
What documents are needed for temporary registration - practical recommendations

In view of the fact that Russians themselves often travel across the territory of the Russian Federation, and frequent visits by guests to the CIS, the question becomes more urgent: “What documents are needed for temporary registration?” Not everyone knows how to correctly carry out this process, from - for which there are difficulties and delays that could be avoided.

Temporary registration

First of all, it is worth deciding what exactly needs to be understood by this term. In fact, this is a temporary residence permit. It is a necessary measure for staying in any region or city outside the place of permanent registration for three months or more.

what documents are needed for temporary registration

In order to clearly understand the essence of the concept under consideration, we need to highlight the following characteristics of this type of registration:

  1. As another place of stay, you can define a city or even part of a settlement in which a citizen has been staying longer than three months. This means that if you move for a period of 2.5 months there is no need to think about temporary registration.
  2. When applying for such a registration, you will not have to pay any fees.
  3. To get this type of registration, you need to visit the UMFS body and provide the required documents.

What documents are required for registration

This is one of the key issues on which the speed of the procedure and its final outcome depend.

First you need to take care of the availability of standard documentation:

  1. Identification.
  2. A correctly completed application (according to form 1). This document must contain two signatures: the one who submits the application, and the person providing the housing to the citizen requesting registration.
  3. You will have to take care of the written consent. In the case of privatized housing, we are talking about the consent of the owners. If the property is not privatized, then it is necessary that the fact of temporary registration was approved by all adult persons living in this apartment. The fact of consent must be certified by a notary. An alternative would be a visit to the registration authority by all tenants.
  4. Understanding what documents are needed for temporary registration, you need to pay attention to the documentation for housing.What documents are required for temporary registration

For privatized facilities, this is a certificate of ownership. If desired, you can not provide it. But then you will have to indicate the details of the certificate, after which the UMFS will make a request to the competent authorities and receive the necessary information. But it is worth considering that such a procedure will extend the registration time by 2-3 days.

If the registration authority has not found any violations after submitting the documentation, the applicant receives a certificate of temporary registration.

How to apply

Answering the question: “What documents are necessary for temporary registration?”, You need to pay attention to the available ways to provide them.

what documents do you need to carry in the register for registration

For this purpose, several relevant options are suitable:

  • by mail;
  • electronic;
  • personal visit to registration authorities.

The most optimal is, of course, a personal visit. This is due to the fact that when using alternative options for filing an application and other documents, the MFI still obliges the prescriber to visit the local office and confirm the requested registration.

Where to apply for temporary registration

In the framework of the topic “What documents are needed for temporary registration”, it makes sense to pay attention to the fact that a citizen of the Russian Federation can get this type of registration anywhere in the country without any restrictions.

what documents are required for registration

As for the registration authorities, the following structures can be attributed to them:

  • MFC office at the place of registration;
  • passport office of housing department (in most regions where the MFC is present, this is not);
  • if there is a need to register in places for rest, hotels or medical institutions, then you need to contact the administration of a particular place of stay;
  • Department of the FMS.

Another question that should be considered: what documents do you need to carry in the housing office for registration? In this case, it is necessary to provide all the papers that were described above. Housing office will subsequently certify them. As a result, the person will be issued an extract from the house book and a copy of the financial and personal account. Those who apply for temporary registration must fill out 2 address arrival lists. Forms for filling out are issued in the housing office itself. After this process is completed, you can contact the local branch of the FMS, where a temporary registration will be issued in the form of a certificate (within three business days).

Here, in fact, all the documents for temporary registration. The paperwork procedure does not require any additional actions other than those indicated above.

Registration of registration for a child

This issue is also relevant for families who are forced to change their place of stay with their children. Based on current legislation, it can be argued that the registration of citizens who have not reached the age of 14 is considered the place of registration of their parents, guardians or adoptive parents.

For the procedure, you will need a birth certificate or documentary evidence of guardianship. By the way, an interesting point: if you have to register a minor in an apartment that is not privatized, getting the consent of everyone who lives in it is not necessary.documents for temporary registration

You should pay attention to the following nuances related to the topic "What documents are needed for temporary registration":

  • If the child is not 14 years old, then parents write a statement on the provision of temporary registration on his behalf.
  • Those who have already overcome this age limit can write a statement on their own. Moreover, they are entitled to receive registration separately from their parents anywhere in the Russian Federation.


Having decided that What documents are needed for temporary registration, it can be concluded that the procedure itself is not complicated. The main thing is to carefully approach the process initially. At the same time, it is worth remembering that temporary registration does not cancel the permanent registration. Moreover, no marks are also put in the passport. Therefore, the issue of temporary registration can be solved without difficulty and any legal consequences. But do not forget that all documentation must be prepared in advance, and if you have to travel to another region, it is advisable to first agree on the consent of the prescribing person (owner of the apartment) to temporary registration at his address.

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