
What documents are needed to sell a land plot: legal advice

The procedure for the purchase and sale of land is regulated in accordance with the Civil Code (Article 209) and the LC (Article 37). To make a deal with the property, it is necessary to prepare certain papers. Let us further consider what documents are needed to sell a land plot. what documents are needed for the sale of land

General information

Today, allotment owners have different types of securities that confirm their rights. These include:

  • Sv-about state registration of law. It is issued by the territorial authorized body.
  • Sv-in the old model. They were issued by the district committees on land use and land management in accordance with the decisions of local administrations. Despite the fact that citizens received these documents before the entry into force of the modern LC, they have legal force.

Some people have in their hands only a resolution of the administration or a lease / acquisition agreement.

Paper content

To understand what documents are needed for the sale of land, you need to know what should be indicated in them. Mandatory in the papers reflects the category of allotment. The plot may be within:

  1. Gardening.
  2. Forest Fund.
  3. Settlements.
  4. Stock.
  5. Protected area.
  6. Industrial land. what documents are needed for the sale of land in gardening

The papers also indicate type of permitted use. It could be:

  • IZHS.
  • LPH.
  • Peasant / Farming, etc.

In addition, the papers indicate the type of right:

  • Life inherited possession.
  • Ownership / rental.
  • Permanent (perpetual) use.

The specifics of real estate turnover

Only those plots that are owned by citizens and have passed cadastral registration can participate in the sale. When renting an allotment, the assignment of the right to the acquirer is allowed. Thus, it becomes clear what documents are needed to sell the land in the first place. This is the property of the right to property and a cadastral passport. The latter should fix the exact boundaries of the allotment. In the absence of this information, a transaction cannot be concluded. This requirement is established in the amendments to the LC. Since June 1, 2015, the accuracy of borders in municipalities has been checked. What documents are needed for the sale of land under IZHS

Obtaining a certificate

On October 1, 2013, Federal Law No. 250 entered into force. This law makes some changes to the existing normative acts regulating the procedure for registration of rights and cadastral registration of immovable objects. In accordance with the Federal Law, a transaction can be executed electronically. This means that you can find out what documents are needed for the sale of a land plot (for private housing construction or other use), submit and receive the necessary papers via the Internet. The applicant must choose the method. Registration, therefore, can now be carried out not only at the location of the immovable object, but in any territorial unit of the Rosreestr. For example, an agreement to purchase a house with a plot located in the Leningrad Region can be registered in Vladivostok, Moscow or any other city. In this case, the registration period will be a maximum of 18 days.

What to do if only an executive order is on hand?

Such citizens should complete the process of turning the land into ownership. To obtain the appropriate certificate, it is necessary to draw up a cadastral plan (passport). In this case, the latter should be a new sample, specially prepared for the transaction.After you receive an extract from the plan, you should contact a licensed geodetic land survey organization. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with her to conduct a survey and draw up a boundary survey. About a month later, a protocol on border coordination will be ready. This paper should be signed with the owners of neighboring plots in the administration of the village where the site itself is located. The protocol must be certified by a seal. After that, it must be transferred back to the geodetic organization. what documents are needed for the sale of agricultural land

Agricultural land

When making a transaction with such an object, there are certain nuances. If we talk about what documents are needed for the sale of agricultural land, then, in principle, the list does not differ from the general list. However, the decision of the KUGI should be added to the list of securities. The fact is that the legislation provides for the preemptive right to purchase the Property Relations Committee. Therefore, the refusal of this body to acquire the site should be attached to the package of securities.

Put on SNT

What documents are needed for the sale of land in gardening? The legislation provides for two ways to conclude a transaction. It can be done by signing a direct contract with the owner or by proxy from the seller. To the package of papers must be attached certificate of absence of debt on payments established in SNT. what documents are needed to sell a share of the land

Main list

So, what documents are needed to sell the land? The list is as follows:

  1. Passport.
  2. Title paper (contract, regulation, etc.).
  3. Certificate of registration of ownership of property (until 1998, the certificate of the previous sample or a stamp in the passport).
  4. Cadastral plan.
  5. Written, certified consent to the transaction from the spouse (if the seller is married).
  6. Contract of sale.

What documents are needed to sell a share of the land?

The legislation establishes the right of preemptive acquisition for the co-owners of the allotment. This means that the owner of a part of the site must notify other interested parties of his intention. In the notification, he should indicate the cost at which he estimates his part. The co-owners may write a written refusal or not respond to the notice. In the latter case, after a month, the pre-emptive right will be deemed unused and the person may enter into a transaction with the selected buyer. In addition, co-owners can write consent to the sale by a citizen of his share. It is certified by a notary and is attached to the general list of securities.

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