
Your business: how to open a teahouse. Tea shop business plan: equipment and necessary documents

tea shop business planFor some, the morning begins with a cup of coffee, while others need to cheer up tea. Yes, not just cheap packaged, but varietal, brewed according to all strict rules. And the number of varieties, varieties, blends is not subject to accurate calculations. Actually, an ever-growing army of lovers of this ancient drink creates favorable conditions for the development of successful commerce. The tea shop’s business plan will allow the insured to approach the matter from almost all possible sides.

We prepare documents

Before you start the boisterous business of opening your own tea shop, visit a law firm. Here they will tell you which documents you need to prepare, where they need to be certified and how much it will cost.

Of course, it will not work to get rid of visits to various authorities, but on the other hand, you will represent the whole chain of organizations that you have to visit. You will know what the package of documents for registration of your company includes, what stamps and signatures should be affixed on pieces of paper.

If you are new to commerce, then it’s nice to get the support of the business incubator specialists. There you will be able to formulate a phased business plan for the tea shop, and they will also be prepared for possible difficulties.

Choose a format

tea business is profitable or not

In order not to rush about in doubt, think over the format of the future outlet in advance. It only at first glance it might seem that all the shops are the same. Not at all.

Let's start with the most rare, but very promising enterprise. This is a store combined with a full-fledged tasting room. Undoubtedly, it will be necessary to settle down quite freely so that there is where to place a diverse tea assortment, and also there will be enough space for small tables, at which visitors will slowly try new varieties for them.

Of course, investments and efforts will have to be spent more on such a business. The tea shop plan is best developed carefully by applying the zoning principle. But then you will have a launch pad ready for the future cozy cafe. It has been noticed that regulars in tea tasting rooms eagerly buy confectionery for their favorite drink.

If such a large-scale enterprise is not yet within your reach, then you can focus on the middle option. Consider opening a tea boutique. Unlike the first format, this point will be smaller, the varieties presented on the shelves are the most popular, slightly diluted with rare exotic. There is also a bar for fans to try new things before buying.

There is a very modest option for beginner businessmen. This is a stall organization. You need a little place for it, only to accommodate the rack for the goods, and put the rack for the seller. You can get settled in any shopping center, the main thing is to have more cross-country ability.

You can rent a corner in some grocery supermarket. Customers who are disappointed in tea bags with chemical flavors may be able to buy something from your assortment. And there are regular customers there.


loose tea wholesale

Whatever format you define for yourself, the main thing for successful business promotion is the presence of buyers who are ready to pay for your goods.Therefore, when choosing a place for your point, consider the patency of this territory.

The higher it is, the better. It is clear that if you open a tea shop in the city center, near the popular places of recreation for citizens, then you automatically provide yourself with visitors. Let it be at first curious citizens, but here it depends on you how you will warm up their further interest.

Of course, renting a room in a bear’s corner is much cheaper, but it’s already more difficult to promote such a point. Even if your plans include a modest shop selling the most popular tea varieties and coffee beans, try to settle down in crowded places.

Shopping centers, but large, with good customer turnover, will do. Neighborhood works next to flower stalls. People buying gifts often stop in front of beautiful tea bags with fragrant tea. So you can offer them a version of the original "appendage" to the traditional bouquet.

Room design

Now let's talk about “appearance”, it will depend on it to some extent how attractive your teahouse will become. A business plan must take this factor into account. Before you enthusiastically take up the development of a design project, study the regulatory requirements emanating from regulatory sanitary authorities, do not ignore those related to fire safety.

As for the design itself, here a lot depends on the format of your establishment. But in any case, it will be nice to give the room an individuality so that you are recognized. And start by creating a logo. He is that business card that forms the image of the enterprise.

And in what specific style you will begin to submit yourself, it is up to you. Will it focus on oriental exoticism, or do you want to bring some English notes, or maybe you plan a stall in the Russian spirit? The main thing is to be able to stand out, become noticeable against the background of competitors.

We select equipment

tea shop equipment

Having decided on the nature of the future enterprise, its style and scale, we begin to look for the necessary equipment for the tea shop. We will need racks and shelves, cabinets, containers, vanes, coasters, scales, cash registers.

For a small point, you can purchase ready-made racks of the right size. If you want to get better quality commercial furniture, then order shelves and cabinets from the master. He will fulfill everything according to your personal requirements.

For the tasting room, you will need to additionally order tables, chairs. Or consider the design of the bar. Since you will begin to serve visitors a fragrant drink prepared right there, therefore, you need teapots, cups, and spoons for this. And it’s better if they play to your intended image.

Before you open a tea room, purchase all the necessary little things. Separately, put shelves for related products, purchase glass jars in the right amount for storing bulk tea and coffee, and get the scoops that will collect the product. Do not forget about electronic scales and bags for goods. It is better to order the latter with company logos so that the buyer does not puzzle for a long time over where he got delicious tea last time, and immediately went for the familiar emblem.

The cash register will need to be registered in the tax. This is a prerequisite.

Equipment costs must be calculated in advance so that it doesn’t turn out that you bought expensive demo cabinets, and there was simply not enough money for the rest.

Create a team

tea business from scratch

The business plan of the tea shop necessarily contains an item regarding the selection of personnel.

Of course, if you have a tiny shop, then the first time you can cope in splendid isolation. But it is better if you take yourself a changer.Moreover, you will have to solve issues with suppliers, keep documentation, monitor equipment and replenish the assortment, so you simply will not be able to get distracted by visitors. A charming seller, versed in the intricacies of the goods offered, will be very welcome.

You can find a suitable candidate through a recruiting agency, but in any case, personally talk with the applicants. Evaluate their appearance, speech, ability to have an interlocutor. Not bad if you are given recommendations.

If you are aimed at conducting tastings, then ask applicants in advance about their ability to brew tea correctly, knowledge of various traditions associated with tea drinking.

If we talk about the wage fund, then the usual practice here is that the employee has a certain fixed salary, and he also receives a percentage of the revenue. So you stimulate staff to increase sales.

We form an assortment

how to open your teahouseSince you intend to offer tea by weight, you will have to purchase in bulk the assortment necessary to meet consumer needs. In large and medium-sized points you need to support the widest range of varieties: from expensive to quite budget.

Small stalls usually provide their customers with the most popular varieties. Elite samples here are constantly disadvantageous. Better to order at the request of regular customers.

In addition to tea, you must have fruit-herbal mixtures, blends, flower drinks, and different types of coffee. Do not ignore sweets. Only not those that sell on every corner, but something original.

And boldly offer related accessories for tea drinking.

Tea ceremony

Conceiving the tea business from scratch, put in your assortment plan the purchase of a variety of accessories and devices for making and drinking tea and coffee. Turks, calabashas for mate, ceramic and porcelain teapots, strainers, coasters - but who knows what other interesting things came up with mankind. And all these little things pleasantly diluted jars of goods on the shelves.

Choose a supplier

For your business to function smoothly, you need to find a reliable supplier. Only owners of large enterprises or networks can afford to directly contact manufacturers of goods. The owners of modest stores will not pull the purchase of large lots. And they will be able to implement them with difficulty.

Therefore, we are looking for regional representatives who offer bulk tea in bulk. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the pricing policies of companies and feedback on their work. If possible, try to personally visit the supplier’s warehouse, evaluate its assortment, and try the varieties that you intend to purchase for your store.

About pricing

Now about the extra charges. It will depend on how competently you approach this task, whether the tea business will become successful for you, whether it will be profitable or not.

When setting the price of a product, check out the policies of your competitors.

When considering the margin on products, divide the assortment into segments. The highest allowance is allowed for rare varieties. If you are sure that this product is not on the shelves in neighboring shops, it can’t be obtained by ordering through online sellers, then dare to dictate your terms. But on running grades, the price should not be overstated. You can treat your customers with discounts and promotions.


When promoting yourself, stick to a specific marketing plan. Proven methods, whether it be free tasting, gifts, surprises, promotions, participation in charity events, have worked for centuries. They will work in your case.

Of course, you will have to lay down a certain amount for promotion, and in the future there is no need to abruptly abandon the chosen style of behavior.Let the clients be sure that the bonuses they earn will never be lost, that pleasant gifts await them for their loyalty, for example, a small bag with a rare tea collection.

Advertising "hooks"

open a tea boutique

And do not get tired of advertising your business. Do not limit yourself to a single issue of business cards. Print small booklets about tea or coffee. Release colorful bookmarks with interesting facts about tea traditions and put them in bags of purchased goods.

Form branded gift sets with the teahouse logo. Hand out flyers, leave your invitations on cafe tables, the owners of such establishments, as a rule, do not refuse such cooperation. Perhaps they will even allow you to conduct small tastings of your products on their territory.

Go ahead

It is important not only to know how to open your own tea room, it is important to be able to move on, develop and grow stronger. Do not stop, go ahead. Increase space, expand the range, offer new services. Listen to your team, sometimes employees submit good ideas for successful changes. Learn someone else's experience. Otherwise, braking at a certain stage, you will miss the moment when a new, more creative competitor appears on the horizon.

Just by trying it, you can determine how true your decision was to open your tea business. Whether this occupation is beneficial or not - it depends on your efforts, knowledge and skills.

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