
PR-manager: duties and job description

Probably, nobody will talk much about how important a good reputation of a company is, today everyone knows that a respected brand or brand should always pay a lot of attention to developing a positive attitude of the public towards itself. By the way, to carry out such a task, there is even a separate position - a PR manager. The duties of this specialist, in short, are quite complex, and very significant - he must make sure that the product or service that the organization offers is in demand.

Such a master of all trades

To become a really good PR manager, you need to learn how to combine several completely diverse professions: have a journalistic flair, the skills of a sociologist, the mind of a psychologist and the skills of a marketer. This work is not suitable for those who are used to thinking within certain limits or who are not able to see non-standard solutions. A person who can easily find a common language with both internal and external audiences is a PR manager. His responsibilities also include the task of increasing the loyalty of the relationship between superiors and subordinates.pr duties manager

Let's talk about the main functions of this specialist

As already mentioned, the functional responsibilities of a PR manager primarily include creating a positive image of the company, and this cannot be done without a deep and phased study of all the factors that may have a direct or indirect influence on the formation of a good name.

Such professions as advertising manager and PR manager should not be confused. The responsibilities of the specialist we are considering are much more complex and extensive, because he must not only “promote” the service or product, but also make sure that any product of this brand is perceived as good, high-quality and necessary for the buyer.

Short list of core responsibilities

So, a true professional of this craft should be able to:

  • Choose the optimal direction for the company. This means that the PR manager should be able to tell management exactly which sphere will be the most profitable for the company in the near future.
  • Develop modern and unique PR companies. Responsibilities of PR Manager include such an item without fail, regardless of the size of the company and their relevance in the modern market.
  • Evaluate resources owned by the organization. And now we are not talking only about material or labor resources. Modern means of realizing a previously set goal is, to a greater extent, information.
  • Predict the result that the company is striving for. This refers not only to the ability to approximately calculate the possible profit from a particular action, but also the ability to clearly show the management all the possible dangers and problems that will have to be encountered in achieving the goal.
  • Informing the public about the core values ​​of the company, as well as its policies, objectives pursued, etc., that is, everything that is capable of forming a positive attitude towards the company as a whole in the subconscious of the potential buyer.job responsibilities pr manager

Recall the responsibilities

Regardless of the size of the company, the functions of all PR managers are the same, but the responsibilities will already depend on the scale of the activity. Small, developing companies need only one person who occupies a similar position, but if we talk about the leaders of certain market segments, then they necessarily have a whole department, and not just one PR-manager.Responsibilities here will be distributed among employees. And there will certainly be a coordinator who will be able to organize the activities of each individual member of the unit.

A number of main responsibilities include also constant monitoring of all kinds of publications and reviews about products or about the company as a whole. One must be able to not only record the fact of one or another public reaction, but also react in a timely and correct manner.advertising manager and pr duties

The main thing is that all the work done by the PR manager should be effective, regardless of the amount of time invested, money and other resources, because the advertising and PR manager must fulfill the duties on time and please the management with positive results. And perhaps this is only with regular and fruitful communication with the public. And any means for this will be good: advertising both through paper media, and through the media, the Internet, etc.

PR-manager must be able to properly set goals

A good PR man doesn’t just come and starts making advertisements, he acts according to the plan, in which each individual item is clearly spelled out. Approximately the main tasks are displayed in the following list:

  • development, formation of a truly effective strategy, which will allow promoting a brand or a brand with minimal expenses;
  • cooperation with the media, the creation of high-quality content and publications that make it possible for a simple buyer to get to know the brand;
  • planning and conducting events that will allow in the eyes of potential buyers and investors to create the most positive reputation and image;
  • any public relations campaign requires monetary expenditures, so it is also the responsibility of the public relations manager to formulate the budgets of such campaigns;
  • without analysis of the results obtained, all work may be useless, therefore, the PR manager also has the task of constant operational control over the results.

responsibilities of pr manager

Skills and knowledge, without which you cannot become a good PR specialist

In order to understand who such a PR manager is, in fact, it is necessary to carefully consider the skills that a good specialist in this profile should possess. It is these basic skills that will most of all interest a potential employer:

  • understanding and ability to operate with the fundamental principles of PR management;
  • Based on the basics of management, as well as economics and marketing, draw up action strategies;
  • ability to quickly and efficiently work with correspondence, including business;
  • writing skills for various articles, including advertising ones;
  • operating skills of modern computer technology and knowledge of the most relevant programs.manager pr instruction

Do not forget about personal qualities

Of course, the job description of the PR manager does not include a similar item, but still potential employers pay attention to this. So, if you possess the following skills, you can apply for the position of PR manager even in the most advanced company:

  1. Sociability. It is no coincidence that this skill is the first on our list. A true specialist in this industry should not only easily find contact with representatives of the internal or external environment of the company, but also take great advantage of opportunities offered by acquaintances and good relations with certain people.
  2. Activity. A good PR manager always manages to attend all the most important events for the company, as well as hold presentations and other meetings that will positively affect the brand image.
  3. Self-confidence. Often, a company is perceived precisely through a PR manager, that is, he is actually her face, and it is desirable that he present himself as presentably as possible.
  4. Ability to think without limits. Often a good specialist in this profile is the person who is able to see new options for getting out of standard situations.
  5. Stress resistance.No one says that promoting the organization as a whole or a single product will be simple, so you need to be prepared for failures, a crush on the part of management and other troubles.
  6. Creative thinking. A good PR manager should always be a bit an artist at heart, without a flight of fancy, there is nothing to do in this industry.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this profession.

Let's start first with the “sweet”, that is, with the advantages of the profession:

  • communication with very smart and extraordinary people;
  • the opportunity to get real pleasure and “drive” in the process of work;
  • creative work in which the framework, in most cases, you draw yourself.

Of course, there are a lot more pluses, we have listed the most “pleasant” ones.who is pr manager

Do not forget about the "fly in the ointment." So, the main disadvantages of this profession are as follows:

  • it is stressful work;
  • often the customer simply cannot understand the course of your thoughts and imagine how you will achieve the results you are talking about;
  • in most cases, the working day is not standardized.

Recall the salary

It is impossible to create even an approximate salary scale for PR specialists, since such factors as the sphere of activity of the enterprise, the demand for their product on the market, and the size of the organization will influence it. And young specialists earn ten times less than the well-established PR specialists. We can only say that the real "sharks of the PR world" receive not tens, but hundreds of thousands of rubles a month, and this is far from the limit.

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