
The coordinator is a profession of modernity

In our modern computer age, the development of new professions has become an urgent need. Entrepreneurs who have representative offices of their business also online cannot do without an assistant who has mastered all the nuances of one of the positions demanded today. Meet - this is the coordinator.the coordinator is

Essence of the work

A coordinator is a company representative who coordinates the work of other employees. Every day he has to perform many actions that form the general scheme of work: receive calls, communicate with customers, solve administrative and financial issues, and much more. Organization of large specialized thematic forums, congresses and festivals, delegation of duties between other employees, work with the client base - and this is not all that the coordinator does. Its functions are so vast that the following impression is created - this position will appeal most to people with natural organizational inclinations.coordinator responsibilities

And assistant manager and project coordinator

Usually, a person is initially appointed an assistant manager. And later, if the adopted employee is proactive, quick, easily assumes responsibility for organizational matters, then, as a rule, the manager himself raises him to the coordinator. Well, at the time of applying for the applicant immediately for this position, the head of the company will first try to evaluate his personal qualities. This means that the presence of some kind of education, of course, will not be superfluous, but it will not play the prevailing role. After all, as you know, there are still no such institutions or courses that would teach you how to become a coordinator.how to become a coordinator

Work as a coordinator on the example of Avon

At Avon, the position of coordinator is a logical continuation of career growth. From a simple representative of the company with which the applicant entered into a “regular customer agreement”, then he moves to the position of coordinator. It is believed that such a person has already entered the runway of building his own business, is recruiting his own team, and coordinating its successful development, up to the global scale. Nothing can limit him in this, except perhaps his own convictions.

The coordinator is an ideal option for people who are ambitious, hardworking, purposeful, but also resistant to the effects of stress. In Russia, the very first Avon coordinators appeared in 1995. And today there are more than 10,000 people in our country.coordinator job description

Coordinator general job description

An employee accepted for this position is fully responsible for placing advertising layouts in publications and processing various financial documents. The coordinator must strictly adhere to the procedure for the implementation of projects adopted by the company. He needs to control all the working nuances within the information processing process. His responsibilities include monitoring the timing of the implementation of important tasks by employees and daily tasks assigned to them.

The coordinator is a representative of the company who knows how to conduct primary bookkeeping, knows the law on advertising and the media, is fluent in Word, Excel and has mastered the knowledge of workflow. He is obliged to monitor the cash flow in the company, negotiate with representatives of other companies responsible for paying for services, keep financial statements and verify data with the accounting department.function coordinator

Other responsibilities of the coordinator

In addition to the above, he is responsible for arranging layouts on the flat plan and monitors the timely filling of the company's website with content. He is also responsible for coordinating the work of the commercial service. The coordinator is obliged to resolve any problematic issue that arises during work. For each individual project, he is obliged to develop an individual plan and interact with all managers in a given direction.

The coordinator's duties also include maintaining the technical scheme of the event, the so-called grid. It is a huge document with color landmarks, according to which all the services of the company determine their tasks. The contract concluded with the next customer is considered the main document, respectively, the coordinator has to study it and literally know by heart. In addition, he must be aware of the contractors, contacts of all responsible, estimates. Managers are usually not able to cope with such a huge amount of work, and for this they need a coordinator. This is the normal workflow of any company.the coordinator is

Will this suit you personally

Many people would like to try themselves in this area. Naturally, at first, this profession seems incredibly complex. Nevertheless, starting to work and gradually getting into the course of things, you begin to love her. Moreover, there are enough pluses in such a position, because it is good money, very interesting, fascinating and truly significant work. On the other hand, you should not deceive yourself and think that this profession is creative. No, it is more likely to be compared with exact science math. And if you have an analytical mindset, a strong-willed, purposeful character, are emotionally persistent and are able not to confuse the correct delegation of duties with “command ability”, then, as they say, welcome aboard.

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