
How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner? Comparison of robotic vacuum cleaners and customer reviews

The constant progress of technology can greatly facilitate human labor. Robot vacuum cleaners do an excellent job cleaning the apartment.

You no longer need to walk with a broom or drag a bulky device. All dirt and dust will be carefully removed by the robot. And your apartment will always shine clean.

A person who first encountered such a device may experience a little confusion. How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner? What parameters and functions should I look for? To make the right decision, one idea of ​​the device device and its capabilities is often not enough. After all, many nuances remain unknown. To correct such an annoying omission, you should familiarize yourself with the given recommendations for selection in more detail and carefully study the overview of robotic vacuum cleaners.


To begin with, it is very important to understand how the robot moves in space. Why does he avoid obstacles, does not stumble on furniture and walls? This information will clarify the question a bit: "How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner?"

Almost all devices are designed the same way. No wonder. After all, the goals for which they are intended are the same. The robot vacuum cleaner is a very compact device that has in its arsenal all the functions of a full-fledged cleaner. However, the device has a small suction power. Another distinguishing characteristic is the free movement of the robot cleaner according to a given motion algorithm. And built-in sensors help him navigate in space.

how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner

The motion algorithm is set by specially designed software. All manufacturers invent their own software and patent it. The quality of such a provision directly affects the cleaning efficiency. And it is it that determines the difference in price of similar models from different manufacturers.

Most often, the robot cleaner uses a successive change of motion algorithms: perimeter, zigzag, spiral, diagonal. Their selection depends solely on the information that the device receives from the sensors. It is they who control most important processes.

Vacuum cleaner sensors

Such "sense organs" allow the robot to "see" obstacles. A special controller immediately changes direction and varies the speed of movement. Here you should not even guess which robot vacuum cleaner to choose. The answer is clear enough. Those devices that are equipped with many assistant sensors are better oriented in space.

A typical set includes:

  • Collision sensors They are usually located below, under the bumper. If the device detects contact with the object, a signal is immediately sent to the board of the device. Then the robot changes direction.
  • Touch sensors. Infrared rays are also located around the perimeter of the body. They protect against collisions with large objects. The beam sent is reflected from various obstacles and returns. If the time of such a turn becomes minimal, then the dangerous object is close. A sensor correction signal causes the vacuum cleaner to change direction. In this case, a collision does not occur.
  • Drop sensors. They are located on the bottom. It uses the principle of operation characteristic of touch sensors. Only in this case, the control is carried out for height differences. This prevents the apparatus from falling from various elevations, for example, from stairs.

Which robot vacuum cleaner is better? Of course, more modern, functional, and therefore more expensive.These models are equipped with additional sensors.

overview of robotic vacuum cleaners

An additional set includes:

  • Ultrasonic sensors They allow you to calculate the distance to the object. Possessing such data, the robot accelerates significantly in open areas, and vice versa, slows down in the area bounded by obstacles. Among other things, these sensors allow not only to streamline the cleaning process, but also carefully process the floor near the baseboard, in the corners, near the legs of furniture. The efficiency of cleaning the room is greatly increased.
  • Pollution sensors. These mechanisms make it possible to determine the degree of clogging. Having received the necessary information, the robot vacuum cleaner selects the most optimal cleaning mode.
  • Laser sensors Expensive devices are characterized by the presence of scanners. They outline the contours of the room and create a map of the area. Such a scheme “tells” the robot where cleaning has already been done, and protects it from various obstacles.

What makes work difficult?

Before figuring out how to choose the robot vacuum cleaner that is most effective in cleaning, consider the conditions under which cleaning the room is very complicated, and sometimes impossible. We are talking about wires lying on the floor or scattered things. It is very difficult to clean on matt black surfaces. In a carpet or long-pile carpet, a robot vacuum cleaner can simply get confused. The room, cluttered with furniture, will require more time for cleaning. And the presence of high thresholds between rooms makes it difficult to move freely around the apartment.

If there are certain doubts as to the efficiency of the device in the conditions of your apartment, then you probably should not even consider the question of which robot vacuum cleaner to choose. At the very least, consult with a specialist first and find out if he can even move around your premises.

Battery and Charging Base

The robot vacuum cleaner is powered by a built-in battery. The time of continuous cleaning depends on its size. A vacuum cleaner with a larger capacity will last longer. This means that it will clear a wider area at a time. High-quality cleaning of a room of 60 square meters. meters takes an average of 2 hours.

If the battery is designed for an hour, then the robot will have time to process only half of the room. A full charge can take from three to eight hours. Thus, cleaning the apartment will stretch for the whole day. That is why, having decided to purchase such a miracle technique, the comparison of robotic vacuum cleaners must begin with the battery capacity.

An equally important parameter is the charging method. Some units are sold complete with stations. Such models, if necessary, are able to independently find the base and put themselves automatically on recharge. High autonomy will greatly simplify the cleaning process. You will need to set the mode and clean the trash container in time.

Room Zoning

Why is this feature needed? The robot cleaner selects a random trajectory. Therefore, after recharging, he can begin cleaning the room that has already been cleaned. But at the same time skip the contaminated room. As a result, one room will simply shine with cleanliness, and the other will remain uncleaned for the whole day. To avoid such a situation, the zoning method of the room is also used.

It is carried out using a special accessory called the “virtual wall”. It is created by an infrared ray. Completely invisible to humans, the virtual wall is a very real obstacle for the robot, adjusting the effective cleaning of the room.

Sometimes Lighthouse is included. This device is a necessary virtual wall with a radio beacon. Such an accessory allows you to completely block the entrance to a particular room, transfer the device from one room to another. Needless to say, the robot cleaner significantly benefits from such a device.The reviews of people who purchased models equipped with such a device and tested them in action confirm not only the efficiency, but also the simplicity of their work.

washing robot vacuum cleaner

Harvest design

Having set the goal of finding the answer to the question "how to choose the right robot vacuum cleaner", you need to pay due attention to other, equally important components. The cleaning part of the vacuum cleaner includes one or two brushes. They are designed to collect large garbage. Lateral devices clear all inaccessible places. These are the corners and the area around the furniture legs.

It should be noted that the cleaning efficiency depends not so much on the shape of the brushes and sizes, but on the quality of the material from which they are made. And the design directly affects the ease and speed of cleaning the robot from animal hair, hair, threads. Some models have special brushes that remove rubbish in one simple movement.

Another important characteristic is the size of the waste bin. How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner for an apartment with an optimal dust collector? Very simple. The larger the container, the better. If you settled on a budget option, be sure to check the capacity of the dust bag.

robot vacuum cleaner reviews

Cleaning Programming

Most of the models released today have another important feature. This is an opportunity to set the cleaning time. Comparison of robotic vacuum cleaners clearly shows that in some devices it is implemented as a timer.

This is characteristic of less expensive appliances. More functional models have the ability to program the exact on-time, the cleaning duration for each day individually. When choosing a robot vacuum cleaner, be sure to ask about the availability of such a function. This can greatly simplify the maintenance of the house clean.

Washing function

This cleaning method can be implemented in two ways. In the first case, the unit has a special built-in water tank. Such a washing robot vacuum cleaner independently performs wet cleaning of the room. However, it needs constant maintenance.

Dirty water must be drained and the tank rinsed. Only then can it be poured clean. It should be noted that any washing robot cleaner requires such maintenance. After all, unfortunately, it is impossible to connect to the water supply. Such devices do not have an auto-charging function. Water replacement is required much more often than there is a need to move to the base.

Wet cleaning of the washing machine consists of several stages. Initially, the robot cleans the surface of large debris. Then the coating is poured with water, and the vacuum cleaner thoroughly rubs it with brushes. After that, the cleaner collects contaminated water using special scrapers and completely sucks it. Such a device will permanently save you from having to mess with a rag and mop. It is not surprising that many business ladies dream of acquiring such an assistant.

In modern realities, when the whole day is literally painted by the minute, and there is not enough free time not only to clean up, but even to have a full lunch, and not to intercept something on the fly, women who are always busy (of course, those who has a sufficient amount) there is nothing left but to choose a washing robot vacuum cleaner. However, not everything is so simple: before you run to the store, you should consider some restrictions. This unit is absolutely not suitable for laminate and parquet, if they do not have a special waterproof coating. Do not use it for a wooden floor with insufficiently sealed seams. Inappropriate washing robot vacuum cleaner in an apartment with carpets that have a long pile.

The second method is implemented in most models. The robot vacuum cleaner wipes the floors with a damp cloth attached to the bottom of the case. Such an apparatus requires little maintenance. Rinse the fabric from time to time. But you do not have to rub the floors - the vacuum cleaner will successfully perform this work.

comparison of robotic vacuum cleaners

Additional functions

Most people study, in search of an answer to the question "how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner", the reviews of customers who have already completed the purchase. Often it is the characteristics of additional functions that form the basis of the choice.

It should be emphasized once again that the battery capacity and the presence of a charging base are of paramount importance. And the implemented additional features - antibacterial treatment, aromatization of the air, the presence of a remote control - in fact, pampering. Only when the choice is made taking into account the main parameters and prices, we can consider the proposed "buns".

The cost of robotic vacuum cleaners

All models can conditionally be divided into three categories:

  • A budget option. Such devices cost about 5-10 thousand rubles. Manufacturers of budget robots save almost everything. The main distinguishing feature of such models is the short duration of the work. As a rule, about an hour. In addition, they are quite difficult to navigate in space. The ability to program cleaning is often not available. However, in this segment you can find a very successful model, which will be the perfect solution for a one-room apartment.
  • The middle option. The pricing policy of such devices varies from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. These models even differ in appearance. Housing parts are firmly connected. At the same time, the block itself is made of more durable plastic. As a rule, such a robot vacuum cleaner has a capacious dust collector and a capacious battery. It is designed for a couple of hours of work. The kit usually has a charging station, there are virtual walls. If, when searching for the answer to the question "how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner", price and quality are the main criteria, then such a model will take the place of the ideal household assistant.
  • Elite option. At first glance, such models are not much different from the middle segment. The difference is cleaning efficiency. Most robotic vacuum cleaners costing more than 25 thousand rubles are charged in almost 10-20 minutes. Such devices carefully clean very large rooms, while almost continuously.

robot cleaner

Quality of cleaning

The result of the work of robotics depends, as a rule, on several factors. The former include maneuverability, movement in inaccessible places. It should be noted that movement along a random trajectory and movement exclusively according to a given program are not particularly distinguished by the quality of cleaning. Both one and the second method have both advantages and disadvantages.

If the robot cleaner moves in a random order, then encountering obstacles, it turns. This cleaning takes longer. But, passing several times around the room, the unit cleans much better. Robots using a map of the area clean much faster. However, if it deviates from a given path, problems arise. This fully affects the quality of cleaning.

The next parameter is the suction power of the vacuum cleaner. Manufacturers still can not measure this value. Accordingly, such an indicator is not indicated. It is generally accepted that power indirectly characterizes noise levels. The louder the machine is operating, the more it draws in trash. Quiet cleaners are more like electric brooms than vacuum cleaners.

The quality of cleaning also depends on the side rotating brushes. The best are longer. They are the ones who perfectly sweep litter along walls and from corners. You need to pay attention to the material. Those brushes that are made of hard hair will last longer. Soft ones fall apart too quickly. The lack of side devices affects the quality of cleaning. Such robots are not quite a good option.

Manufacturing companies

All manufacturers can be divided into three groups conditionally. Robotic vacuum cleaners are produced by world famous brands: Samsung, LG, Philips, Karcher. The second category includes companies specializing exclusively in robotics. These are iRobot, Neato Robotics, Yujin Robot (iClebo), Ecovacs.And the third category is represented by such items as Clever & Clean or QWIKK. They are engaged in inexpensive budget products.

Of course, leading brands are specialized brands. Companies have extensive experience in this field. In the manufacture of their models, they use advanced technology. A review of robotic vacuum cleaners confirms that these devices are better in many ways. However, unfortunately, their cost is higher. Manufacturers are constantly developing and modifying their technology. New, more advanced units are entering the market. And this requires considerable funds.

Technical specifications iRobot Roomba 780

The robot vacuum cleaner, photo of which is shown below, is used for dry cleaning. It is great for cleaning linoleum, tiles, laminate, parquet, carpets. The model has the ability to program cleaning for a whole week. The robot is equipped with two types of pollution sensors - optical and acoustic. The battery capacity is 3000 mA / h. The duration of work until the next charge is 3 hours.

how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner

The robot bumper is made of soft polymer, which helps protect furniture from damage. The kit includes a remote control. There is a virtual wall LightHouse, a timer. The robot vacuum cleaner automatically adapts to a variety of surfaces. Has a special AeroVac system.

With its help, a strong air flow is created, allowing you to effectively fill the dust collector. AeroVac does not allow hair, wool, and threads to remain on the brushes. This prevents tangling and deceleration of the machine. This point should be taken into account by the owners of animals. In addition, the unit has triple HEPA filtering. Thanks to this multi-stage cleaning of the air flow, the cleaning efficiency is significantly increased.

Specifications iClebo Arte

This robot vacuum cleaner is designed for dry cleaning. Perfectly cleans linoleum, tile, laminate, parquet, carpet. Battery capacity 2200 mAh. One recharge is enough for 3 hours of cleaning. Lightweight enough, its weight is 2.8 kg.

Additional functions included in the device - calculation of the duration of the cleaning, the ability to program by day. Wet floor cleaning with a napkin makes such a robot vacuum cleaner very attractive to many. The reviews of people using this device are good enough, which allows us to draw appropriate conclusions about the quality of the product.

Another feature of this unit deserves the highest praise. It can rise to a height of two centimeters. Today it is the most excellent result among all cleaning robots.

how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner reviews

Customer reviews

Most people praise the quality of the iRobot Roomba. They note that the apparatus perfectly cleans large areas. The result often exceeds all expectations. At the same time, the owners notice that cleaning is carried out during their absence, so it does not matter how many times the miracle technique went to recharge. The main thing is that upon returning home you can observe an excellent result.

Of course, some consumers notice shortcomings. The disadvantages include the need to clean the device after each cleaning. However, this usually takes up to ten minutes. In a cluttered apartment, it is quite difficult to use a robot vacuum cleaner. Reviews of the owners of such apartments tell about the laces drawn into the device, or wires. At the same time, the owners of pets from such an assistant are simply delighted. And, despite the rather high cost, they are completely satisfied with the purchase.

Instead of a conclusion

You get used to the good very quickly. This also applies to the robot vacuum cleaner. Initially, a small "newcomer", independently scurrying around the apartment, causes genuine emotion. Then the owner is visited by thoughts about what benefits he brings. In the end, there comes an understanding that without it it is completely impossible. However, not all models are so good. Moreover, only a few can compete with a conventional vacuum cleaner.

However, a wide range of models puts the buyer before the question: "How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner among such a variety?" Based on our recommendations, making the right purchase will not be so difficult.

These small high-tech assistants are equipped with a large number of sensors, navigation systems, and a variety of cleaning algorithms. Therefore, your choice must be fully correlated with needs. Consider how often you clean up how badly your apartment is. And only then decide whether your chosen robot will cope with such a task.

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Reason for complaint
In the 31st century, I also bought my assistant Sititek Robo-sos X500. Thanks to the NERO filter and Uflamp, the air is clean and fresh, and makes dry cleaning soundly. Now without it, as without hands.
We have a fairly simple and budget model RoboNeat QQ-02 from the 31st century. And I am very pleased. Everything you need is there. And then the floors are so clean that you can eat with them. Also treated with antibacterial UV rays. I usually program a vacuum cleaner for cleaning, and it cleans when we are not at home. Very comfortably.
I was convinced from my own experience that without a movement algorithm a robot has to buy it, just throw away the money.


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