
Temporary registration: valid in the Russian Federation. How to make a temporary registration: step by step instructions

In life, it often happens that a person needs to change his place of residence. Such situations arise for various reasons and require appropriate reinforcement at the state level. Each citizen, in order to ensure social protection, must gain a foothold in a new place of residence.

Normative legal acts provide for a special procedure that precisely regulates the registration procedure. You can get acquainted with it directly in the departments and branches of the relevant authorities. In addition, for people who are faced with such a problem, it will also be useful to read our article, which sets out the basic information regarding the process of registration of temporary registration.

What is a temporary residence permit

Migration across Russia is a fairly common occurrence. Many citizens travel around the country for various reasons, the main of which is the search for a job. In order to somehow consolidate and streamline such processes, the state created a special procedure. It includes the legislative procedure for fixing the place of residence of a citizen, correctly regulates issues of movement around the country in order to relieve social tension in all regions.

temporary registration validityOne of the methods of such control is temporary residence in Russia. Every citizen who enters or leaves a certain region is obliged to fix such a transfer in the established manner. The result of this procedure is the provision of a special document to the applicant, which confirms his right to stay legally in a particular region.

That is, each of us who, for certain reasons, must move to another region at a place other than his place of residence, is required to undergo a special procedure for temporary registration. As a rule, such a process does not require any supernatural efforts, but only provides for the provision of special documents to specialized bodies.

Temporary registration procedure

Like any other process stipulated by law, registration at a new place of residence has its own procedure. Theoretically, it can be divided into several steps:

  • the need to move to another region;
  • collection of all necessary documentation;
  • submission of applications to government bodies;
  • consolidation of legal status at a new place of stay.

validity period of temporary registrationEach of these stages, although it is quite independent, but still they must be considered in aggregate. This is due to the fact that incorrect preparation of the previous step makes it impossible to execute the next.

The need to move to another region

A huge number of residents of our country annually face the need to change their place of residence for a while. At the same time, the period for which a temporary residence permit is issued depends on each individual situation.

In most cases, such a need arises in connection with a change in the workplace. Similar situations can be connected both with the transfer to another region by the current employer, and with the search for a completely new job, in another company.

In addition, there is a difference between who exactly needs a temporary registration. Here, all persons can be divided into two categories: foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation.The main difference will be the deadline for submitting documentation to the relevant authorities. So, representatives of the first group can deduct the validity of a temporary residence permit from the moment they submit an application to the state authority (this can be done within three days after arrival in the Russian Federation). For citizens of Russia, this period is ninety days.

Collection of all necessary documentation

Everyone who is faced with the question of how to make a temporary registration must prepare special documents. To date, the state has provided for the following securities:

  • statement;
  • accommodation contract (rental housing);
  • copies of identity documents.

temporary residence in RussiaIf we talk about the statement, it is worth noting that such a document is not compiled in any form, but has a special sample for filling out, which is approved by the state. You can take it at the office of the state agency that carries out the registration.

An application is filled out according to the general rules provided for all special state designs. The main provisions: do not go beyond the boundaries proposed for entering information, draw up everything carefully, and eliminate corrections. However, all information is best written in capital letters and print. You must also use black ink.

In addition to the statement, each citizen is required to provide a document that will confirm the fact that he has a place of residence in the new region. In this situation, you will need a lease for a living space. In addition, it is mandatory to submit documentary evidence to the owner of the apartment that he gives the person the opportunity to live in his home on a temporary basis.

You will also need copies of documents that confirm the identity of the applicant himself and the person who is the owner of the premises where the citizen will live on a temporary basis. In this situation, we are talking about passports. You need to copy all the pages on which there are any marks.

Submission of application to government bodies

Exclusively special bodies have the right to accept documents, on the basis of which a temporary registration will be issued. The validity period of such an opportunity will be calculated only after a certain authority has carried out all the necessary actions.

temporary residence in Russia for UkrainiansAfter the citizen has collected all the necessary documents, you need to decide where exactly to provide them. To date, the state has provided that the Federal Migration Service deals with issues of registering a temporary residence permit. This body has a wide system of units throughout Russia.

It is important to understand which department needs to be contacted. In this situation, we are talking about the authority that serves the region where the person will directly live on a temporary basis.

Each citizen who needs to obtain such registration is required to visit the territorial body of the Migration Service within 90 days from the moment of moving. It is necessary to contact a special registrar, whose duties include the acceptance of the application and its execution. He checks the documents and begins the registration procedure.

Securing legal status at a new place of stay

After all the relevant documentation is submitted to the registration authority for the temporary place of residence, the process of fixing the legal status of legal residence outside the place of registration begins directly.

how to make a temporary residence permitAs a rule, the state registrar is obliged to carry out all necessary actions within three days. After that, a citizen who has submitted the necessary documents is given a certificate stating his temporary place of residence. This becomes the basis for the social status of a citizen outside his place of residence.It is advisable to always have such a document, like a passport, so that there are no problems with law enforcement agencies.

Duration of registration for citizens of Russia

In addition to the fact of the need to register a temporary residence, you need to decide on exactly how long this opportunity is provided. The legislation today provides that the term of temporary registration is established by a mutual decision of the person who changes his place of residence, and:

  • all residents over 18 years of age who will live together with him in the same room;
  • the owner of the apartment or house, at the address of which a temporary registration will be fixed;
  • authorized body of housing funds.

minimum period of temporary registrationThat is, the validity period of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation is established on a voluntary basis and by joint agreement of all parties. The state registrar only fixes this provision in a certain order. He has no right to indicate which numbers the applicant should put. He only enters all the necessary information into the registers, provided that the citizen has provided all the required documents.

But it is necessary to take into account certain nuances enshrined in law. So, the minimum period of temporary registration for today is six months. That is, no one can apply for temporary registration in the region if they plan to stay there for less than 6 months. If a citizen is provided with an application indicating a smaller term, the registrar will simply refuse to accept the documents.

In addition, the upper boundary is fixed. The maximum period of temporary registration may not exceed five years. After this time, registration is canceled. But the applicant has the right to re-apply for a temporary residence permit in the same manner.

maximum period of temporary registration

Validity of registration for foreigners

Due attention should be paid to the categories of people who are not citizens of Russia. In this situation, the validity of the temporary residence permit will differ from the one mentioned above.

It still depends on which country the citizen came from. Depending on this factor, the length of a possible legal residence permit varies. For example, a temporary residence permit in Russia for Ukrainians cannot exceed three months. This is due to the fact that the legislation provides for the citizens of this country the opportunity to stay in the Russian Federation on the basis of visa-free regime for such a period. The same rule applies to those states that belong to fraternal republics.

For citizens of other countries there is a different temporary residence permit. The validity period in this situation depends on the period for which a visa is open for such persons. That is, the registration period for temporary residence in no case can exceed the time period for which the Russian embassy was granted a visa.

Features of registration of some categories of foreigners

There is a certain group of persons who are legally entitled to extend the term of temporary registration. First of all, this is directly related to their purpose of staying in Russia.

for how long is a temporary residence permitFor full-time students who come from other countries, a temporary residence permit is also provided. Validity in this situation will differ from the general rule. Since, by occupation, such persons are forced to stay in the state for more than three months, they are granted the right to stay legally for 1 year. Moreover, every 12 months, the permit should be updated in the same way.

In addition, the exception is the category of citizens of other countries who work under an employment contract.The mandatory basis here is that the employer in this situation is exclusively the subject of economic activity, which is registered and operates on the territory of Russia. Like students, these individuals are entitled to extend the registration period to 12 months.

Practical value

It is especially important to understand why there is a temporary residence permit. The validity of this fact indicates the legal stay of a citizen in a certain territory, which is not his permanent place of residence. The state has provided such a system in order to control migration processes and ensure social rights person.

This phenomenon is found in everyday life. For everyone who moves to another locality due to certain circumstances, temporary residence registration is quite important. Validity in Orenburg, as in any other corner of our country, will be the same as indicated above. The fact is that all periods are federally consolidated, which means they are identical throughout the country.

validity period of a temporary residence permit in rfTemporary registration in Ukraine for Ukrainians has almost identical rules for registration. The reluctance of a person to pay taxes will lead to unpleasant consequences. Dozens of raids to identify illegal immigrants are conducted daily. Those who do not have a residence permit are not only deported immediately. They will be banned from entering the country for the next 5 years.

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