
How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner? Rating of washing vacuum cleaners

A washing vacuum cleaner differs from the usual ability to carry out wet cleaning indoors. This feature is quite relevant not only for those who suffer from any diseases of the respiratory tract or allergies, but also for everyone else, since the unit is able not only to get rid of dust as high as possible, but also to clean the furniture. The Karcher company has proven itself, the washing vacuum cleaner from which effectively copes with its tasks.

How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner

It turns out that the presence of only one device allows not only dry, but also wet cleaning, and this saves a lot of time and effort.

And therefore, many may be concerned about the question of how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner.

And here it is worth noting that there is one important limitation: you should be careful when choosing a surface for washing.

This type of cleaning is well tolerated by artificial materials, but if you use such equipment to clean the carpet, it will lead to bad consequences, since it will dry for several days, simultaneously absorbing all the smells that surround it, unpleasant including. If nevertheless you decide to carry out a wet cleaning of the carpet, then it is worth sending it to dry outside, in the fresh air, and not leave it indoors.

Carrying out the cleaning of parquet floors also involves many difficulties, as some materials can tolerate moisture rather poorly, and if cleaning is carried out with a washing vacuum cleaner, then moisture can get inside, which leads to a gradual decay of the coating. In this situation, there is only one salvation - the use of antiseptics that save bacteria from the formation and reproduction.

Instrument Features

If we talk about how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner, then it is worth noting another drawback of this type of equipment - its impressive size, as well as its weight, which is significantly greater than that of an ordinary household assistant. In addition, an important requirement is the presence of water during harvesting, which makes the unit even more difficult to carry. Water should change after each harvest, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the growth of bacteria in the tank. So, it is worth considering not only how to choose the right vacuum cleaner, but also on whether you really need it. After all, you can carry out regular cleaning in the rooms with an ordinary appliance.

However, for people who suffer from asthma and allergies, a washing vacuum cleaner is the best option, as it copes with dust, particles of debris, animal hair and other types of pollution. Another advantage is the ability to clean spilled liquids from the floor, as well as washing windows. That is why it is worthwhile to dwell on the question of how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner.

The main types

At the moment, a huge variety of device models are presented on the market, which even differ in principle of operation. For example, there are those that are able to work in dry cleaning mode, that is, become a replacement for a traditional vacuum cleaner. Usually a washing vacuum cleaner, the instructions for which describe in detail its capabilities, involves filling the tank with water before use. The cleaning process is quite complicated. Water through a special tube is supplied under pressure, after which it is sprayed on the surface, and then immediately sucked inward by the device itself.

If we talk about how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner, then it is worth noting several key parameters that are of the greatest importance: power, design features, volume of the water tank, filters and the presence of special nozzles. Each of these parameters deserves special attention, so they should be considered.


One of the main and most important parameters is the power of the device. There is absolutely no difficulty with understanding, since the quality of cleaning directly depends on the value of this indicator. However, it is quite important to distinguish between power consumption and suction power. These indicators can vary widely depending on certain requirements.

But it is worth giving preference to a device for which this indicator is at least 400 watts, because only in this case can we talk about a high degree of cleaning efficiency. The market offers many options, while the most powerful devices are characterized by an indicator of not more than 1000 watts.

Quite significant is the fact that not all power is spent on suction, part of it goes to the work of additional functions of the device: filtering, deodorization, humidification, etc. That is why it is worth considering their presence. Another parameter of the vacuum cleaner, which depends on its power, is the noise level. That is why an acceptable compromise must be found, while preference should be given to a washing vacuum cleaner, characterized by a noise level not exceeding 80 decibels.

It is most correct to give preference to a vacuum cleaner model, in which the suction power will be high. It is better to use the excess of this parameter as an additional resource that will be operated from time to time. In this case, the device will serve much longer than not powerful enough, which will always work with overvoltage.

Quite often, manufacturers for advertising purposes call power consumption, the value of which varies between 1500-2000 watts. For example, a Zelmer washing vacuum cleaner can be characterized by a rather high value of this indicator, but this does not mean how hard it will suck in dust and debris. Do not expect that with a high power consumption, you will have a device with a high suction power.

Both parameters are usually indicated in two values ​​- maximum and nominal. Typically, the average is less than the highest by about 15-30%. The maximum suction power can be expected in the first few seconds after starting work under ideal conditions. That is why it is quite important to know the average value of this indicator. If you choose a Zelmer washing vacuum cleaner, you can compare these figures for several models you like, which will allow you to make a truly correct purchase.

Water tank capacity

At first glance, this parameter may seem completely insignificant, but it has a significant impact on the convenience and quality of cleaning. It is important to know how much water is needed to clean the room. Usually, 2-4 liters of water is required to clean 1-2 average apartment rooms. It turns out that for work in a two- or three-room apartment, 4-5 liters of water are needed. It is such a tank that should be in the model of your washing vacuum cleaner you choose.

There are currently models on the market with a tank capacity of up to eight liters. Such devices are useful only for cleaning in large rooms, for example, in individual houses with several rooms.

However, it is possible to sacrifice the capacity of the tank in favor of a smaller mass and more compact sizes. At the same time, it is worthwhile to be prepared for two to three times the replacement of water during the cleaning process. And this is precisely what pushes many away from such a decision.

The devices on the market at the moment are presented in two versions - horizontal and vertical. If we consider the classic vertical design, then in front of you will be a "bucket" with controls, rollers, a handle for easy transfer, as well as other elements. In this case, the housing is usually made in the form of a trapezoid or cylinder. The engine compartment is traditionally located above the tanks.

The Karcher washing vacuum cleaner is one of the most prominent representatives of such a solution. Typically, cylinder-shaped models are characterized by large dimensions and quite significant weight. However, they also have very capacious tanks for clean and waste water. Speaking as accurately as possible, this is already a semi-professional technique, which is suitable for cleaning dwellings characterized by a large area.

You can choose a LG washing vacuum cleaner, which does not look different from appliances designed for dry cleaning. This is a fairly stylish modern unit, characterized by excellent maneuverability, designed for urban apartments of small sizes.

Design features

This parameter is worth mentioning separately. If you decide to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for your home, you should know that it is usually equipped with two separate tanks. Pure water is poured into one of them, and dirty water flows into the second, that is, already used up. The location options for these containers can vary greatly.

In some models they are simply built into each other, in others one is placed above the other, which is rather inconvenient, especially when it is necessary to drain dirty water. Some models have a rather useful function - adding pure water. Thanks to this, the problem of selecting a suitable volume of the tank for the room is easily solved. But in this situation, one should take into account the presence or absence of the ability to quickly drain dirty water. Most developers have taken care of the presence of special indicators on the vacuum cleaners, with the help of which the water level is determined.

If we talk about how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for your home, reviews of which you liked, it should be noted that the appearance of this appliance does not greatly distinguish it from traditional models designed for dry cleaning. Typically, units are equipped with metal or plastic suction tubes, which are telescopic or prefabricated. The device itself has wheels that provide maximum convenience of moving it from place to place, as well as water tanks. The case is usually equipped with indicators and a power button.

When choosing, it is very important to pay attention to the condition and type of latches, locks, telescopic and assembled tubes, since all these elements can loosen over time, and this will lead to leaks and increased humidity when it comes to wet cleaning.

Special nozzles

So, when deciding which washing vacuum cleaner to choose, it is worth paying attention to other points. Almost all washing models are equipped with a whole set of various nozzles, which are very important. The average kit includes about 7 pieces designed for wet and dry cleaning. Among them, you can highlight special brushes, as well as simple nozzles designed to control the flow of water.

washing vacuum cleaner Zelmer

Their purpose is the effective cleaning of surfaces of different nature. There are options designed specifically for cleaning carpets, they are able to effectively raise the pile.

If you are interested in how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for a laminate, then it is worth noting that there are special nozzles for such a surface. Universal accessories suitable for carpets and floors at the same time.

It turns out that there are some of the most common nozzle options - for upholstered furniture, a floor brush, for carpets, as well as universal brushes.It is important to understand that certain types of furniture upholstery, as well as floor coverings, are particularly sensitive, so in such cases it is quite important to choose the right nozzle for cleaning.

If you talk about how to choose a good washing vacuum cleaner, then it is worth noting that many manufacturers can add quite unusual nozzles to the package, for example, to clean the clogs in the pipes. In this case, this is a special nozzle-plunger. You can also see foam versions or fixtures in the form of brushes, thanks to which you can do cleaning in fairly inaccessible places or carry out processing of fragile surfaces.

There are also turbo brushes that are equipped with special rotating parts. The efficiency of cleaning with such nozzles increases several times.


This is another rather significant element that a washing vacuum cleaner is equipped with. Which unit to choose? It depends on many factors. Typically, washing vacuum cleaners not only carry out wet cleaning, but also implement a rather significant function in the form of air purification in the room. Traditional devices after dust intake most often throw it back into the air in the form of a suspension. This can be avoided using special filters.

Most modern models, including the Samsung VW9000 washing vacuum cleaner, are equipped with water filters. For them, as a rule, they need a separate water tank, which is noticeably smaller in size compared to a conventional cleaning tank. After that, the air in the room will become clean and pleasant for breathing.

But aquafilters are able to pass 1.5-2% of dust; therefore, special HEPA carbon filters, which are characterized by simplicity in terms of operation and maximum cleaning efficiency, should improve performance. That is why they are most often used. The air purification will be better, the higher the index of the filter itself. Preference should be given to options of at least H12, since H10 and H11 are characterized by very low rates.

How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for a laminate

A washing vacuum cleaner "Thomas" provides the highest quality filtering of the exhaust air, as it is equipped with many degrees of filtration, including water filters that can trap even the smallest particles of dust.

In cases where this is not enough, it is possible to recommend models of devices equipped with separators that can trap the very negligible dust particles (for example, ECO PLUS from KRAUSEN). With the help of such a filtration system, you can absolutely rid the room of any dust.

The main manufacturers and the principle of operation of the device

It is best suited for wet cleaning floors, walls, finished with stone or tiled, as well as carpets made on a thin latex basis. It is better not to use washing vacuum cleaners on carpets based on natural jute, parquet, foam-based carpet, as well as on such items of furniture that do not tolerate moisture.

In Russia, at the moment, you can find devices from such manufacturers: KARCHER, BOSCH, MIELE, ELECTROLUX, PANASONIC, SIEMENS, ROWENTA, SAMSUNG, PHILIPS, LG. Their basic principle of operation is quite simple. Water with detergent is poured into the tank, which is then fed into the hose and distributed under strong pressure over the entire nozzle area. In the process of cleaning under conditions of rarefied air, dirty water is sucked into special channels, after which it ends up in a second tank.

In terms of quality, such a cleaning method gives a uniformly clean surface, since an exceptionally clean liquid is used during cleaning. The floors, which are made of laminated parquet, tile or linoleum, dry very quickly, after which it is already possible to walk on them. It is important to understand that hard surfaces can be handled manually, however, returning the old bright colors to carpets by removing all dust from them as carefully as possible can only be done with a special device.In this case, the Samsung washing vacuum cleaner is able to cope as efficiently as possible.

Ease of maintenance

Choose a washing vacuum cleaner for the home

Most manufacturers are aimed at providing users with maximum amenities, which simplifies the assembly and disassembly of devices, because they should be washed after each use.

The Karcher washing vacuum cleaner is made so that no more than 10-15 minutes are required for all manipulations with washing, as well as subsequent assembly and disassembly.

The layout in the tank housing for clean and dirty water can vary greatly. Among the vertical models, the most widespread are those in which the design is made in the form of a “container in a container”.

In this case, a removable clean water tank is located inside the waste liquid tank. To refuel the device with water or cleaning fluid, it is enough to remove the upper part of the housing from the latch and remove the removable tank. The remaining volume of the tank will be filled during operation with waste dirty liquid. Samsung washing vacuum cleaner is equipped with just such a device.

There are options where containers for clean and dirty liquids are made in the form of two plastic cylinders with different diameters, which are inserted one into the other, forming a single container. This design is very convenient to use. If the scope of work is small, then a little water and shampoo will be required, and during the general cleaning, you can add liquid repeatedly until the tank with dirty water is completely filled.

Tube and hose

So, if the question of how a washing vacuum cleaner washes is all more or less clear, then it is worth mentioning such an important point as pipes. In recent years, manufacturers are increasingly offering an option with telescopic telescopic tubes, which are easily adapted to any height. For some models, controls are placed directly on the tubes, making work easier and faster. Such management is divided into three types depending on the principle of action:

- Wired. In this case, wires are placed inside the hose from the vacuum cleaner to the handle. This method is the most affordable, which is why it has become very common. There is only one drawback - the hose becomes heavy.

- Infrared. This option is implemented on the same principle as remotes from TVs. Work is carried out wirelessly, from batteries, which is very convenient. One drawback can be called one - sometimes the signal does not come to the device.

- Radio control. This option works best, but there are not many such solutions at the moment.

Tubes can be made of steel, plastic or aluminum. It is worth noting that the strongest is steel, but plastic ones are several times cheaper.

Rating of washing vacuum cleaners

Carpet flooring requires regular cleaning, which will make it bright and radiant again. And the assistant in this will be not only a high-quality detergent, but also a washing vacuum cleaner. There are some of the best models this year.

- Karcher 3001 PLUS. This device not only looks good, but also can do a lot. A five-stage filtration system is effective even with dry cleaning.

- VAX 6151 SX. An aquafilter is installed in its working compartment, so that the device becomes as efficient as possible even with dry cleaning. The unique nozzle for mopping with a sponge allows you to efficiently and evenly distribute the detergent.

- Delonghi Penta VAP EL WF. The device is equipped with a powerful steam generator, which has become an excellent addition. High concentration steam eliminates the need to use detergents.

- Philips Triathlon FC 6844. Low noise level and thoughtful equipment are the main advantages of this model.

- LG V-C9165WA. High-quality work and relatively low cost are the two main qualities of the device, ensuring its attractiveness to the consumer.


So, are you going to purchase a washing vacuum cleaner? Which one to choose is up to you, of course. However, it should be understood that when choosing it there are a lot of important and significant points that should not be forgotten. Only in this case you will pick up a decent washing vacuum cleaner.

Which one to choose from all the variety on the market is worth considering carefully. In any case, such a valuable acquisition will quickly pay for itself, as it will not only make your home clean, but also guarantee air purification during cleaning, which is highly appreciated by asthmatics and allergy sufferers. And only the best washing vacuum cleaner is capable of this.

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