
How to choose equipment for the production of polypropylene bags

There are eternal things that are present in the life of the average citizen of the post-Soviet space. One of them is a full bin.

And if you look, it’s not so bad - you must admit, if you have something to throw away, then you have something to buy for, which you will throw it away anyway. Here we will talk about this household need in the article. More specifically, we’ll consider a business idea for the production of polypropylene garbage bags, and more.

This product is used in many fields, as an example, the construction or agricultural and food industries. Depending on the material used, cereals, sugar, flour, animal feed, sand, cement, building mixtures and so on are stored and transported in polypropylene bags. From which we can conclude that this product will be in good demand.

equipment for the production of polypropylene bags

Raw materials used

Polypropylene is used as the main raw material. For production, it is supplied in the form of granules. In addition, you can use recycled materials, such as scrap or waste obtained in the process. As a rule, non-standard is added to the mixture in a percentage determined by the technology. In addition to polypropylene, during the production process, additional components are introduced into the raw material mixture, which give the finished product the necessary color and strength.

Manufacturing technology

The production technology of polypropylene bags is not particularly difficult. The following main stages can be distinguished: mixing and drying of raw materials, winding yarn, making a web, cutting, applying a logo, sewing, packaging and warehousing.

If you can purchase high-quality automated equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, then the minimum amount of manual labor will be involved in the process, which will ultimately affect the payback of this business.

polypropylene bag production line

Production and processing of polypropylene yarn

As mentioned above, raw materials are supplied in granules. Then it is loaded into the equipment for the production of polypropylene bags and mixed with various additives and dyes in a special hopper. One of the main auxiliary components is calcium carbonate, it is designed to give the finished product the necessary rigidity and milky white color.

Any additives are intended to set the properties of the future material. Some manufacturers add 15-20 percent of chalk to the mixture to reduce production costs, but this negatively affects the durability of the bags.

After the hopper, the raw material enters the extruder, where it is heated to 260 degrees Celsius and squeezed out through the technological channels of the press head, resulting in a thin film. After cooling, it is cut into strands that are hardened, stretched and wound onto bobbins.

machine for the production of polypropylene bags

Getting polypropylene sleeve

Next, the coils are sent to loom for the production of polypropylene bags. This equipment produces a sleeve for future bags. At this stage, the loom is adjusted to the necessary parameters, namely, its width and the presence of anti-skid threads are set.

This is done so that during operation, bags stacked on top of each other during transportation and storage do not move apart.The resulting polypropylene woven material is wound on large spools.

Getting a polypropylene bag

Next, the material must be cut, stitching the bottom and processing the neck. This is carried out by a special line for the production of polypropylene bags, which quickly turns the prepared sleeve into blanks for future products by hot cutting. The trim line can be made both flat and zigzag.

Further, the equipment for the production of polypropylene bags turns up the bottom the necessary number of times and flashes it with a strong thread. The manufacturing algorithm may include the processing of the neck (edging, firmware, etc.), or may leave it unprocessed. Sometimes in such bags polyethylene liners are added and sewn. Finished products are automatically packed in packs of 500 or 1000 pieces and packaged, pressed and wrapped in twine.

polypropylene bag manufacturing technology

Technical equipment of the workshop

If you decide to organize the production of polypropylene woven bags, you should consider the cost of acquiring the necessary industrial plants. The modern technological market of Russia is represented by a large selection of devices and machines of both domestic and foreign production.

Among this abundance, every businessman will be able to choose a suitable installation for power and price. Equipment for the production of polypropylene bags as standard includes an apparatus for mixing and drying components, a feeding machine, an extruder for a thread, a winding complex, a loom, a machine for cutting sleeves, a sewing machine for stitching, a flexographic printing device for applying a logo.

In order to be able to process scrap and waste during the manufacturing process, the following plants should be additionally purchased: a crusher designed to grind the material (non-standard, threads); a granulator that turns crushed raw materials back into polypropylene granules, which can be reused for production.

To save starting investments, experts recommend purchasing equipment from China. Today, Asian installations are of good quality and low price. In addition, you can consider purchasing leasing machines, which is a kind of rental. Over time, you will have the opportunity to buy this equipment.

production of polypropylene woven bags

The room for the future workshop

When organizing production, you should take into account the fact that you will work with polymer raw materials, which means that the workshop must be located far from residential areas. Rarely, any aspiring entrepreneur can afford to own production facilities. The best option would be to rent a workshop somewhere outside the city. In order to open an enterprise for the production of polypropylene bags, the premises must meet the following requirements:

1. Supply of all communications (sewerage, water, heat and electricity).

2. The presence of air treatment filters.

3. Good ventilation system.

The area of ​​the production room will depend on the configuration of the industrial line you have chosen. Often the equipment is located on a plot of 50 square meters. Of course, rooms for staff, a garage for vehicles, warehouses for raw materials and finished products should also be added.

sale of polypropylene bags

Sale of polypropylene bags

If you organize production from scratch, then at the stage of developing a business plan you should consider ways of marketing products. The main buyers can be construction companies, private entrepreneurs, warehouse complexes, producers of agricultural products (small and large farms), and, of course, household supermarkets.

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Hello. You can get technical passports for these machines
thermo knife;
Sewing machines;
printing machine for the manufacture of polypropylene bags with a logo. Upon receipt, we are approved to receive bank loans at a reduced interest rate and we will buy these machines.


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