
Equipment for the production of sushi and rolls for restaurants and at home

Sushi and rolls are reliably included in the diet of Russian citizens. Despite the exotic nature of this dish and the high cost, this dish is available to many people of different social classes and affluence. Sushi bars are in almost every city - these are large chain stores and single retail outlets.

Equipment for the production of sushi and rolls

As a rule, customers of Japanese restaurants and bars are lured by excellent service, Japanese traditions and waiters from Japan. But, of course, the main factor is the dish itself. The quality of the product should be at its best, since this is the key to the success of this business. And to make the dish really tasty, you need special equipment for the production of sushi and rolls that meets all the necessary parameters.

Basic equipment for sushi bars

To date, equipment for the production of sushi and rolls is very diverse. The choice of the necessary model depends on the level of the institution and the assortment of menus. But basically sushi is cooked using the following equipment:

Roll cutter

  1. A rice cooker is a whole set in which rice is cooked.
  2. Showcase with adjustable temperature and humidity for storing the cooked product.
  3. Thermos in which cooked rice is stored.
  4. Sushi making machine.
  5. Refrigeration equipment.
  6. Small kitchen utensils, roll cutter, dishes, implements.

Japanese technology - great result

To cook a dish such as sushi, the chefs at a Japanese restaurant use rice mixers. In today's market, you can purchase models that are specially adapted to European voltage standards.

A Japanese-made rice mixer guarantees excellent results. Using this device will allow you to open a Japanese restaurant with minimal labor and time.

Two main robot models are proposed for the production of rice-based shari for nigiri sushi - the most common product obtained by placing fish and pieces of seafood on an oval ball of rice. Such equipment for the production of sushi and rolls at a time can cook up to 30 kg.

Rice mixer

Roll making machine

Given that the sushi bar will simultaneously serve from 20 to 25 people, the equipment for the production of sushi and rolls will cost about 150 thousand rubles. If the institution will be designed for a larger number of visitors, and the assortment of the menu will be supplemented with other names of dishes, then, of course, the cost of buying equipment will be much larger.

If you do not plan to open your own sushi bar, but just want to quickly and easily prepare sushi and rolls for your family and friends, then you need a device for making sushi and rolls for home use.

A quality machine will be an excellent culinary assistant. With it, you can create delicious rolls in just a few minutes: rolls, snacks, original sandwiches and many other interesting dishes. The device is capable of spinning rolls not only from nori and rice, but also from pita bread, scrambled eggs, pancakes and any other delicate products.

Benefits of using sushi and roll cooking equipment

In fact, in order to make a perfect roll in shape and proportion, you need to have considerable experience. But with a sushi and roll making machine, this process will become much simpler, and you can easily create original culinary dishes.

The finished product comes out even and of the same size, the desired density and friability. You don’t have to worry that the rice will fall out from the roll, since the density of the twist in the device is much higher than when manually wrapping the rolls using a mat.

Device for making sushi and rolls

In addition, the machine for the production of rolls at home is easy to operate, and its cost is relatively low. With its use, you just have to cook rice and cook the ingredients necessary for the dish.

In general, all the same steps as when cooking the product using a standard mat. But the machine spins rolls without your help, you just need to pull on a special tape, and only then invite guests and relatives to the table to try your delicacies of Japanese cuisine.

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Where to buy and how much is the equipment for sushi and rolls!
We are interested in equipment for rolls, take-out sushi. Production room 30 sq. M. meters. What can you suggest?


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