
How to choose equipment for the production of polystyrene concrete?

Today, the construction industry is developing quite rapidly. Accordingly, the demand for those materials that will be used in this area of ​​life is increasing. For example, polystyrene concrete is quite popular today.

And if you want to open your own entrepreneurial business in the production of this material, you will need to familiarize yourself with some of the main nuances that relate to manufacturing technology and the purchase of equipment. It is immediately worth noting that there is nothing complicated in this activity. The main thing is to thoroughly familiarize yourself with all stages of production and draw up a quality business project.

How is the manufacturing?

equipment for the production of polystyrene concrete

The production technology, which results in the sale of polystyrene concrete blocks, consists of the following steps:

  1. Foaming of polystyrene granules occurs. The raw material that is fed into the feed hopper enters the pre-foamer through the use of a screw feeder. Due to water vapor, the granules soften. As a result, the raw material begins to foam, increasing in volume and displacing that material that has not yet been exposed to steam. Mixing of the granules occurs through special blades. As a result of such manipulations, equipment for the production of polystyrene concrete prevents the material from sticking together and does everything possible so that the raw materials are delivered to the discharge window.
  2. At this stage, the polystyrene granules are dried. Foamed raw materials in their composition have about 15 percent liquid. In addition, rarefaction is observed in the granules due to vapor condensation. If this is not prevented, compression will occur. And this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the volume of material and to a significant increase in its density. Concerning equipment for the production of polystyrene concrete thoroughly dries the material. Especially popular are plants such as pneumatic-dynamic drying conveyors. The moisture content of the granules quickly decreases to 3 percent. After this, the raw materials are gradually transferred to the aging hopper. There it can lie from 4 to 12 hours. Everything will depend on indicators such as fractionation, density and humidity.
  3. At this stage, the dosage of the components occurs. Pellets that are already dried enter the hopper of the dispenser (volumetric) through a special pipeline due to air flow. After that, the material goes into such equipment for the production of polystyrene concrete as a mixer. Components such as cement and fine aggregate enter the weighing hopper. After overfilling, the dispenser flap will open and the components will move into the mixer. Water is poured in advance in special tanks with pumps, sensors and heating systems. All components are mixed.
  4. The components for the production of polystyrene concrete are gradually transferred to the mixer. Dosage is determined by special regulations, which entrepreneurs can vary within the framework of a specific standard. Concrete should be mixed for 5 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly check the produced material for integrity and workability.

monolithic polystyrene concrete

What equipment will you need to purchase?

So, for what purposes do you need to purchase equipment? They should be listed. The equipment is necessary for:

  1. Pellet production.
  2. Storage and transportation of raw materials and finished products.
  3. Mixing processed components.
  4. Grinding all the material.
  5. Formation of a certain appearance.
  6. Pressing procedures.

The composition of the production line

polystyrene blocks

Much will depend on the volumes of production that were planned. It should be noted that in order to produce monolithic polystyrene concrete, a variety of aggregates can be used. Naturally, if it is planned to produce products in small batches, then a small set of plants may suffice. If volumes will gradually increase, then it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment with which you can increase productivity.

Standard production line

The usual equipment configuration includes those installations, through the use of which it is possible to start production on the way to becoming an enterprise. When planning a more global manufacturing process, you will need to buy such machines, which are characterized by automatic dosing, and mixers with a sufficiently high productivity.

In addition, the production line should be equipped with specialized drying chambers in which ready-made materials will be located. You will also need to pay attention to the fact that additives for the production of polystyrene concrete meet all the requirements. Otherwise, the final product will not be pleased with its quality.

polystyrene concrete components

Through the acquisition of equipment, it is possible to establish automated production of building material. And this will significantly increase the level of profitability.

Organizing your own business must be competent

In order to purchase all the necessary equipment, you will need to spend about two million rubles. To organize an entrepreneurial business in such a field, it is necessary to spend at least 2.5 million rubles. However, one should not be afraid of such a significant amount of initial capital. Everything will pay off quickly enough. The main thing is to organize your company competently.


additives for the production of polystyrene concrete

In the event that the production is established efficiently, with a high share of productivity, profit will not be long in coming, which cannot but please numerous entrepreneurs. Good luck in organizing entrepreneurial activities of this nature!

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