
What is the felling of trees

Despite the indignation of all the "green" organizations calling to save each trunk, trees are still felled, both in the city and in the forests. Let us dwell in more detail on the causes of this phenomenon.

felling of trees

Sanitary forest

Several decades ago, mankind seriously took up the protection of the environment, and one of the logical steps in this direction was the ban on cutting trees in certain territories. And it paid off, but not at all what people hoped for. For example, thousands of hectares of the forest were infected with bark beetles, which turn a green mature plant into a worthless dead wood in just a few weeks. In addition, this significantly increased the risk of fire, and as a result, already healthy plants suffered.

In order to avoid such consequences, sanitary felling of trees began to be carried out in forests for the purpose of prevention. With it, they get rid of pests and dead wood and give the opportunity to grow green young growth.

What is the felling of trees in the city

Felling of green spaces in the city limits is carried out for many reasons. Most often, due to the fact that they ceased to be green - a dead tree does not decorate the streets, and the view from the window spoils. Other common causes - the plant is too old, fragile, interferes with future construction. However, if a tree bothers someone, you should not immediately take up a saw - each similar plant belongs to someone, most often to the municipality. And if the branches breaking on glass annoy you, then you need to contact the administration of the village with a complaint, because the punishment for illegal logging is quite serious.

illegal tree felling

Illegal felling of trees in the forest and the city

In order to cut trees in the forest, you need to get permission - this part of the Russian legislation is known to everyone. In general, this is not difficult - you just need to contact the local forestry, pay for cutting for the desired number of cubic meters, after which you will be shown the territory on which you can perform work.

But with a private plot, things are not so simple. On the one hand, felling of trees on personal territory is implied by ownership. On the other hand, these green spaces can be classified as especially valuable species or protected by nature conservation organizations. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance - you can get permission in the administration, housing office or environmental control service. This is not a complete list of organizations that can deal with such issues. In addition, it will not hurt to prepare additional papers, for example, a photo of an emergency tree, a statement from neighbors asking to eliminate the threat, an approved scheme for future construction, which will be interfered with by green spaces.

felling trees in the city

Punishment for illegal logging

The punishment for such a crime usually consists of several factors - this is the amount of the fine, plus the cost of damage to the environment, and sometimes criminal liability. It should be noted that the total value in monetary terms can be very impressive.

The cost of damage and penalties depend on several variables. Firstly, the size of the felling and the age of the trees. Secondly, the breed; for example, poplar and birch are considered to be the cheapest, the middle price category is spruce and pine, but oaks are the most expensive.This list does not include particularly valuable species, for example, larch, cedar and cedar pine, the felling of which without permission directly leads to criminal liability.

Thirdly, the amount will depend on in which area the felling of trees and shrubs took place, and what legislation will guide the preparation of the punishment for the offense. For example, in Moscow, you can easily get a fine of a million rubles for only 3-4 sawn birch trees.

It is also necessary to remember that not only the initiators of tree felling, but also the executors themselves can be held liable, and the appointment of administrative or criminal liability depends on the total amount of damage caused.

felling of trees and bushes

Tree felling services

Can I fix the problem myself? Of course, if there is experience in such work, or the trunk is so small that its fall in any direction will not cause harm. Cutting down trees only looks like a simple procedure, in fact it is based on accurate calculation, when using a series of precise cuts they create a tilt in the right direction, and the trunk falls into a precisely specified place. In the city, especially in conditions of dense buildings, this is very important, otherwise you can damage not only your own buildings, but also damage your neighbors.

That is why you need to turn to professionals, preferably not just to a private trader who wants to earn extra money, but to a good specialized company. And drawing up a contract for the provision of services will not allow the executors to escape if something goes wrong, for example, if the trunk leans in the wrong direction and creates an emergency.

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