
Coffee to go: business plan - equipment, costing and SES requirements

coffee to go business plan

In today's article, we will examine in detail the organizational aspects of such a service as coffee to go. A business plan will help you understand the main stages of enterprise development. In addition, you can evaluate the profitability of production and calculate the initial investment.

general information

Coffee is considered one of the most popular drinks in the modern world. Russia is no exception. Compared to tea, coffee is more common and in high demand. There are many varieties of the drink, but mostly Arabica is preferred. Black coffee is obtained by roasting green beans. Due to this, it becomes unique in taste and color. The great popularity of the drink entailed various ideas for the development of the coffee industry in the small business segment.

Today, you can finger-list cities that do not have coffee houses. They, along with restaurants, snack bars and cafes, are considered one of the most common institutions. Coffee houses belong to the service sector.

In Moscow alone, according to experts, a significant increase in coffee consumption occurs annually. Muscovites spend about 30 thousand dollars a day on the purchase of this tonic drink. Experts say that every year this amount will only increase. Coffee displaces other drinks, such as tea or juice.

Territory for the project "Coffee with you"

A coffee point, unlike a regular coffee shop, where visitors can drink drinks only in the premises of the establishment, has an additional plus - the ability to take an order with you. The fact is that there are a lot of coffee connoisseurs and admirers, but not everyone wants to spend their time in a coffee shop.

Some people want to enjoy the drink in other conditions: at home, in the park or on the way to work. Therefore, many people choose to take coffee with them. The business plan of the project should include several fundamental points. These include:

  • selection of a place for an institution;
  • registration with the tax authority (as an individual entrepreneur or LLC);
  • collection of necessary permits (conclusion of SES, fire protection, etc.);
  • search for suppliers of raw materials and equipment;
  • calculation of basic costs, etc.

cafe layout

Start organizing your business with a choice of territory. Prefer lively areas of the city. If possible, then try to place the "Coffee with you" in a large store or mall. An example of a good choice is the Coffee House coffee chain.

Their institutions are located in crowded places. Also relevant are coffee shops at airports, bus stations, and not far from educational institutions. Choosing a place is of great importance for your business, this will ensure its stability, growth in the number of customers, and therefore, a large profit.

Children's cafe as a business

Similar conditions are required in order to draw up a business plan for a children's cafe. The main bias in this type of activity needs to be done on the entertainment program and a special menu. The more interesting and exciting the children’s pastime will be organized, the more likely their parents will bring them here again and recommend the institution to visit their friends and relatives.

Creating a business plan for a cafe for children, it is important not to make a mistake with its bandwidth. It is necessary to take into account the slightest nuances. The layout of the cafe should be designed so that there is about 5 square meters per person. m

Furniture needs to be purchased specifically for children - comfortable, practical, light and attractive.If you can’t think of the situation for a coffee shop yourself, then in this case it makes sense to invite a competent designer who will make the room a fabulous corner.

Approximate financial costs for arranging a children's cafe range from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles. The average bill is 500 rubles. The payback of the institution occurs within 6-12 months. If you took into account all the rules of location, made competent advertising, then you can count on getting good income.

 how to draw up a cafe business plan

Collection of documents and registration

The institution “Coffee with you”, the business plan of which we are considering today, must be registered without fail. For this, a businessman is registered as an individual entrepreneur (sole proprietorship) or forms an LLC (limited liability company). You can do this at your local tax office. The IP registration option is most preferable, as it saves time and money.

One of the important conditions that must be met before opening a coffee shop is to obtain an opinion from the sanitary-epidemiological service. There is a list of standards that apply to catering establishments. These are the requirements:

  • to placement;
  • to the organization of sewage and water supply;
  • to working conditions in industrial premises;
  • to the content and arrangement of the premises;
  • to equipment, utensils and containers, inventory;
  • to transportation, reception and storage of food products, raw materials;
  • to production and processing of raw materials;
  • to the distribution of dishes and the release of culinary products and semi-finished products;
  • sanitary requirements for the production of confectionery with cream;
  • sanitary requirements for the production of soft ice cream;
  • on measures to combat insects and rodents;
  • sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of staff;
  • to the organization of production control;
  • compliance with sanitary rules.

All the rules that must be observed in a catering establishment are described in detail in sanpin

You may need permission from a fire inspection if the building is being built from scratch. In the event that you plan to work under a lease, you will not need it. Count on the fact that once a year the coffee house will be checked by the bodies of the SES and the fire department.

Coffee House


Before making a business plan for a cafe, you should analyze the market for suppliers of equipment and other technical material for the establishment. Choose professional equipment. This is especially true for coffee makers. Well-established Italian models. Compared with ordinary household machines, they cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but this is not the expense item to save on. Professional foreign equipment will serve you for many years. Buying it is easy.

Many companies providing raw materials (coffee) can provide you with all the necessary equipment. The basic set for the establishment includes a coffee grinder, coffee maker and sealed containers for a drink. A coffee mug with you is a special cup through which it is convenient to drink and which keeps the temperature in the cold for a long time. Well-known institutions order such containers with the logo of their company.

In addition, your cafe will need refrigeration equipment for storing dairy products and confectionery, furniture (tables, bar, chairs), shop windows, cash registers. Preparing a drink should be from purified water, so you will additionally have to purchase filters.


The next step will be the selection of employees for the institution "Coffee with you." A business plan for a small coffee shop may include one or two people. If you plan to open a large room, then the staff should be supplemented by an administrator, waiters, security guard and cleaning lady. All employees must have personal medical records and personal hygiene. When planning a large assortment of coffee snacks, think about setting up your pastry shop.In this case, you will need a cook and 1-2 assistants. All employees must have an education.

Make sure that the staff is polite and correct in relation to customers. Not only the quality of service, but also the success of the entire institution depends on this. The right decision will be the organization of training courses. Make sure that the waiters know their business and have an idea of ​​what types of coffee your institution offers and how they differ from each other.

Room interior

In the matter of how to draw up a cafe business plan, one of the significant points is the development of the interior of the room. The institution should have several rooms: for the manager, for the storage of raw materials, for staff, as well as a bathroom and shower. Important is the layout of the cafe. Half of the room should be devoted to industrial needs. In the rest, showcases, tables for visitors should be placed and leave a place for passage.

Since your institution will have the main focus in preparing a drink and issuing a finished order with you, you can limit yourself to minimal amenities. Use simple dishes without undue pretentiousness. Install small lights on the walls and tables. Organize music. Choose furniture of a small size so as not to clutter up the space.

business plan for kids cafe

The financial component of the business

No business plan can do without financial calculations. Coffee shop expenses are mainly related to the purchase of equipment. Here are the approximate prices (in dollars):

  • professional coffee machine - 5 thousand;
  • refrigeration equipment - 1 thousand;
  • coffee grinder - 300-400 dollars;
  • water filters - $ 300

Experts say that payback period Such a business is about 1-2 years. Profitability is quite high - about 40-60%. To open an institution "Coffee with you" will require 50 thousand dollars of initial investment. Of course, you can organize a small coffee shop with lower financial costs.


When opening a coffee shop, do not forget about its advertising. The most effective will be a bright outdoor sign. Renting a video on TV and radio may not bring the expected effect, since the main visitors to the institution will be people working or living within walking distance.

You can attract a clientele with promotions, small discounts and the offer of loyal customer cards. At the opening, organize special promotions, for example 1 + 1. That is, buying one glass of coffee, the second client receives for free. It will be useful to distribute sheets with information about the institution. This will also attract potential buyers.

business plan cafe for children


Summing up all of the above, we can say that it is not easy to open the point "Coffee with you". Significant initial capital and good organizational skills are needed. An important point here is the choice of location for the future institution. The “Coffee with you” service is widespread in megacities, especially in busy parts of the city, the so-called business districts.

It is important to place the institution near shopping centers. You can earn a reputation and become competitive in the coffee business market due to quality products, a large assortment and affordable prices.

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Elina Viktorovna
High-quality modern equipment is now produced by companies from Italy. If you are not well versed in this industry, consult with specialists, they will tell you where it is better to buy coffee machines, which dishes to choose and give some tips on doing business.


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