
How to open a private medical office? What you need to open a private medical practice: equipment, documents and SES requirements

how to open a private medical office

In our country, private medical offices have appeared not so long ago. The fact is that private medical practice has long been impossible due to the numerous obstacles of officials.

Even now, most doctors postpone the idea of ​​starting their own business, because they remember the existing problems. Nevertheless, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of such institutions, and the question of how to open a private medical office worries the minds of more and more doctors. It turns out that progress in this direction is still taking place.

Medicine is a delicate matter

Previously, in fact, in order to obtain permits for the implementation of medical activities, many problems had to be solved. Currently, the situation has been simplified. But starting such a business is still not at all easy, because only a person with a large amount of money can afford to open a private medical office.

Many experts believe that, having left the state clinic and started working for themselves, they will get rich very quickly. In fact, everything is not so fabulous. Some people, thinking about how to open a private medical office, do not even guess what costs it requires. For example, opening a small (just a few jobs) dental office will cost you no less than two million rubles. And the investment will pay off not earlier than after two or three years.

If this does not scare you and you still want to do such a business, our article is intended specifically for you. In it, we will talk in detail about how to open a medical office legally.

Obtaining IP status

Private medical practice, of course, involves making a profit, which means that a doctor who decides to work for himself needs to register his activities.

1. State duty

To obtain the status of an entrepreneur will have to pay a state fee. However, its size is very small - only 800 rubles. This amount is paid at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur, and they will be the address of registration in accordance with the data of the passport.

2. Registration application

Such a document is drawn up in the prescribed form. It will need, among other things, indicate OKVED codes. For a doctor who wants to open a medical office, one of the following codes will be suitable:

  • 85.1 "Healthcare activities."
  • 85.12 “Medical practice”.
  • 85.13 "Dental practice."
  • 85.14 “Other health care activities”.

The applicant’s signature must be notarized, so you need to contact a notary with a completed application.

3. Submission of registration documents

If you live (registered) in one place, but at the same time you decide to open a private medical office in another, then you still have to register it at the place of residence. The tax office should submit a registration application, which we spoke about in the previous paragraph, a receipt confirming that you paid the state duty, and a copy of your passport. The original identity document at the time of application must be with you.

4. Activities of the registration authority

After you have submitted all the required documents, you must register as an individual entrepreneur within five business days and no later than a day after registration, issue papers confirming your status, namely: certificate of registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises, certificate of registration with the tax authority. Along with the issuance of these documents, you will be assigned a TIN.

Medical license

Surely not every doctor who thinks about how to open a private medical office knows that for this he will also have to acquire a license. And in order to receive it, in turn, on the basis of a lease or ownership, you must have at your disposal a room that meets the requirements of the SES. The equipment of medical offices must also comply with the standards. We will talk more about this later, but for now imagine that you already have the proper premises.

1. Application for a license

A doctor who wants to obtain a license for his activity must submit an application to the licensing authority, and with it - copies of documents confirming the right to dispose or own the room in which the medical room is equipped, and all the technical and material equipment necessary for medical activity.

In addition, you need to provide copies of documents on education and documents that confirm qualifications, work experience and so on. The same papers will be required from all hired workers servicing medical equipment that you hire as office staff. In addition to everything, a copy of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare should be provided. How to get it will also be discussed later.

equipping medical rooms

2. Consideration of the application

The licensing authority will verify the accuracy and completeness of the information that you provided. It will also verify that you comply with all licensing conditions and requirements. Within 45 days after the documents have been submitted, the licensing authority must decide whether to grant you a license or not. The decision will be drawn up by the relevant act. The license is issued for five years, after which it will be necessary to renew it.

Tax system

Registering as an individual entrepreneur imposes tax obligations on you. A doctor who provides medical services in a private office can use UPDF. According to this system, only two objects of taxation are provided: simply income or income minus expenses. In the first case, the tax amount will be determined by multiplying the income received by the tax rate of 6%. In the second case, the tax amount will be equal to the difference between income and expenses, multiplied by the tax rate (15%).

When compiling a business plan for a medical office, you should consider which object will be more profitable. To do this, consider the concept of cost. If you use the rented premises and equipment, then it is more profitable for you to choose income less expenses as an object, because in this case you will constantly incur material costs. If the premises are yours, the equipment is also purchased and in the near future there will be no need for large costs, it would be more expedient to choose simply income as an object.

business plan medical office

Place to rent

Before renting a room, carefully study the SanPiNs, because you will not be able to open a private medical office everywhere. Medical activity involves the use of a room with a certain footage (depending on the specific specialization) and interior decoration.

All communications (electricity, water, sewage) should be present in the office. Preferably, the room is located on the ground floor of the building. As a rule, all private doctors try to open medical offices in the city center.The best place is next to highways or metro stations.

Medical facilities

This is the most expensive part in starting your business. It’s even scary to think about how many devices you need to buy in order to equip at least a small doctor’s office. At the same time, all equipment should be specialized, even you can’t buy ordinary furniture.

So, for example, the cost of a medical chair intended only for receiving a patient (a chair for a special examination will need another) is at least 20 thousand rubles. This is just one chair! Judge for yourself what the total cost will be. Yes, this pleasure is not cheap - a medical office. A business plan should be prepared as efficiently as possible, calculate all the costs and think carefully about whether you can afford them.

Imagine indicative prices only. Surely, you want your services to be in demand among the population, and for this you should provide people with quality help, which, in turn, requires the use of medical equipment by serious manufacturers working according to Western standards. Modern equipment is very expensive.

An ultrasound device will cost you no less than 5 million rubles, diagnostic devices range from 300 thousand to two million rubles, prices for dental units vary from 450 thousand to 2.5 million rubles.

Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

To obtain such an opinion, Rospotrebnadzor will need to provide documents confirming ownership of the premises in which the doctor’s office is located, or a lease agreement, as well as tax certificates and medical books. You will need to order a few examinations (air, flushes, water) and a production control program. These events will take a week at best, and will cost from 4 thousand rubles.

You will also need to conclude agreements with the municipal service for garbage removal, with a disinfecting station - for disinfection, disinfection and deratization. On a quarterly basis, you will spend approximately 3,500 rubles on this. Based on the results of all the checks, an act will be drawn up, on the basis of which, if the premises comply with the standards presented, they will give you the long-awaited conclusion. Do not forget to notarize it.

In addition, you will also need to obtain an opinion from the State Fire Inspection. And nobody will give it to you if a fire alarm is not installed. The installation will cost in the amount of 7 thousand rubles, the costs of fire extinguishing agents should also be added to it (the cost of a fire extinguisher on average is 400 rubles). To obtain a conclusion, in addition, you must have an evacuation plan, a certificate of completion of fire safety courses, instructions on the necessary actions in case of fire.

open a medical office

Monthly expenses

Each month you will have to pay contributions to the Health Insurance Fund and to the Pension Fund. Their value depends on the minimum wage. On a quarterly basis, it will be necessary to pay a single tax, while a USN tax return is filed once a year. You can calculate the tax amount and fill out a declaration yourself or hire an accountant for these purposes.

You will also have to make payments to the DIZO for rent. These are only mandatory state contributions. In fact, the costs, of course, will be much greater. These should include staff salaries (if any), expenses for repair and maintenance of equipment, expenses for the purchase of consumables (medical supplies, medicines), security, communications, advertising, utility bills and so on.

We hope that from the article you learned all the necessary information on how to open a private medical office. Good luck in your endeavors!

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