
Classification of honey. waste and disposal rules

The disposal of medical waste plays an important role worldwide. In fact, medical waste carries a great danger. Therefore, disposal is a very significant matter. After all, medical waste is considered a hotbed of viral diseases, as well as infectious infections.

honey waste classificationA disease such as tuberculosis can be transmitted through any object with which the patient has contacted. Most at risk are children who do not understand all the seriousness. They, picking up a used syringe from the ground, can prick. And if you reuse the syringe, a person can become infected with very serious diseases, such as AIDS or hepatitis.

Therefore, the used syringe should be disposed of immediately. The composition of the waste is diverse. They are: plastic (syringes, droppers, disposable devices), paper (considered safe, since these are mainly packages), glass (ampoules, test tubes) as well as biological and chemical ones.

Before disposal, mandatory classification of honey. waste. If such waste is simply thrown into a landfill, then poisoning of the soil, water and air will occur, as these are poison and chemicals. There are also materials in the waste that have the ability to poison our planet with radiation, infections, and toxic fumes.

In order to prevent the spread of deadly infections, absolutely in every room there should be a container where the used materials will be placed. After that, they must be disposed of.

Main problems

honey waste classificationAt the moment, medical waste is a big problem, since most of it does not go through recycling, but simply moves to the landfill. Statistics, of course, show everything differently. But this is only statistics. There is only one document that governs all activities related to waste recycling in healthcare facilities, namely - SanPiN. Classification of honey. waste in it is described in detail.

Categories of medical waste

Medical waste in healthcare facilities can be divided into 5 hazard categories:

  1. Harmless epidemiological waste such as food waste, paper furniture.
  2. Epidemiological wastes that are hazardous. This class includes instruments that have been in contact with patients, or human organs (waste after surgery).
  3. Very epidemiologically dangerous, namely, instruments that had direct contact with seriously ill people, as well as waste from laboratories.
  4. Toxicologically hazardous waste, expired drugs, chemicals, and mercury devices.
  5. Waste containing radionuclides. They, as a rule, are few, but you need to turn to the services of organizations having this kind of specialization.

This classification of honey. waste is generally accepted.

Methods for storing medical waste

honey waste classification and disposalWastes of categories 1, 2 and 3 are saved only in specialized disposable bags that are hermetically sealed. There are also containers that allow you to use them repeatedly. You can not store more than one day specified honey. waste in healthcare facilities. Classification must be respected.

The shelf life of this type of waste can be increased, but only under certain conditions. Namely, if the temperature in a specialized room does not exceed 5 ° C. Under these conditions, the storage duration can be increased to several days. Accordingly, mixing these types of waste that has not undergone specialized treatment is strictly prohibited.

Waste Management Requirements

classification of honey waste by hazard classOver time, honey accumulates. waste. Waste classification should be carried out regularly.

In this regard, there are requirements, the implementation of which must be adhered to:

  • Access to medical waste for persons under the age of majority is strictly prohibited. Medical examinations concern all employees, the appearance of which is strictly required.
  • Also, workers are necessarily vaccinated. If someone is not vaccinated against hepatitis B, then he is not allowed to work with class 2 and 3 waste.
  • Personnel must be familiar with the safety procedures for working with waste. Accordingly, training is periodically conducted.
  • Workwear is also an important aspect when dealing with waste. Leaving the premises in overalls is strictly prohibited. It is also unacceptable to store personal and interchangeable workwear in one closet.
  • You are required to provide everything necessary for working with waste.
  • Work clothes should be washed centrally.

What is not allowed during the accumulation of waste?

There are also a number of prohibited actions when dealing with waste:

  • you can’t remove the needle from the used syringe with your hands, or put on the cap by injection;
  • manual cutting of waste of groups 2 and 3 is prohibited;
  • the transfer of unsealed waste of types 2 and 3 from one container to another is prohibited;
  • it is forbidden to compact waste of types 2 and 3;
  • Do not start work with waste without gloves and workwear;
  • do not collect sharp objects in soft packaging;
  • the distance from the heater should not exceed one meter to the container in which honey is collected. waste classification must also be respected.

Waste Disposal Rules

When exporting medical waste for disposal, the following requirements are mandatory:

  • First of all, honey should be classified. waste.
  • There should be no danger to others when transporting waste.
  • The machine must have the appropriate marking and sanitary passport.
  • A machine that is designed to transport group 2 and 3 waste is not allowed to be used for other purposes.

Honey. waste: classification and disposal

honey waste waste classificationBefore disposal, medical waste goes through the following stages:

  • collection and classification only within the organization;
  • the presence of storage in which they are moved;
  • disinfection;
  • transportation to the place of disposal;
  • processing.

Medical waste disposal methods

There are 5 methods for their disposal: burning, sterilization with water vapor, chemical disinfection, disinfection with microwaves, sterilization with radiation. It is assumed that the classification of honey. waste carried out.

On each of them the following occurs:

  • incineration entirely due to special incinerator furnaces;
  • sterilization due to water vapor, where the temperature rises above 100 degrees, after which the waste is crushed and thrown into a landfill;
  • chemical treatment is carried out due to the chemical substance that contains chlorine, for the full impact of which it is often combined with mechanical grinding and dissolution;
  • the crushed waste is mixed with water, irradiated with microwaves, after which the crushed waste is thrown into the trash;
  • radiation is the newest sterilization method, the minus of which is that it poses a threat to the health of personnel.

Classification of honey. hazard class waste

Sanpin honey waste classificationAfter collection, all waste must be disposed of in accordance with the class to which it belongs:

  1. Non-harmful waste is collected in both disposable and reusable bags (containers). Then they are sent either to the landfill or to the sewer.
  2. Hazardous waste, of course, is placed in a disposable container with a tight lid. After that, they are disinfected and then burned.
  3. Waste carries a great danger. Disinfecting them is simply necessary.The packaging label must be red, filled in three quarters. Next, the employee must put his signature and the name of the institution. And only then they are taken to the place of disposal.
  4. Basically, these are different devices with mercury content. Of course, they carry danger. Therefore, they must be collected in tightly closed containers. Marking color should be red or yellow. They are stored in specially equipped rooms, where they are deactivated. Waste of this class must be disposed of by a special organization licensed for this service. This is how honey should be distributed. waste. Hazardous classification is crucial. Also, all medical waste must be labeled.

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