
Cesspool machine: technological characteristic, services

Many people faced on the streets of their cities with the so-called cesspool machines. This miracle of automobile thought has been an effective tool for maintaining a clean environment for many years. But what exactly is this unit that provides sewage services?

Suction truck

On average, the services of a cesspool machine for pumping a private riser cost about 500 rubles. That is why at the moment there are a huge number of companies that own entire fleets of vehicles equipped with sewage equipment. In addition, there are a number of enthusiasts who offer private sewage services. It is worth noting that this is a fairly profitable and sought-after business.

Suction truck

What is so favorably distinguished against the general background by a cesspool machine? First of all, its indisputable advantage is the fact that it is able to pump out very solid volumes of a variety of substances, which are not explosive at the same time, for example:

  • waste water;
  • sludge;
  • oil trash;
  • other liquid household waste.

Cesspool equipment

A suction machine, or, as it is called in another way, a vacuum machine, received this name not only due to its main function. This was facilitated by a special pump, which underlies its design. The average sewer machine should be equipped with such components as:

  • tank for transporting liquid, tank;
  • special vacuum pump for pumping sewage;
  • fluid intake hose;
  • pipeline system;
  • transmission drive;
  • crane for comfortable operation;
  • special electrical equipment;
  • a device for signaling the operation of the fuse;
  • the tank should also be equipped with a hatch for attaching a suction hose.

Cesspool machine

This is a list of standard components with which each machine that provides sewage services is equipped.

System operation

The cesspool machine carries out its work on a rather simple, at first glance, principle. The pump, which is started by the operation of the engine, creates a vacuum in the tank. Using it and the piping system, fluid is injected. The fuse is triggered at the moment when the tank is filled to the maximum permissible level, which is notified by a special signal. The pump automatically stops its operation after a fuse is triggered, which responds to a liquid level sensor mounted in a tank.

The undeniable advantage of this system is the fact that during the pumping of waste and other liquids, unpleasant odors do not spread so actively, which also minimizes the possible spread of any infections.

Fields of application

Thanks to its unique equipment, cesspools are far from the only source of contamination that the sewage machine can work with. The container is suitable for transporting substances such as water, dirt and other household waste that remains in the sumps after the operation of car washes. Similar cars are also actively and on a large scale used to drain ponds, on the site of which it is planned to carry out work with wells.

Cesspool machine services

The scope of such machines is very diverse, and the main thing is that this method of cleaning is considered quite safe from an environmental point of view.All liquid that has been pumped out is subsequently disposed of to prevent further environmental pollution. The same principle applies to chemicals whose disposal meets all necessary standards.

GAZ dump trucks

Gorky Automobile Plant, undoubtedly, is a leader in the production of sewage machines. The product line of GAZ cars includes a huge number of models. The company works in three directions, thereby covering the entire segment of sewage services, among them:

  • Small-sized equipment, which in its work focuses on sewers and sedimentation tanks of private sectors and civilian houses.
  • Bulk cars are designed for a large volume of liquids and waste, which is found when working with wells and large structures that are under active construction.
  • Slop pump technology, which is primarily aimed at working with industrial enterprises.

gas truck

Depending on the functions that will be assigned to the car, the GAZ dump truck is equipped with tanks of various volumes. This value varies from 3 to 6 cubic meters. And if we talk about sludge machines, their tanks are made of heavy-duty steel with a thickness of about 4 millimeters and are strengthened from the inside to eliminate the possibility of deformation.

Acquisition of a dump truck

In modern conditions, buying a car for the provision of sewage services is not a tricky business. To do this, it is enough to turn to the same Avito. The cesspool machine on such services is presented in a huge number of variations, and the range is regularly replenished. Of course, if there is a desire and opportunity, a similar car can be purchased from authorized dealers, right from the factory. But in general, if you are interested in a used cesspool machine, then this is not a problem, you just have to carefully consider the choice.used avito scaffold

The cost of such a car varies greatly depending on many factors. Year of manufacture, life, technical condition, model and make of the car, tank volume - all these factors can greatly affect the price level. On average, the machine is a cesspool machine, especially if you turn your attention to the product of GAZ, in its cost varies from 130 to 350 thousand rubles. Avito is full of such announcements, so this cost is not underestimated, and everyone can choose the most suitable model for the price.

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