
Medical business: how to open an analysis laboratory. Laboratory business plan: licensing and necessary documents

how to open an analysis labThe level of medicine is growing every day. Today, early diagnosis of diseases is one of the main directions in the work of doctors, and high-quality diagnosis is simply impossible without various analyzes. In laboratories in city clinics, huge lines are lined up every day. In them, people lose not only time, but often nerve cells.

Do you need private laboratories

Every day, the number of those who are willing to pay for getting rid of queues and excess going to hospitals for the result of tests is growing. Such opportunities are provided by a private laboratory of analyzes. Services of this kind save time for those people who are busy with work that does not allow them to leave for a long time. People who earn money are increasingly taking care of their health, because the disease will bring much greater losses than it will be spent on prevention and examination of the body.

Market condition

Today, the market for private laboratory diagnostics is only beginning to expand. Consumers have only recently appreciated all the advantages of such a service and its popularity continues to grow. In addition, in some cities, private treatment rooms are a rarity. This means that such a niche is still free and those who want to start their own business can think about how to open an analysis laboratory.

At the same time, an analysis of the market by experts shows that large network players do not have a wide network on the periphery. This is due to a number of reasons, both material and legislative in nature. Therefore, initiatives of a local nature are more than appropriate in this case and it is quite realistic to open a treatment room.

Biomaterial Fence Cabinet

For those who are thinking about how to open a treatment room, there are actually many forms of work organization. One of them is the organization of an office for the collection of biomaterials. Such an office sends the material received from the client for analysis to another laboratory.

The organization of such a business does not require the purchase of sophisticated equipment and the involvement of narrow specialists, which is what attracts at first. However, questions arise about transportation and the creation of the necessary conditions for biomaterials on the road. In addition, the time of delivery of the result to the client with this approach is increased. And this is not the best way affects the popularity of the cabinet.

Medical laboratory

Before opening an analysis laboratory, it is necessary to calculate the preliminary costs of starting a business. The laboratory for testing should have excellent equipment. This technique is very expensive and today few people are available. That is why the business plan of a medical laboratory requires special attention. To organize such a business requires large financial injections.

Treatment room

The cost of opening a treatment room is much less compared to a laboratory. Therefore, this is the most common option for organizing such a business. You can open an office either independently or by purchasing a franchise from major market players. Treatment rooms can exist both separately and with companies related to medicine.

Beginning of work

To start a medical office, you must first obtain a license.In addition to the license, before starting work, you should obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and from the fire service. This applies to work in a certain room, which must be purchased or rented.

If, when deciding how to open a treatment room, a franchise was preferred, then perhaps the company will offer its services in helping with obtaining a license. It is worth remembering that this always leads to an increase in payments to the parent company.

Selection of premises

It is not so important whether the premises are acquired or leased. When choosing it, several factors should be considered. The first is compliance with the necessary safety standards. Most often, you need a room with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters and having a separate entrance.

But we must not forget that the location of the office should be convenient for potential customers. Finding public transport stops, the availability of parking lots and the convenience of other ways - all this must be paid attention to before opening an analysis laboratory.

Set of services

With what services will be provided in the office, you will have to decide at the licensing stage. Maybe earlier, if before this a business plan of the laboratory will be drawn up. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the minimum set of medical terms and calculate what equipment and which specialists are needed to provide the service.

Of course, the larger the set of services provided by the laboratory, the better. There may be blood and urine tests (clinical and biochemical), and tests for hormones, infections or tumor markers, PCR studies, and much more. Licensing of the PCR laboratory, as well as the cost of opening it, is not much different from the laboratory that performs the immuno-enzyme analysis.

However, PCR requires stricter adherence to security measures. The difference between the methods is that a PCR study allows the DNA of the pathogen to be detected in smears and scrapings, and ELISA detects traces of the pathogen in the blood being tested. Both that and another method allows to find a significant number of potential customers.

Cost calculation

Long before opening a treatment room, it is necessary to calculate the initial costs of equipment and hiring specialists. The set of equipment depends on what services are planned to be provided in the laboratory. In addition to equipment, it is necessary to consider the cost of consumables and reagents.

It is worth remembering that today the choice of equipment and drugs of domestic production is quite wide. Moreover, their cost is usually a quarter less than foreign counterparts. This can be especially important for those who are just about to open a laboratory. To provide various kinds of related services and high-quality customer service, you may have to cooperate with other companies.

To ensure the safety of the equipment, it may well be necessary to use the services of a company such as an electric laboratory. The business plan of the treatment room or laboratory should consider such points. And this means that already at the first stage it is necessary to think over the little things that will ensure reliability in work and a pleasant atmosphere that customers will want to return to, if necessary.

Cost of services

When calculating the cost of future cabinet services, many factors will have to be considered. These are the prices for this service in a particular market. Prices should be attractive to consumers. Do not forget the factor that often people have to take several tests at once, and in the end a pretty impressive amount can be obtained. In this case, there is a factor depending on the workload of the laboratory or office.

The fact is that many consumables and reagents are purchased in large quantities, but they do not have such a long shelf life.Accordingly, if they were not used on time, they will have to be disposed of, thereby suffering losses. Therefore, when drawing up plans for how to open an analysis laboratory, you need to think through a system for attracting customers.

The price of the study will also be influenced by where the analysis will be performed. Many tests allow modern equipment to be carried out in small areas. However, almost every private laboratory is forced to do some tests in other clinics or even large centers. In this case, the client will have to pay not only the cost of the analysis and the services of the employees, but also the cost of transportation.

Search for colleagues

open a laboratory

It’s not enough to have an idea of ​​how to open a treatment room; you still need to get acquainted with the processes that will take place there, with the intricacies of laboratory work. That is why, most often, such offices are opened by those who have a certain relationship with medicine.

These are doctors or officials with extensive experience and connections in medical circles. However, this is not a prerequisite for a successful business. Such an employee can simply be hired. In this case, the owner will need to monitor the correctness of the work as a whole, without delving into all the nuances. The number of staff required for the functioning of the laboratory may vary.

It depends on the set of services and workload. But usually the staff should not exceed six people. Here are doctors working in shifts, and nurses, and the administrator. There are no small things in running such a business. Success depends on the order at each stage of work with the client, so the selection of employees must be carried out with great care.

Customer search

In search of clients for a treatment room or laboratory, ordinary advertising will not help much. Although it does not have to be used. In finding and attracting clients, communication in the medical environment can greatly help. After all, it is the ordinary doctor who can advise the patient that place where you can quickly and accurately carry out the necessary tests.

An additional incentive for attracting customers may be not only the high quality and accuracy of the analyzes, but also the deadline for their completion. The faster a person can get the results of his tests, the better. Modern technology allows you to deliver results, for example, by email. Such a service will, without a doubt, be appreciated by busy people who do not have too much time to go for a piece of paper.

Do not forget about such a factor as word of mouth. This is a very powerful tool for building a customer base. If a person who uses the services of a treatment room or laboratory will like everything in the work of employees, then he will certainly recommend this service or a whole laboratory to his friends, relatives and friends.

Therefore, each client in this business should be met as a special one. He must feel his importance and that everything around is done precisely for his convenience and comfort. Otherwise, the next time he decides to spend his money elsewhere, and can also spread negative reviews in his circle of friends.

As you can see, this business does not contain trifles. However, it may well become profitable and serious. To do this, you need to approach the matter in the most responsible way. And from the very beginning, from the planning stage, pay attention to every little thing and delve into all the nuances. Then everything will surely work out, and the laboratory or treatment room will bring not only profit, but also the pleasure of work to the owner and regular employees.

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