction salon?

Previously, houses were covered with straw or ceramic tiles, and a little later, slate appeared. Today, manufacturers of building materials almost every year delight us with new modern materials, which, moreover, can last quite a long time. And one of these materials is metal. And here many people ask themselves the question of how to choose a metal tile so that it is durable and able to protect the house from rain and other rainfall and has a long service life.

What is a metal tile?

A metal tile is a building material that is used to create a roof; it is made of galvanized steel. On both sides of the sheet is coated with a special solution, which includes polymers that protect the metal from corrosion. As for the color scheme, there are a large number of different shades on the market, thanks to this variety, you can ideally fit it into any interior.

How to choose a metal tile?

The history of the creation of metal

For quite some time now, people have known about such material as ceramic tiles. With its help, roofing of houses was created. But the new metal tiles began to be produced much later, its history dates back only a few tens of years. It is considered the youngest and newest roofing.

The first time she appeared in Finland about 40 years ago, Paavo Ranila created it. A little later, he even founded his own business. He launched his own company, which was engaged in the production of Monterrey metal, today it is famous and popular around the world. In its form, it resembled a ceramic tile already familiar to everyone, but in terms of strength it exceeds it several times.

In Russia, metal tiles appeared only about 20 years ago, in the early 90s of the last century. But even after such a short time in the Russian market, she was able to take almost the first place among the most popular materials for roofing houses. But how to choose a metal tile, and in general what types of it are present on the market today?

How to choose a metal tile?

Types of metal tile coatings

To date, the Russian market presents types of tiles with the following polymer coatings: polyester, polyester, plastisol, lural and many others.

Polyester is considered the most inexpensive material, its thickness is about 25 microns, the surface is glossy, ideal for any climate, has high flexibility and formability.

Matte polyester is a polyester coating with a thickness of about 35 microns and a matte surface, with good color and mechanical resistance, perfectly tolerates any temperature changes and precipitation.

Plastisol is considered the thickest coating, it has an embossed surface and is considered the most resistant to mechanical damage.

Pural is a Finnish polyurethane-based coating that is not afraid of temperature changes and is resistant to corrosion.

But among such a huge variety, how to choose a metal tile that will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also last a long time?

Color selection

We have already figured out the types of coverage, now it is necessary to understand the color scheme. Here, manufacturers give their consumers a stunning choice, today about a hundred different colors and shades are presented on the market. You can choose the color of the metal tile depending on your design, but it’s better not to stop on very dark shades, since they fade in the sun and very quickly lose their original color.

Features and advantages of metal

Today, a huge number of buyers prefer metal tiles, and all this because of its low cost, beauty and reliability. In its manufacture, manufacturers use a sheet of galvanized steel, which undergoes a hot galvanizing process, and only then it is coated with a polymer composition and coated with a colored decorative composition.

It protects tiles from ultraviolet rays and sudden changes in temperature. Thanks to such a complex and high-quality manufacturing process, its service life reaches 50 years. That is why this material attracts a huge number of buyers.

Which metal tile is better to choose?


Many people, before stopping their choice on a specific material, will recognize its advantages and disadvantages. This also applies to this coating, since you need to choose the metal tile correctly so as not to be disappointed in your roof later. First of all, let's understand its advantages.

  • It can last a long time and is reliable in operation. Manufacturers give a warranty of up to 15 years.
  • The weight of the material is small, thanks to this it is possible to use a rafter system during installation, it is not so massive and is perfect for laying this roofing material. Its weight is 10 times less than that of ceramic tiles.
  • Aesthetic appearance, rich gamut of colors and profiles.

Among such a huge variety of what to look for, and which metal tile is better to choose?

The choice of metal

To be 100% sure of the high quality of the material, acquiring one form or another, it is necessary to pay attention to such characteristics:

  1. The thickness of the base. The length of service and strength will depend on what thickness you choose. According to European standards, the sheet thickness should be within 0.5 mm. Only such a sheet is capable of supporting the weight of a person who, if necessary, can climb onto the roof and pass on it. If you buy material with a smaller thickness, then the stiffness will significantly decrease. Which metal tile is better to choose? For roofing, the thickness should be about 0.5 mm, but if you need to make a visor, then you can choose a smaller size.
  2. The quality of the protective coating. The coating of steel tiles consists of three layers: passivating, soil and polymer. Only if manufacturers used all three layers can one be sure of reliable protection of the sheet from corrosion, weathering and ultraviolet radiation. Most manufacturers try to save money and do not do one layer most often - this is a primer. Therefore, the color fades and loses its original appearance.
  3. Design. The metal tile has a huge assortment of colors and a variety of profiles. That is why you can give your roof a beautiful and stylish look. You do not know what color of a metal tile to choose? Here the choice depends on your desires. But if you doubt the manufacturer, then it is better not to choose dark tones, so as not to be disappointed, when during operation the roof will lose its saturation of the shade.

How to choose a metal roof tile?

How to make the right choice?

You have already decided which color to choose, and now you need to carefully approach the question of how to choose the right metal tile? Before you stop looking at a particular manufacturer, be sure to find out everything in detail about the material itself.

First of all, pay attention to the thickness, as we have said, choose a thickness of 0.5 mm, only in this case you can be sure of its strength. Another important indicator is the thickness of the zinc coating layer. Visually, you will not be able to notice this, so ask the seller for a certificate for the products you are selling and check all the indicators indicated in it yourself.

The best tile is considered one in which the degree of galvanization is 275 grams per 1 m2, the term of its operation will be more than 4 decades. But if you want to save a little, you can choose a metal tile with an indicator of 200 g / m2It’s also not bad, but it costs a little cheaper. Answering the question of which metal tile to choose, reviews of people who have already used it in their roofs showed that the best material is considered where aluminum was added to the zinc composition, so buy sheets with aluminum-zinc coating.

Choosing roof tiles

After you have decided on the color and thickness, now you need to finally decide how to choose a metal tile for the roof. The quality of installation will depend on your right choice. Today in construction stores they offer to buy the so-called "warehouse sheets", this type of tile has dimensions 2200 by 1180 mm, and it is completely ready for installation.

If you have a simple roof, without any bends and protrusions, then a similar size is ideal for you. But if the length of the roof slopes is less than 5 meters, then it will be difficult for you to make a choice, since it will not be easy to mount sheets the length of the whole slope. In this case, it is better to ask advice from a specialist who will help to correctly calculate the number of sheets, minimize your expenses and give good advice on how to properly install.

choose the color of metal

Which is better - corrugated board or metal?

Today, manufacturers delight us with their innovative developments and offer us a huge selection of roofing materials. As we already described in our article, metal tile is an excellent material that meets all the indicators presented to it, but there is also corrugated board. So what to choose - a professional flooring or a metal tile?

Most often, metal roofing is chosen for the roof of residential buildings, but corrugated board is perfect for industrial premises. The characteristics of these two materials are very similar, they have almost the same weight, size and production technology, even they have the same service life, so it depends only on you which material you better choose. The price is different for them: corrugated board is much cheaper. Therefore, if you need to make a roof in the barn, then it will work much better. But for the house, stop your choice on a metal tile.


Today you can find out the reviews of people who have already purchased metal tiles or decking and tried them in installation and operation, so if you still do not know what to give preference to, read carefully the reviews and make the right choice. In general, we can say that the number of positive opinions about both materials is about the same. Of course, there are negative statements. But you decide in any case.

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