
Where to complain about felling trees and what is the responsibility for such actions

The environmental situation around the world is deteriorating day by day, in many ways this state of affairs is explained by the active destruction of green spaces. Where to complain about felling trees? This question is increasingly worried not only by ecologists, but also by ordinary inhabitants, who note numerous sad offenses related to the environment around them.

Ban on felling of trees on a private plot

Got rid of boring trunks on your own site? It is possible that your neighbors are already wondering where to complain about tree felling. In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to clarify in advance whether your site is part of a conservation zone. If the answer is yes, it is strongly recommended that you obtain a special permit called a felling ticket. Neglect of such rules threatens administrative or even criminal liability. where to complain about felling trees

Permission to cut trees on a private plot

If the site is not in the conservation zone, the land and everything on it is your private property. So, you do not need permission to cut trees. In the event that you continue to panic and responsibly approach the issue of tree destruction, try to consult a local forestry or the chairman of a gardening partnership.

tree felling permit

Where to send the complaint?

City dwellers rarely decide on such offenses, however, such precedents still have a place to be. Where to complain about felling trees in the city? There are several official authorities ready to receive information from residents of the metropolis. These include:

  • Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Federal Forestry Agency (in Moscow and Moscow Region - this is the local forestry department).
  • Organizations issuing felling tickets.

List of regulatory documents

Why are people so afraid that someone will complain about felling trees? The thing is that the punishment for such an offense can be quite substantial. In some cases, liability is expressed by the imposition of a certain fine. complain about tree felling

It’s important to know not only where to complain about illegal deforestation, but with what documents this process is regulated. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to article 8 (paragraph 28) of the Code of Administrative Offenses, article 260 of the Criminal Code, as well as a number of local and national rules and regulations. In general terms, the information presented in them is reduced to the following postulates:

  • It is forbidden to cut down trees and shrubs (both individuals and legal entities).
  • For violation of the established rules, an appropriate punishment is imposed.

Possible punishments

The size of the fine is determined by several factors. So, if the stands are damaged by hand, the amounts fluctuate in the following range:

  • Individuals - from 3,500 to 4,000 rubles.
  • Individuals in the performance of their duties - up to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Legal entities - about 300,000 rubles.

If the plantations were spoiled by means of mechanisms, the amounts quoted change upwards, for individuals - from 4,000 to 4,500, for officials - up to 50,000, for legal entities - up to 300,000 rubles. With the complete destruction of plantations, fines are charged according to a similar scheme.

where to complain about illegal logging

Planting transplant

Many citizens mistakenly believe that they will be able to outsmart existing laws.So, the disturbing tree under the window can not be sawed, but simply transplanted. However, the authorized bodies have a different opinion on this matter, because in order to perform such manipulations it is also necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. In this case, punishment is provided for:

  • Officials - in the amount of 20 thousand.
  • Legal entities - up to 200,000.

When causing significant environmental damage, not only financial punishment is allowed, but also criminal responsibility for a period of 3 to 6 years.

When is cutting down

In what cases can felling of green spaces be allowed within the city limits? Usually conditions are spelled out in legislative documents and are reduced to the following premises:

  • Implementation of state projects with a permit obtained as a result of an environmental impact assessment.
  • Conducting sanitary measures.
  • Recovery of light indicators.
  • Elimination of accidents and other emergency situations.

In all these cases, a cutting ticket is issued for work (an official document on a form with protective signs).

Now that you know where to complain about tree felling, you can very realistically stop a number of offenses and protect the environment from criminal attacks. Timely actions will help to improve the environment, which means to improve the quality of life in the country.

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