
How to choose a toilet? How to choose a toilet installation?

Sooner or later, each owner of the apartment has to make repairs in the bathroom. In this case, plumbing elements are often subject to replacement.

Many apartment owners often have difficulty choosing a toilet. They are mainly associated with the wide range that is presented on the market today. Next, we will figure out how to choose the right toilet.

how to choose a toilet

General information

How to choose a toilet? Customer reviews contain quite conflicting information regarding the optimal design of this piece of plumbing. And this is understandable. The fact is that the size and configuration of the room are of primary importance. Some seek to save space and opt for hanging models, claiming that these designs are the most ideal. Others, on the other hand, consider such products unreliable. Of no small importance is how the pipes pass in the room.

The task is complicated if the bathroom is combined, and its area is not very large. In this case, the owner faces the question of how to choose a toilet compact. In such models, however, the tank is located on a special shelf. As a result, during installation, the bowl itself does not fit snugly against the wall.

It is also important that the plumbing fit seamlessly into the interior. The design of the room may be different. The color scheme of the interior is also taken into account. Plumbing items should not only fulfill their direct tasks, but also be an integral element of the decor. The range presented today allows you to easily find the right model. Therefore, in the matter of how to choose a toilet, reviews are not of primary importance, although they are important, of course.


Faience is considered an unconditional classic. This material is durable, durable. The undoubted advantage of faience is ease of care. Well, among other things, it heats up quite quickly. Plumbing manufacturers meanwhile offer all new models.

Many consumers find it difficult to replace ceramics. However, today there are models made of non-traditional materials. Such, for example, is copper. Nevertheless, most consumers choose porcelain or earthenware plumbing devices. What is the difference between these products? Actually, there is no special difference for the average buyer.

However, it must be said that there are some features of the technology that make porcelain products more dense (less porous). Theoretically, this adds to the period of possible operation of about 10-15 years. However, almost always the declared service life of the earthenware product is about 30-40 years.

In reality, the toilet does not stand in the bathrooms for more than ten years. In view of obsolescence the device is simply replaced with a more modern model. If we talk about porcelain, then on this material coatings are applied more evenly. As a result, the surface of the toilet is smoother. As a result, it is less exposed to pollution.

Floor constructions

These models are considered the most common. In the configuration of such toilets there is a bowl, a drain tank, a seat. Products manufactured earlier were equipped with an additional separate platform. A tank was installed on it. Modern models include cast construction. So, consumers are spared the need to additionally mount the tank. In addition, such designs are more reliable and easier to maintain. There are so-called monoblocks.

Drain location

Today, models with different angle of the pipe are produced.The arrangement can be oblique, horizontal and vertical. Before choosing a toilet, you should determine how the drain works. If the sewer pipe goes to the floor, then a device with a vertical drain should be purchased.

If the outlet is located behind the toilet and goes into the riser, it is better to give preference to models with a slanting and horizontal outlet. What is the reason for this? The fact is that if you purchase a toilet with an oblique outlet, then it may not fit the connection system. In this case, you will need to redo the riser. This, in turn, is not always feasible. You can, of course, insert a corrugation or adapter. But in this case, the toilet will need to be moved away from the wall, and it will take part of the space.

Benefits of Horizontal Drain

An outlet of this type is recessed under the tank by about 10-15 cm. In this regard, if you install a plastic eccentric, you will get a device with the required exit height and inclination, and the toilet will be located right against the wall. This is a definite plus for small rooms.

In addition, the toilet will look better against the wall than in the center. Here I must say that almost all European models are equipped with a horizontal outlet. Before choosing a toilet, you should pay attention to the location of the pipe going to the bathroom. If it is present, then the model, which fits snugly against the wall, cannot be placed.

Leg shape

The design of this element may be open type. In this case, all the folds and bends of the pipe will be visible. When cleaning them all will need to be cleaned. European manufacturers equip their products with closed legs. In this case, all the bends and folds are hidden, which greatly facilitates care.


This is a very important part of the device. The design of this element can be completely different. So, for example, the tank can be suspended and attached to the wall. It can also be located at a height from the bowl, under the ceiling.

As for the water supply, many consumers prefer the fact that they are located at the bottom of the tank. In this case, the sound of accumulating water is less audible. The volume of the tank, as a rule, is 6 liters. You can adjust it by moving the fittings. Drain mechanisms are single. In this case, the entire volume of water is drained immediately.

There is also a start-stop mechanism. In this case, the first pressing starts, in fact, the drain, and the second stops the flow of water into the toilet bowl. Devices can also be equipped with a dual mechanism. In this case, 2 buttons are located on the tank. One drains the entire volume of water, and the second half.

The latter option is preferred by those buyers in whose apartments meters are installed. Many suburban homeowners are wondering how to choose a toilet. In a private house, as a rule, there are water meters. In this regard, models equipped with a double drain mechanism are best suited.

how to choose a hanging toilet with installation

Mounting method

There is a very widespread belief that pendants are very unreliable. Is it so? Suspended models are becoming more and more popular today. The undoubted advantage of such products is that they significantly facilitate cleaning indoors. Before choosing a hanging toilet, of course, you should evaluate the quality of wall decoration. If there is tile, then it should adhere well to the surface. After all, not only the load of the toilet, but also the weight of the body will fall on it.

It should be said here that the constructions of these sanitary ware items themselves are reliable. According to the manufacturers themselves, the toilet can withstand up to 150 kg, and the installation - 400 kg. The main advantage of the design is the ability to save space. The wall-mounted toilet tank is located on the installation and is hidden in the false wall. It also allows you to hide pipes and risers, "facilitating" the space.

How to choose a toilet installation?

This question worries those who seek to equip a bathroom in accordance with modern standards. Knowledge of how to choose a wall-hung toilet with installation will also be useful if the room has a small area. It should also be noted that today there are a fairly large number of design projects that allow you to equip spacious bathrooms with the use of this particular type of structure.

Before choosing an installation for the toilet, you should decide on the installation options. In this case, we are talking about a special frame. As mentioned above, the suspension design allows you to free up space and makes cleaning easier. In general, as many apartment owners have noted, installation work takes place without much difficulty. However, a certain sequence of actions should be followed. Therefore, before choosing a toilet for your home, you need to soberly assess your skills. In the absence of self-confidence, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Floor-mounted design

Models of this type are very similar to the traditional, most common plumbing devices. Installation is also provided for these products. The entire drain system is hidden in the wall. Many consumers say the inappropriateness of installing such a product in an apartment. In this case, it is better to choose a suspended model. It will look more original and save space. And on the floor you can completely put an ordinary toilet.

how to choose a toilet in a private house

Anti-splash system

Many buyers complain that they purchased a rather expensive model, and when draining, water spills out. In this regard, people have a logical question: "How to choose a toilet, so as not to spray?" It should be said here that the Anti-Splash system may be present on Russian models. It looks quite simple.

The drain hole is shifted forward in the bowl, and a platform or slide is made on the back wall. If the question arose about how to choose a toilet bowl without splashing, then models equipped with this system should be chosen. However, some consumers prefer that anti-splash is absent. According to these buyers, this helps to keep the bowl clean. However, there is no need to often clean it with a brush.

Bidet function

Many Russians, returning from a vacation in Egypt or Turkey, decide to install the plumbing that they saw abroad at home. However, before choosing a toilet with a bidet function, you should know that not every region has suitable climatic conditions for this. So, for example, in Siberia such a hygienic procedure can turn into hardening.

You should be aware that mixer systems are not provided for in bidet systems. Water is supplied only from a cold pipe. We must assume what it is fraught with in the winter. If you still really want to, then you can install a basin mixer with a special hygienic watering can. In this case, it will be convenient and easy to use the system.

Above are the main recommendations on how to choose the right toilet. These tips will save you from the main difficulties buyers face. Knowing how to choose a toilet will save not only time, but also money. If you immediately purchase the best option for the room, there is no need to dismantle the new device, replace it with another.

how to choose a toilet reviews

Features of installation installation

If you take into account the area of ​​the room, there should not be any difficulties and questions about how to choose a toilet according to size. Installation of simple (traditional) models does not require special knowledge. Some difficulties may arise when installing installations for wall hung toilets. To install it, you will need the following tools:

  • Pencil or marker.
  • Level.
  • Hammer drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Drill on concrete. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the fasteners.
  • Connecting elements (they are supplied in the kit).
  • Ring spanners.


Before installation, marking should be done. The first line should correspond to the central axis of the plumbing device. Next, the distance from the wall to the installation system is measured. The value will depend on how the sewer pipe is brought in. At the same time, the distance should not be less than 13.5 mm. After this, the point of location of the tank should be noted. Usually the distance to it from the floor is a meter. The installation height is also taken into account.

Marks are made on the wall and floor. On them holes will be made for fasteners. They are drilled with a puncher and inserted into them dowels. An anchor is immersed in these elements, in turn. They will allow you to fix the toilet bowl to a vertical plane. During installation, the order of installation of the components must be observed. This avoids the difficulty of adjusting the vertical level.

Working process

The sequence of work should not be changed regardless of what type of installation will be installed: the most common, narrow or angular. A housing should be installed on the prepared site. It is fixed with special adjusting nuts and screws. The installation casing is inserted simultaneously at the vertical and horizontal level. This stage is considered the most responsible in the work.

The horizontal level is controlled by loosening the well structure of the legs. They must be set at a certain height. After reaching the required distance, fixing is carried out. Vertical level control is performed by fitting the anchor to the thread. The end position is also fixed with a stub.

how to choose a toilet for home


At this stage, special plastic retaining clamps will be used in the process. With their help, the pipes of the tank and the sewer system are secured. All items must be securely locked. Before proceeding to the next step, you need to check whether the size of the structure corresponds to the dimensions of the toilet bowl and installation position. The next step will be the installation of the device.


At the final stage, a toilet bowl is installed. At the same time, the nozzles should be precisely sized to fit. They combine, in fact, the installation and the toilet. There should be two pipes. One is needed to supply water, the other - to connect to the sewer. These items are non-standard. They must be equipped with a toilet.

It should be remembered that they cannot be purchased separately. Immediately before installation, the toilet bowls are put on the studs of the PVC coupling. You should also install a cushion pad. The toilet bowl must be put on the studs. Fasteners are then crimped with nuts. These elements should be attracted until the bowl sits firmly in place.


Of course, the entire installation system must be hidden. As a finishing material, double drywall is the best option. In this case, you should choose a waterproof material. The front plane and all the visible sides of the installation are sheathed with drywall. Finishing is carried out in accordance with the general interior of the bathroom.

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