
Secondary Education: All About Learning

Today we will discuss secondary education with you. Let's try to figure out whether it is so terrible, as many parents think, and also study its possible directions. Indeed, many children are trying to leave school as soon as possible, but after not enrolling in a university, but simply getting "at least some diploma." Schools help them in this. So let's get down to speed with our current question.

Only 9 classes

So, let's start with the fact that all secondary education is divided into several parts. In general terms, this type of knowledge can be called intermediate between primary and higher.secondary education

The first type of education is incomplete secondary education. It implies that the modern child has unlearned only 9 classes, received general ideas on the studied disciplines.

This type of knowledge acquisition lasts 5 years. During this time, the student receives basic knowledge in various sciences. Such a secondary education is not particularly respected among modern society.

This type is found in grammar schools, lyceums and all other similar school institutions. As already mentioned, up to grade 9. After that, the child has the opportunity to leave the walls of the school and go to college. True, parents often require children to receive a full secondary education. We’ll talk about him now.

Complete completion

Now it’s worth discussing another rather important type of secondary education — complete or complete. It is received at the same school where schoolchildren studied. Only studying will take another 2 years.secondary vocational education

It is believed that secondary general education is not able to give future students the proper knowledge for entering a university. It is for this reason that students are forced to study in high school and prepare for the exam. Grades 10 and 11 - this is precisely the very preparation. Based on the results of studies, they issue a certificate.

During this period, adolescents begin to study specialized subjects, as well as continue to learn the previously studied disciplines. As a rule, it is during this period that they have to think about what exams to pass for further admission to a higher educational institution. True, there is also the so-called secondary vocational education. Let's see what it is.

Become a specialist

If a student does not want to go to college after graduating from school, he has a great alternative - to get a secondary vocational education. A good move, especially if a person wants to quickly get a diploma and get to work.

This type of knowledge is obtained mainly in colleges and technical schools. Specialists of different directions are trained there. Here and “techies” -mechanics, and stylists, and hairdressers, and cooks, and even programmers.secondary general education

You can do it both after grade 9 and after 11. It all depends on the desire of the child. Upon completion, they will issue a diploma on secondary vocational education. You can get to work with him.

Such a secondary education is popular among hard workers. During training, students have a great opportunity to gain work experience. That is what he lacks when trying to find a job. As you can see, secondary vocational education is not so bad if you approach the matter wisely.

Pros and cons

And now let's try to figure out with you what advantages and disadvantages each type of knowledge has. After all, the quality of human life, as a rule, depends on this.

Secondary education (incomplete) is the acquisition of basic ideas about a particular subject. Probably good for those who already know exactly what they will do in life.In addition, it is suitable for people who have chosen self-education as their main area of ​​study. Unfortunately, one cannot get work experience here, but there can be a lot of free time.complete secondary education

Full secondary education - preparing future students for universities. A more in-depth presentation of the previously studied disciplines is given here. The main disadvantage of this period is the lack of any time - students in modern schools are very busy. Sometimes there is not even enough time to rest. Nevertheless, for those who are interested in entering a university, this will be a good push forward.

Secondary vocational education is the very middle ground for hardworking people. Those who have already decided on their specialty and now want to get as much practice as possible can safely go to college. There you will not only gain knowledge, but also practice in your chosen direction.

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