
How and where to complain about the management company?

The roof leaks, pipes burst, electricity disappears regularly, an unpleasant smell oozes from the basement, a pile of garbage lies on the playground ... Unfortunately, a huge number of Russians living in apartment buildings are forced to face the above disgrace. And in most cases it arises through the fault of the management company, to which the law imposes an obligation to maintain and maintain a residential property. And utility bills are rising regularly. In this regard, the question of where to complain about the management company becomes even more acute and urgent.

Often, owners of apartments independently and at their own expense eliminate the shortcomings of the housing stock that arise from time to time. Nevertheless, this does not remove responsibility from the Criminal Code, the management of which, through its inaction, violates the norms of the law. Naturally, such a thing cannot be left unpunished.

Where to begin?

But before starting to consider the issue of where to complain about the management company, the following should be noted: initially, the tenant must be absolutely sure that he is in a “potential” dispute with the organization that deals with the maintenance and servicing of the apartment building.

Where to complain about the Management Company

To do this, carefully read the terms of the contract with the Criminal Code. If you have difficulty in interpreting the text of the document, then it will be useful to resort to the help of a lawyer. If you have accumulated complaints about an organization that is entrusted with the maintenance and maintenance of an apartment building, while you don’t know where to complain about the management company, then do not panic. The first thing you should do is try to resolve the contentious issues in a civilized way. We will dwell on how to do this later. First, we will determine the reasons that may become a legitimate reason for submitting a complaint to the Criminal Code.

Claim List

To be sure of the correctness of their claims and not indiscriminately blame the above organization, we again need to study the terms of the contract. It will contain a detailed list of obligations of the Criminal Code. Only after analyzing it does it make sense to worry about where to complain about the management company. Consider the most common reasons that are the basis for claims against the organization engaged in the housing sector.

Where to complain about the Management Company in Moscow

First, residents have the right to demand clarification when the cost of utilities suddenly increases.

Secondly, the quality of preparing a home for the heating season often becomes the subject of a dispute between residents and the Criminal Code.

Thirdly, a claim should be made to the above structure in the event that an unpleasant odor develops from the basement.

Fourth, you need to complain about the inaction of the Criminal Code, which is expressed in the reluctance to make repairs in an apartment building, in particular, when tenants daily observe the unsightly appearance of porches and stairwells.

Fifthly, questions should be raised by apartment owners in the case when the organization, to which the law imposes an obligation to maintain and maintain a residential real estate property, does not provide or does not provide timely reports on the work done for a specific period of time.

Where to complain about Housing and Utilities Management Company

Naturally, the above list is not exhaustive.

We go to the Criminal Code

Do not know where to complain about the inaction of the management company? The first instance you need to go through is to get clarifications from the management of the organization itself, which is engaged in the improvement of your home.Naturally, for this you need to make a claim in writing.

In it you must indicate from whom and to whom the complaint was made. The circumstances and facts that form the basis of the claim must also be written. In other words, the essence of the matter should be stated and which clauses of the contract and legislative norms have been violated by the Criminal Code. At the very end of the document page do not forget to sign and date. The complaint must be made in duplicate, one addressed to the organization’s office, and the other with the mark of registration remains with the applicant.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that the first instance may not end, so you should use the rest.

We go to the district / city administration

You have no idea where to complain about the work of the management company?

Where to complain about the Management Company in St. Petersburg

There is another body that can understand the situation. However, judging by the reviews, real help is not always provided to them. It is, in particular, about the district or city administration. As a rule, her competence includes solving problems when garbage and waste in the yard are not taken out, sidewalks and roof icicles are not cleaned from snow, there is no supply of water, heat, electricity in the houses. In some cases, the above problems can be solved precisely with the help of municipal officials. For example, many are interested in the question of where to complain about the Management Company in Moscow? Residents of the capital can be advised to contact the Department of Housing and Communal Services, which is located at 6 Bogoyavlensky Lane, bldg. 2. Also, they have a “single window” service: (495) 957–73–93.

Housing Inspection

Of course, there are other alternatives in resolving the issue: “Where to complain about the Housing and Utilities Management Company?” You can go to the Housing Inspectorate for help. It is a supervisory authority that is specialized in verifying the activities of the Criminal Code. Citizens should first of all resort to this method of protecting violated rights, if there is reason to suspect that the housing operation rules are not properly implemented, the terms for preparing for the heating season are violated, the standards for providing utility services to residents are violated, the management company ignores the instructions that were written to it.

Where to complain about the work of the Management Company

According to the results of the audit, the controlling body has the right not only to demand the elimination of violations, but also to impose a fine on the perpetrators. The term for considering a complaint in the housing inspection is one month. Reviews of citizens indicate that the specialists of the above supervisory authority clearly respond to all claims and appeals, and their work is recognized as effective.

In particular, if you puzzle over where to complain about the management company in Moscow, you can always contact the metropolitan housing inspection by calling the hotline (495) 681–77–80 or call the information desk (499) 763–18–56. You will be advised on all issues.


What to do if you have problems with the management company? Where to complain to a simple layman? Specialists recommend a visit to Rospotrebnadzor, an agency that safeguards the rights and interests of consumers. In what cases should I immediately write a complaint to this structure?

Problems with the Management Company where to complain

Firstly, if the agreement between the UK and the residents contradicts the provisions of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, when reliable information about the procedure for providing utility services is hidden from apartment owners, when gray schemes are traced in the accounting statements, when there are doubts about the appropriateness of changing existing tariffs, when there are no legal justifications for raising wages to the employees of the Criminal Code.

The written claim that you plan to address to Rospotrebnadzor must indicate which authorities you have already applied to restore justice and what are the results of your work. The employees of the above structure will register your complaint and initiate a check for compliance of the management company with the law. If her guilt is established, then administrative sanctions will follow.

If, for example, you have a very vague idea of ​​where to complain about the Management Company in St. Petersburg, then you should seek the help of specialists from the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being. (tel. of the consultation center - 8-812-571-62-00). This structure is located at: st. Stremyannaya, d.19

Prosecutor's office

Well, for sure it is not difficult for a simple layman to guess where to complain about the management company. Naturally, to the prosecutor's office. This supervisor has wide powers when it comes to violating the law. Employees of the prosecutor’s office will also conduct an audit of the activities of the organization, which is required to repair and maintain the house on time. Based on the results of the inspection, an order is issued to eliminate the shortcomings, and the perpetrators are brought to justice.


And of course, the court is called to restore justice in the housing and communal services system.

Where to complain about the work of the Management Company

But this is the last resort where to go. It is the servants of Themis who put the final point in the disputes between the Criminal Code and the residents.


Unfortunately, complaints about the management company today are a fairly common occurrence. The negligence and irresponsibility of the employees of this institution often lead to disastrous consequences, when people in terrible cold live in unheated apartments or cannot use hot water. And all this happens against the background of an increase in housing and communal services tariffs. That is why it is necessary to know your rights and be able to defend them in order to prevent unscrupulous companies from entering the market.

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