
Benefits to war veterans. War Veterans Act

Many citizens of the Russian Federation and the former USSR are participants in hostilities. Some of them eventually got disability. In order to compensate for such an experience, the state has developed a bill that gives the right to receive certain benefits and payments.

What to Expect War Veterans

There are many normative legal and legislative acts that are oriented towards this social group. Therefore, it is important to determine what exactly the term means and for which category of people it is relevant.

war veterans

If you pay attention to judicial practice, you can make an obvious conclusion: the status of a participant in the hostilities fully corresponds to the rank of veteran. This means equal benefits and compensation.

So, the law on war veterans implies the provision of benefits to the following citizens:

  • Employees of the police department, the penitentiary service, military personnel and those liable for military service during the training camp, who participated in the hostilities that took place in other countries on the orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the USSR.
  • Citizens of the same category who took part in the process of demining the territory of the USSR from 1945 to 1957.
  • Civil aviation flight personnel who flew to various countries, including Afghanistan, during the conduct of hostilities with the aim of delivering food and other services to the armed forces representing Russia (relevant in case of injuries, shell shocks, injuries or state awards) .
  • Military personnel who are part of the automobile troops that delivered goods to the Republic of Afghanistan from 1978 to 1989.
  • Civilians who were sent to perform their official duties in Afghanistan and worked there for the period indicated above (relevant for medical personnel).

War Veterans Act: Features

In order to make it easier to understand for whom this law is relevant, and who has no reason to count on receiving these benefits, it is worth paying attention to its structure and, in particular, the application.

It lists the countries, republics, cities and other territories that are relevant to the law on veterans. In the same application, you can find specific periods of hostilities.

 war veterans law

This application consists of three sections. The first two are devoted to the Great Patriotic War, Civil, as well as World War II. As for the third section, it contains information regarding other international and local conflicts.

If you pay more attention to the last section, you can see that it affects the rights and privileges of military personnel located in the following regions:

  • Afghanistan.
  • Lebanon and Syria.
  • Tajikistan.
  • Chechen Republic.
  • Republic of Abkhazia and others

What do the benefits look like?

Initially, it is worthwhile to determine the fact that the list of benefits and advantages available to war veterans is not limited to the information presented in the law described above. Some aspects of the legal status are adjusted by the Tax Code, as well as the law relating to state social assistance.

Speaking about state support more specifically, it looks like this:

  • financial support in the form of compensation for a set of social services (if the veteran refused them) and cash payments;
  • increased benefits and pensions;
  • sanatorium and medical services;
  • provision of housing;
  • discounts on utilities and housing.

war veteran certificate

Monthly cash payment and surcharges

Considering the benefits that the state provides to war veterans, it is worth initially discussing the financial component.

At the moment, all veterans are required to pay in the amount of 2225.84 rubles. It also includes a set of social services (NSOs). Its size is 839.65 p. Instead of a set of NSO benefits, payments can be made to war veterans if they show such an initiative. These funds will also be provided monthly.

The abbreviation NSI indicates the fact that the beneficiary is entitled to receive medicines on prescription. This also includes the possibility of free access to the medical sanatorium. But the cost of transport, which will be used to travel to the sanatorium, is paid by the veteran on his own.

In addition to these payments, a pension is provided to war veterans, the basis for which is the length of service.

Housing benefits and housing guarantees

On the basis of the current legislation, every veteran who has registered as a person in need of obtaining their own housing, before January 1, 2005, has the right to priority provision of living space. To all those who have taken the initiative to receive housing after the indicated date, apartments are provided on the basis of a common queue.

war veterans in Chechnya

As for the payment of housing and communal services, war veterans are given a 50% discount on the use of residential premises. For other types of utilities within the federal significance, such benefits do not apply. But at the regional level, they can be adopted.

Surcharges for those who have received disability

In the event that the combatant received injuries that led to disability, he is provided with monthly payments. The amount is determined separately in each case, and the basis here is the actual degree of disability. Disabled veterans can receive from 1200 to 4300 p.

payouts to war veterans

In the event that the development of the disease led to disability during military service, the amount of monthly payments will start from 850 rubles. and limited to 2950 rubles. In this case, the severity of the disease is taken into account.

Obtaining an Identity Card

To enjoy all the benefits available, you must have a war veteran certificate. To receive it, you must write a statement and provide documentary evidence of participation in hostilities.

This document is issued against signature and is registered in a special book of accounting. In the event that the certificate of a war veteran has been lost or has become unusable, you can get a duplicate of it. This will also require an appropriate application to the law enforcement authorities. As a result, the document will be restored.

retirement war veterans

Veterans of military operations in Chechnya can also count on the appropriate certificate. To receive it, they must provide records in work books, military IDs, travel certificates and extracts from the orders of superiors.

As you can see, veterans have enough benefits to compensate for their contribution to the realization of state interests. Therefore, it makes sense to study the current legislation and take advantage of the available privileges.

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