
Benefits to war veterans - tax and in the housing sector. Benefits to children of war veterans

These privileges form a comprehensive 2-tier system. A basic list of benefits is contained in the Federal Law, and an additional list is provided in the framework of regional legislation.

In order to issue them, a citizen will need to receive a special veteran certificate. It was laid by the military, who served in various battalions, troops, and were transferred to the reserve from the army of the USSR and Russia. A list of these territories in which such hostilities were carried out is presented in the appendix of the corresponding Federal Law.

What are the benefits war veterans laid in our country?

Citizens who have the appropriate certificate are entitled to a number of privileges. These include:

  1. Tax exemptions. Those war veterans are provided as a tax deduction from personal income tax, which is 500 rubles. This category of persons is also exempt from property tax. And in a number of regions, local governments also provide transport benefits to war veterans.
  2. Such a preferential category of citizens is exempted from paying a fee if they go to court with any kind of claim.
  3. Benefits to war veterans are laid in the housing issue. So, they have the right to receive housing from the state housing fund, if the corresponding application for improving the conditions (housing) was submitted before 01.01.2005. Otherwise, there is no such benefit.
  4. Medical benefits. War veterans receive free medical care in hospitals. In addition, state authorities also provide them with free limb prostheses.
  5. Veteran of military operations (2014) has the right to receive material benefits on a monthly basis in the amount of 2337.13 rubles. (until 01/01/2015) A set of social services is also provided, which are presented in kind and in cash (optional). In the second option - this is 881.63 rubles.
  6. In a situation where a veteran was injured in the course of armed conflict, which subsequently led to disability, he will be charged with EDV taking into account this fact, the amount of which is established on the basis of the relevant group.
  7. Benefits to war veterans officially employed are provided in the form of annual paid leave at any time convenient for them. In addition, they are entitled to take advantage of unpaid leave of up to 35 days.
  8. Regional benefits. For example, in the Moscow region and in the capital, this privileged category of citizens can use the right to free travel (with the exception of taxis, minibuses, subways). Utility benefits are also provided to war veterans as subsidies of 50%.benefits to war veterans

Privileges for families of this category of beneficiaries

Only some family members can count on those. Firstly, benefits are provided to children of war veterans in the form of compensation for half the cost of a trip to the DOL. It can be used only once a year, and it is paid only some time after the submission of a certain application to social security, where it is necessary to submit an appropriate package of documents.

Secondly, family members will be able to take advantage of the existing benefits of a veteran only after providing evidence that they are his dependents. Children immediately acquire this status, but the widow must collect the required documents.The first of the aforementioned hold this right until they reach adulthood (23 years in the case of full-time study at a university), and the second - until subsequent marriage.

Regions provide additional benefits to members of their families, details of which can be found in social security.benefits to children of war veterans

Privileges for veterans of armed clashes in the Chechen Republic

Benefits to war veterans (Chechnya) include the following:

  1. According to our legislation, they are provided in the field of pension provision.
  2. Tax exemptions are also given to war veterans in Chechnya.
  3. This category of citizens can receive a one-time soft loan from credit institutions for the purchase (construction) of houses, apartments, garden houses, as well as for the improvement of plots (garden), the organization of a farm (subsidiary) farm based on Russian legislation.
  4. As mentioned earlier, they, like other veterans of armed conflicts, are entitled to receive free housing as a matter of priority from the state housing fund (or municipal), which requires an application to improve existing housing conditions.
  5. They are provided with free housing in the situation of their eviction from the office premises in which they previously lived.
  6. Housing and communal services benefits are provided to war veterans in the form of payment by the state of half of their total living area (in the case of a communal apartment - occupied area) within the framework of the social norm, which is determined by the legislation of the subject of Russia, including the occupied area by family members of veterans living with them.
  7. They are primarily set to landline phones.
  8. This category of citizens is granted privileges upon joining them in civil, housing (just housing) cooperatives, as well as in horticultural, country, gardening non-profit associations. Land benefits for war veterans - free land for housing, farming (gardening) in the amounts established by Russian law.
  9. Upon reaching retirement age, the considered federal beneficiaries have the right to receive free medical care in clinics that are financed by state budgets of the appropriate levels and at the expense of the compulsory medical insurance, to which these entities were attached when they were engaged in labor activities. They can receive free medical care under state guarantee programs to provide all citizens of our country with it in state healthcare institutions or municipal ones (including war veteran hospitals).
  10. Provided benefits to war veterans are also free provision of necessary prescription drugs in the manner determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but not lower than special norms established by our Government.
  11. They are entitled to free dentures (any other) dentures (their manufacture, repair), the cost of which does not include the costs of precious metals and cermets, orthopedic products. You can apply for them to state institutions (municipal) of public health at the specific place of residence of the veteran.
  12. Housing benefits for war veterans can also be provided as a reduction in utility bills, regardless of the type of housing stock.
  13. They, like other war veterans, can take advantage of annual paid leave at any time convenient for them and unpaid for up to 30 calendar days.
  14. In the case of medical indications, this category of citizens is primarily provided with trips to special sanatorium facilities.
  15. Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya can also be provided as free travel on all types of city transport (with the exception of taxis) in any cities, regardless of their place of residence, on public transport vehicles of suburban, intercity routes on conditions approved by state authorities (executive) entities RF on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  16. The state also provides them with free use of rail, water and other suburban transport.
  17. Once in two years, this category of citizens with concussion (disfigurement) can take advantage of free travel (on both sides) by air, water, rail (intercity) interregional (inter-republican, inter-regional, etc.) routes, or once during years (in both directions) for half the cost, which is provided for in the above transport.
  18. They are given the privilege to use a number of services of certain institutions: communications, sports and fitness, cultural and educational, as well as the extraordinary purchase of tickets for any transport.
  19. They can receive free training in a number of new professions at the place of work, at special courses in the system of training, retraining (state) personnel, while maintaining a 100% salary rate on their last job throughout the training.
  20. Veterans are given the opportunity of out-of-competition admission to state institutions of higher, secondary vocational education, to training courses with the payment of the appropriate scholarships approved by our Government.

The benefits to war veterans (Afghanistan) are identical to the above privileges.

Monetization of benefits under review

As mentioned earlier, every war veteran is a federal beneficiary who can refuse the state social services laid to him, but has the right to receive their value in cash.

Last year, the total cost of such a social package amounted to 839.65 rubles. If you go deeper in more detail, then this amount consists of the following:

  • provision of necessary medical assistance, medical devices, medical preparations at the expense of state funds amounted to 646.71 rubles .;
  • spa and wellness treatment based on the direction of the doctor - 100.05 rubles;
  • free travel on the railways of the suburban communication to the place of recovery and back - 92.89 rubles.benefits to veterans of Afghanistan

In case of refusal of the social package in favor of material compensation and vice versa, the veteran of armed conflicts must notify the relevant FIU department in advance, for which he will need to fill out an application. Such a transition is permissible at the beginning of each new year, but the application must be sent to the FIU no later than October of the previous year.

The size of payments was regulated last year by the Order of the Government of Moscow, according to which the benefits to all the veterans considered are the following monthly compensations:

1. Citizens who become disabled in the North Caucasus after 1995 have the right to payment in the amount of:

  • 2300 rub. (III group);
  • 6000 (I, II groups).

2. Citizens who become disabled due to injury (illness) in Afghanistan, as well as widows of missing persons who died in the same place, are entitled to receive compensation in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

Benefits to children of war veterans

They can out of turn go to a preschool educational institution, school. Children of veterans of armed conflicts are also not deprived of their rights. They can receive partially free education in kindergartens or two free meals in schools. In a situation when the school requires the wearing of a special uniform, the educational institution itself must take all the costs associated with its acquisition, for itself.

Veteran certificate: a package of documents for its registration

benefits veteran fighting 2014

It includes:

  • An extract from the track record (personal file) of a soldier who has performed military service under an appropriate contract, with a note on the period of fulfillment of tasks in the course of an armed conflict (with participation in counter-terrorism combat operations).
  • An extract from the general information of military tickets of those servicemen who undergo compulsory military service / were also marked with the period of their stay in army units and who performed tasks during the military conflict.
  • References of a certain form regarding the period of military service as part of military units, formations, units performing tasks in the course of an armed conflict, a number of counter-terrorism operations, as well as the time of actual participation in the ongoing hostilities.
  • Information regarding injuries, injuries, shell shocks during the performance of tasks during the armed conflict, a number of counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus.
  • Extracts from specific orders regarding the enlistment of a specific military unit that is part of the VOGS in the North Caucasian territory (12.94 - 12.96) or the UGV to conduct a number of counter-terrorism operations in the same region (09.99). The list of military units that were involved in carrying out tasks during armed conflicts, a number of counter-terrorism operations, with an indication of the period of completion of each of these tasks, is declared as a directive of the Russian General Staff.
  • Everything travel certificates where marks are indicated with regards to being part of those military units that participated in hostilities, counter-terrorist operations, as well as orders from commanders who sent these troops on a business trip in order to carry out a number of combat missions.
  • Award materials that serve as evidence of the participation of a given serviceman in hostilities in specific periods and in specific regions. For those who served in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, such a document can serve as a special certificate with regard to the award of the breastplate of a combatant, which was approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 03/31/00.

Lack of the above documents: confirmation procedure

In this case, this fact regarding the participation of a particular soldier (citizen), who was dismissed from military service, in the performance of a number of combat missions can be confirmed by relevant certificates from the archives. The Directive of the Russian Ministry of Defense regulates the procedure for sending such requests to existing archival institutions. According to the rules approved by her, they are drawn up by personnel bodies, military units at the place of service of military personnel, and as for the military, deregistered persons - by military commissariats at their place of residence.

Benefits to War Veterans 2015

All requests for confirmation of the above fact should be sent to the GOMU General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

Benefits for family members of a dead war veteran

This right is granted:

  • the parents of a deceased war veteran, regardless of their ability to work, the received pension, salary, or being dependent on them;
  • children under the age of majority or under 23 years of age, if they are studying full-time at a university, also regardless of whether they are dependent on it, working capacity, and scholarships;
  • children with disabilities;
  • the spouse of the deceased veteran who has not remarried, lives either alone or with children (minors, under 23, studying full-time at the university, adults, but having a disability received before 18 years old);
  • other disabled family members who are dependent on him.

The provision of funeral services of the considered category of citizens

This kind of privilege for war veterans (2015), who died or died, is expressed in the provision of funeral services at the expense of the state, namely: preparation for transportation of the body, its movement to the desired (at the discretion of relatives) burial place, cremation, burial with military honors, manufacturing, installation of a tombstone.

Appointment of EDV to war veterans

This payment begins to accrue from the moment of appeal to the FIU on this issue and is paid throughout the entire period (the period of time when a citizen acts as a federal beneficiary).Day of appeal - the day of receipt by the above body of the relevant application, necessary documents. Further, the FIU sets up a personal account for this recipient of the payment in question.

It is worth noting that a pensioner who is registered with the Pension Fund is not required to open an additional account. If minors (incompetent) citizens turn to this body, then information on the legal representative of these persons will be present in their personal account.what are the benefits of war veterans

In the case of accruing EDV, but not receiving it by cause of death This payment is inherited in accordance with the procedure established by Russian law. The size of the considered benefit does not depend on the existing district coefficient defined by the Government of Russia.

An application regarding the accrual of EDV must be submitted to the FIU by October 1. It begins to operate only from January 1 of the following year to December 31.

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