
Veterinary business: how to open a veterinary clinic. Veterinary clinic business plan: necessary equipment and SES requirements

veterinary clinic business planAnimal hospitals are rarely empty. Caring owners closely monitor the health of their beloved pets and prefer to contact veterinarians not only in cases of urgent medical intervention, but also for consultations, preventive vaccinations, scheduled examinations.

Therefore, the business plan of the veterinary clinic you have developed can be successfully implemented. The main thing is to observe a number of conditions.

Organizational matters

Before collecting documents for registration of the business, decide on the enterprise form. If your plans include the creation of a small branch office providing a minimum of services, then register as an individual entrepreneur. But for a full-fledged clinic, you need to choose a different form. In such a situation, registration of a limited liability company is necessary. Then you will have the right to open a pharmacy at a medical institution.

In addition, you have a visit to the tax office. It does not bother to familiarize yourself with the tax system that you will apply in advance. As a rule, this is a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

And one more important detail. If you are not a certified veterinarian, then you will not receive the appropriate license. It will be necessary to conclude an agreement with one or two qualified specialists with diplomas in the relevant field.

Obtaining an activity permit

Before you open a veterinary clinic, you need to collect a package of documents to obtain a license. It includes:

  • your statement itself;
  • copy of the charter (it needs to be developed and approved in advance);
  • certificate of OGRN (state number obtained after registration of the legal entity) and TIN (tax identification number);
  • documents confirming the qualifications of doctors.

Only when all the documents are in your hands will it be possible to get permission.

In addition to the license for the provision of veterinary services, you need the conclusions of the sanitary inspection and fire supervision. They will inspect the premises for their compliance with the approved sanitary standards and safety requirements.

Decide in advance in which room you will store potent drugs, since it is subject to verification, but already by law enforcement agencies. Police officers must issue their verdict to the technical condition and security system of the warehouse.

Clinic room

Now directly about the premises. There is a rule approved by Rospotrebnadzor, which states that institutions providing veterinary services should be located 50 meters from residential buildings. Therefore, you will not be able to deploy a veterinary office directly on the first floor of the apartment building.

veterinary servicesHow to open a clinic then? You can search for hiring a separate building. Or look for suitable rooms in a non-residential building. But here, two features must be taken into account.

Firstly, a separate entrance is required. Secondly, the consent of other tenants to such a neighborhood is necessary. Plus, you do not want to be located far from residential areas. Pet owners are unlikely to like looking for you, and patient delivery should not cause additional hassle.

As for the size, it all depends on your ambitions. For a modest cabinet, carrying out the initial reception and examination, 20 square meters is enough.

If it is planned to carry out operations and place the laboratory, then a larger room is needed, for example, by 60 or 70 square meters. And for a full-scale clinic, the total area can be all 100 square meters.

Sanitary standards

It is not enough to find a room suitable for rent, before opening a veterinary clinic, it is necessary to repair the rooms taking into account the stringent requirements of the sanitary inspection. First of all, the walls and floor will need to be washed regularly with disinfectants.

Therefore, the most optimal coating for them will be tile. Epidemic measures require careful monitoring of the sterility of the operating room, reception, hospital. Provide a separate room for storing waste, medicines, feed.

Clinic Departments

veterinary servicesEnter information about which rooms you plan to open in your business plan for the veterinary clinic. At the same time adhere to existing standards.

So, you need to provide a room for the registry. Then you need a separate front desk. Take the rooms to the laboratory, ultrasound, X-ray, operating room. Think about wards for stationary animals.

SES makes special claims to the X-ray room. It is necessary for him to develop a project, approve it at the sanitary inspection, then wait for permission from the commission before launching and only after that put it into operation.

Do not forget about the clean office space. You will need a separate room for storing veterinary products. As mentioned above, the rules for storing and spending potent funds are very strict, therefore they need to be studied in advance and, of course, observed.

If you need a pharmacy

Often, clinic owners keep a pharmacy nearby. This is an additional profit, and it’s much more convenient for customers - there is no need to look for prescribed medicines elsewhere, you can immediately get them. Here are just the requirements for veterinary pharmacies that scare many at the first stage. They are, of course, very tough, but they must be respected.

First of all, decide for yourself the question: will you be engaged in the manufacture of prescription drugs or not. The size of the future premises for the pharmacy depends on your answer. So, to prepare your own funds, you will need an isolated room equipped with special equipment. If you want to save money at first, then limit yourself to selling ready-made medicines, feeds and care products. But do not forget to get an alarm, including a fire alarm.

And you also need to issue an additional license for the sale of medicines, obtain the permission of the SES.

Purchase of equipment for a veterinary clinic

If you plan to provide quality services, you will need the appropriate equipment. This is perhaps the biggest expense item. The list of equipment is very wide, but it must be present: an X-ray unit, an ultrasound machine, microscopes, surgical instruments, bactericidal lamps, a sterilizer. In the operating room, you will need to equip a table, install lamps, purchase special life support devices.

In addition, you need furniture, a freezer, a chamber in which biowaste will be stored before disposal.

The purchase of equipment for a veterinary clinic is not carried out spontaneously. Plan everything carefully, calculate, not forgetting a single trifle. Include in the list of clothing for staff, office equipment.

For a pharmacy, buy racks, cabinets for storing medicines, a refrigerator.

When contacting suppliers, clearly stipulate the terms of service for apparatus and tools.Strictly follow the rules of installation and operation, because the cost of special equipment is high. And damage to the equipment through your fault is not subject to warranty repair.

Basic Services

Clearly determine which particular veterinary services you intend to provide to your clients. Their list is very extensive, and only you decide what you leave out of it, and what you can’t afford yet.

Even small rooms carry out a comprehensive examination of the animal, carry out vaccination, including preventive care, engage in obstetric care, and perform simple operations. At the reception, you can consult on pet care, get tips on feeding it.

In larger clinics, you can get an appointment with a narrow specialist, for example, a dentist, cardiologist, nutritionist, dermatologist. Complex surgeries are performed here. Clinic specialists will do ultrasound diagnostics. In the clinic you can take tests.

Hygienic haircut, preparation for the exhibition, care of claws, teeth and ears are also veterinary services that you can get in the clinic.

We call a doctor at home

It often happens that it’s very difficult for the owners to take their pet to the veterinary office. This may be due to difficulties in transportation or the difficult physical condition of the animal. In this case, think about organizing trips to the client.how much do vets earn

Veterinary services at home have long been common practice. Moreover, if several specialists work in your clinic, then you can organize a round-the-clock service.

At home, it is quite possible to carry out small operations, provide obstetric care, conduct treatment and prevention of various infectious diseases. The doctor can examine the animal, give him the necessary vaccinations.

Of course, if the pet is seriously ill, then it is better to immediately stipulate with the owner the possibility of placing him in a hospital with subsequent medical supervision.

We select frames

Your veterinary clinic business plan should include a staffing item. Even opening a tiny office, you must take care of the staff. Although you yourself plan to receive patients, you still need an assistant to record visitors, answer calls, and sanitize the premises.

veterinary services at homeIn the clinic you will need to attract more specialists to work. Here, doctors of a narrow profile, for example, surgeons, dentists. Here are therapists, diagnosticians. You will need an anesthetist, radiologist, laboratory assistant.

Consider setting up an administrative service. You will need cleaners to ensure sanitation. In the hospital, select the staff who will take care of the pets.

Pay close attention to the qualifications of your employees, ask for diplomas, recommendations. The more experienced professionals you select, the better.

In addition, you must be sure not only of the competence of your staff, but also of its kindness. Agree, it is very important for pet owners to see a friendly attitude towards their pets, so confidence in your clinic is born.

We promote your business

The market of veterinary services is now quite oversaturated, but this does not mean that you will be left without customers. You just need to declare yourself, attract customers with quality of service, good attitude. At first, you can not do without mass advertising. Order leaflets, business cards, booklets. Use the power of display advertising. Many clinics are now striving to simultaneously launch a site on which detailed information about services and prices will be posted.

Investing in marketing pays off by increasing the number of customers, and even word of mouth will work in the future. Satisfied customers themselves will advertise you to their friends.

Are developing

The business plan of the veterinary clinic will not be amiss to complement the program of your further development. Think ahead about your growth prospects.So you will see what to strive for. Yes, and you can attract investors only with clear plans for the future of your company. Think about what additional services you want to learn, what equipment to buy, which rooms to open.

Economic issue

Investments in the veterinary business require rather big ones. You will need at least one and a half million rubles to open a modest medical institution. As mentioned above, the bulk of the investment will go towards the purchase of equipment. Obtaining licenses and obtaining permits will also cost a certain amount.

The room must meet certain requirements - this is another expense item. You will be required to pay specialists. Home visits to clients cannot be carried out by public transport, therefore, you need to take care of the purchase of official vehicles.

So is there any point in opening a clinic? Let's now see how much the veterinarians earn. On average, a doctor's appointment is from 300 to 500 rubles. This is if you came for an initial examination. Further, the price for diagnostic services, laboratory research is taken into account. Operations, treatment are a separate price list. Home visits are a bit more expensive.

So it turns out that with a full load, the clinic will fully pay off in two or three years. A large clinic begins to generate revenue a bit later. But here you can achieve good results through the development of additional services. The same sale of feed and medicine gives a good profit.

Soberly evaluate your capabilities, carefully study the offers of competitors, enlist the support of experienced doctors and boldly open your own clinic in which you can help four-legged, winged, shaggy and crawling patients.

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I liked the article, but how relevant is it? After all, licensing was canceled and perhaps this is not the only non-compliance in the article, misleading.


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