
Profitable business in crisis. Which business is relevant in a crisis?

business in crisisA person who considers himself a businessman, by definition, must be risky. But this does not mean that you need to act at random. On the contrary, each financial transaction should be completed only after the preparation of a business plan that takes into account all possible situations. During the crisis, many noticed that not all entrepreneurs lost their savings, some of them were even able to improve their financial situation.

It turns out that everything is quite simple, these people just very competently invested in a business that, even in a difficult economic situation, was capable of generating income. Any person with professional skills and knowledge in a certain field can do the same.

home kitchen

Many could not open or, conversely, lost the business in a crisis due to lack of money. But this problem is far-fetched, since you can always get down to business that does not require special investments, but at the same time brings regular income. Of course, such advice will not be able to bring billions in revenue, but they will not be allowed to go to the bottom of the financial world.what business is relevant in a crisis

Before answering the question of which business is relevant in a crisis, you need to understand that selling your own products is much more profitable than being a reseller. In times of financial exacerbation, speculators go bankrupt first.

Thus, the first advice will be useful to those who love and know how to cook. Many women, being housewives, can earn more than their husband. Moreover, the impact of the crisis on the business associated with cooking is minimal, because everyone needs to eat always.

Where to start? First of all, decide on 1-2 specialties. After all, even with the culinary skills of a chef, you can’t take on everything at once. The paramount task should be to occupy your specific niche, and not compete with catering.

It is better to stop the choice on the fact that it is impossible to buy in other places. This can be, for example, various confectionery products and pastries prepared according to grandmother's recipes. If you have a car and an assistant, you can arrange home delivery, which will help expand the market.

Financial advice

business impact of the crisisConducting financial advice is the most profitable business in a crisis. People, frightened by the situation in the stock markets, are ready to pay a knowledgeable person to tell them what to do with their savings.

Having knowledge in the field of economics, you can earn very good money yourself and help others do it. True, in this case, you can encounter many problems, one of which is the difficulty with obtaining a license to conduct such activities.

Car repair

profitable business in crisisDuring the 2008 crisis, the auto-locksmithing business not only did not suffer, but even significantly increased in the pace of development. This is due to the fact that people decided to save on the purchase of new cars. In their opinion, it is much cheaper to tidy up your old car.

In addition to the influx of visitors, such a business in crisis has another notable advantage, which is to reduce the price of spare parts. Many specialized stores, being in a pre-bankrupt state, prefer to arrange sales, rather than finally go broke.

Internet and high technology

The global network today is an inexhaustible source of information. And if an ordinary business does not feel very well during the crisis, then in the media sphere everything is a little different. It is almost impossible for a modern person to live without the Internet.He uses it almost every minute, visiting entertaining and informative sites, as well as communicating on social networks.

Such a craving for high technology should be used to their advantage. There are many options. The most profitable is to create your own site and place advertising links on it.

You can also start creating various Internet content. It can be anything, from simple articles to webinars and training courses.


Transferring your knowledge to another person is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a very good business in a crisis. Intelligence is appreciated at any time, and each parent wants a better future for his child, for which he is trying to give him a brilliant education. Unfortunately, the modern state education system is not able to fully provide this.

Tutoring is very well paid, in addition, you can study with students right at home. One hour of such intellectual work costs an average of $ 50, which is a daily income for an average high school teacher.

You can go much further than standard classes, and if you have the skills, then write training software (you can resort to the help of professional programmers). Selling interactive tutorials will also help replenish your savings.

Other business ideas to help you survive the crisis.

business during the crisis

During financial difficulties, the business wins that can quickly adapt to the new rules of the game. Only a small business, in which a small number of people are involved, can do this. As for the desire to open a business during the crisis, here you can advise the following options:

  1. Retail trade in food.
  2. Bureau of funeral services.
  3. Collection agency.
  4. Law agency.
  5. Retail trade of household goods.
  6. Shop Second Hand.

This kind of rating was made by experts in the field of economics according to the results of studies of the consequences of the 2008 crisis. It is these types of entrepreneurship that have suffered the least.

The inclusion of each of the above items in the top 6 can be explained in terms of logic. Indeed, the demand for food and household goods, even with rising prices, drops slightly. People die too, no matter how things are in the stock markets.

Collection and legal agencies in difficult times do not lack clients. The former try to shake all debts out of the borrowers, while the latter stand in their defense. As for Second Hand stores, clothing is exactly what, according to ordinary people, you can save on.

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Reason for complaint
You can not compare the crisis of 2008 and 2015, now only things that save, real or imaginary - repair of clothes and everything else and inexpensive services and goods with above average quality will be afloat.
A crisis is like a war. There are no rules in war. Therefore, to say that you can earn money in certain industries from scratch is not true


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