
The minimum and average pension in Moscow. What is the disability and old-age pension in Moscow?

Moscow has always occupied a special place among other cities of our country. Being a city of federal significance, it also represents the most populated metropolis in Russia. Accordingly, the number of pensioners living in it is already approaching 3 million. But since the price level in this city is quite high, the pension in Moscow is slightly higher than in most regions of Russia.

Principles for the formation of pensions

Pension in Moscow

To begin with, as for all citizens of Russia, for residents of Moscow, a pension is formed in accordance with the rules established by Federal Laws No. 400-ФЗ and No. 424-ФЗ dated 12.28.13. According to them, citizens who have worked for more than five years after reaching a certain age (for men it is sixty years old and for women fifty-five) have the right to receive a retirement pension. Those who have already reached this age, but do not have the required length of service, can apply for a social pension payment. In addition, if necessary, citizens can apply for a disability pension, loss of a breadwinner, and other payments provided by law. Recall that since 2015, the size of the pension is determined by fixed payments and coefficients, which depend on seniority and salary.

Pension in Moscow: its components

In addition to the pension as such, including the amount that is supposed if the pensioner refuses to receive the insurance part of the retirement pension and additional social security, pension payments include the following income:

  • EDV, which includes compensation for a set of social services (drug provision, free commuter travel, free spa treatment).
  • EDV, compensating for housing and utilities.
  • Compensation of expenses for payment of local telephone connections.

Social standard

The minimum pension in Moscow

According to the law, the minimum pension, including in Moscow, is calculated on the basis of the amount cost of living senior citizen. In 2015, it amounted to 8 502 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension in Moscow corresponds to this amount. However, in order to provide additional social support to retired residents of Moscow, its government in the person of Yu. M. Luzhkov, who was the mayor at that time, issued decree No. 1268-PP. It talked about the establishment of non-working retirees from 01/01/2010 regional social benefits.

In fact, this meant that the minimum pension in Moscow could not be lower than a certain social standard. At the time of the publication of the resolution (2010), it amounted to 10,000 rubles. The next year, its size was increased by a thousand, and after increasing in 2012, it did not change for four years, that is, until 2015, and amounted to 12,000 rubles. Thus, the Moscow government at the expense of the capital’s budget compensates for the difference between those pension payments that the Pension Fund transfers, that is, the actual pension, and the established social standard. As a result, regardless of length of service and salary, the minimum pension in Moscow will not be lower than 12,000, which today constitute the social standard.

Why is this done?

Pension amount in Moscow

Moscow, as you know, is recognized as one of the most expensive cities in the world. The level of prices for goods, services and food is much higher than in most regions of Russia.Thus, it is rather difficult for a person whose income is only pension payments to survive in such conditions. Given that the level of wages in Moscow is also significantly higher than regional, the deductions that are made to the city's Pension Fund also differ in a large way. Thus, the city budget is able to maintain the most financially vulnerable segments of the population. In addition, pensions are constantly indexed, and the social standard has remained unchanged since 2012. Indeed, according to the Pension Fund, after the latest indexations, the average labor pension in Moscow is 12,400 rubles, which automatically removes its recipients from the list of those who are entitled to social benefits. The size of the average social pension, of course, is noticeably lower - it is 7,500, but it is also gradually increasing. Thus, the financial burden on the city budget is reduced annually.

Social co-payment conditions

What is the pension in Moscow

Since 2013 social payments the city standard is limited by the so-called residency qualification. According to him, the term of registration of a citizen in Moscow should exceed 10 years. This measure is connected with the fact that many people approaching retirement age changed their registration to Moscow, and after receiving the Moscow allowance they returned to the regions where they continued to receive an increased pension. Therefore, the Moscow government decided to pay a subsidy only to those pensioners whose registration period in Moscow is at least ten years. At the same time, breaks in registration are allowed if a citizen worked in the capital, then left it and returned again. In such cases, the length of stay in Moscow is added up.

Please note that these changes apply only to those who began to receive pension payments after 01.01. 2013. Those who have been assigned a pension in Moscow before this date receive payments in the same amount regardless of the length of their stay.

How to apply for a regional surcharge

In order for the social supplement to be assigned, the following documents must be submitted to the social protection authorities:

  • passport;
  • if the passport does not contain information confirming registration in Moscow for ten years, then another document proving it issued by the registration authorities;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the Office of the Pension Fund on the status of the personal account or work record;
  • a certificate confirming the amount of additional material support;
  • certificate of the amount of EDV, together with the cost of a set of social services.

Disability Pension in Moscow

Disability Pension in Moscow

Despite all the allowances due to residents of Moscow, the disability pension is accrued on them under the same conditions as other citizens of our country. It consists of two mandatory payments. One of them is a social or labor pension, the other is monthly cash payments.

To date, a social pension is assigned to the following categories of citizens.

  • According to the latest pension indexation carried out in April 2015, group III disabled people are entitled to a social pension of 4,053.75 rubles.
  • Group II disabled people (except for disabled children), children who have lost one of their parents, provided that they are not yet 18 years old or up to 23 years old if they are studying full-time. The social pension for them is 4,760.09 rubles.
  • Disabled group I, disabled people from childhood, having a II group of disabilities, as well as children who have lost both parents (or a single mother), undergoing full-time education, but not older than 23 years. They are entitled to a pension of 9,538.20 rubles.
  • Children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I are entitled to a pension of 11,445.68 rubles.

In addition, the social and labor disability pensions are summed up by EDV. For citizens with disabilities, they are:

  • Group I - 2 972 rubles;
  • disabled children and group II - 2 123 rubles;
  • Group III - 1700 rubles.

Moscow pension in 2016

Average pension in Moscow

Answering the question about what pension is expected in Moscow in 2016, we can safely say that it will increase. Back in October of this year, Sergei Sobyanin confirmed that in the spring it is planned to increase the social standard to 14,500 rubles. Indexing should take place from February to April 2016.

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