
Management Methods and Principles

Management principles are rules that determine the functioning and mood of the entire system. In this case, we can also talk about ensuring the overall effectiveness of the leadership.

Management principles define some requirements for a common management system. However, modern management does not contain a universally recognized and uniform set of principles. Many economists have paid enough attention to this particular research topic.

Classification of General Principles

General management principles:management principles

  • scientific validity - an approach to management, which may require a comprehensive and continuous study of factors that affect the overall efficiency of the enterprise;
  • a systematic approach is a principle that requires the head to consider a set of interdependent, interconnected and interacting elements, which may include technologies, tasks or people;
  • management optimality is responsible for meeting the requirements to achieve management goals while minimizing costs in time and money; the principle of flexibility is closely related to this principle, which is implemented in practice in order to ensure timely adaptation of the organization to changes in the external environment or its restructuring in accordance with new goals;
  • regulation - the process that occurs in the management system should be clearly regulated: in other words, any enterprise should develop a specific system of norms and rules that would determine the procedure for carrying out activities of both the entire business entity and its individual structural elements;
  • formalization - a principle that enshrines the norms at a formal level, as well as the formation of a system of rules for the operation of the enterprise in the form of instructions, orders and instructions of the management, using approved structural provisions and job descriptions.

Using the last two principles allows you to streamline in some way the process of the enterprise, which will make it planned, reliable, rational and predictable.

Private management principles

In the framework of this classification, the following should be noted:

  • the priority of the goal is expressed in the predominance of structure over functions in organizations, managed by the subject over the object, etc .;
  • correspondence of the set goal to the allocated subordination and management resources;
  • the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in the field of management and production;
  • building the organization of the functioning of the business entity (in this case, special attention is paid to focus on achieving a specific goal, an integrated approach to studying various factors that can affect the entire organization process, clearly regulating procedures and operations in the project being developed, comparing the process with technical capabilities , economic, social and organizational resources);
  • organization and implementation management accounting associated with the continuity of the business entity, the use of single units of measurement in planning and accounting, etc .;
  • principles of personnel management, expressed in the adequacy of the basic functions of personnel management to the goals of the enterprise; primary functions of personnel management; prompt response to any changes in the specifics of the organization; potential imitations, situational approaches, compatibility, combination, compensation, and dynamism.

basic management principles

Special Organization Management Principles

  1. Investment management, which focuses on a long-term perspective, the availability of reliable information about the stock market, timely and adequate response to any changes in the investment environment.
  2. Risk management, expressed in a loyal attitude to risks, forecasting, insurance, reservation, minimization of losses and maximization of income.
  3. Technology management, which focuses on improving the efficiency of using production assets, optimizing various technological processes.
  4. Creation of an effective structure in the organization, the priorities of which would be the needs of the market, the creation of units with a minimum number of subordination levels on the target basis.

Improving Management Approaches

The basic principles of management over time are constantly developing, concretizing and improving. This evolution is explained by certain changes in the concept of management, adopted in society in a specific period of time.

HR policy at the enterprise

The principles of personnel management should reflect the basic requirements of existing laws and economic laws. It is from this point of view that they are the most objective.

enterprise management principlesIn the field of coordination of staff work, the main principles and management methods are based on:

  • science;
  • democratic centralism;
  • planning;
  • unity of management;
  • selection, selection and placement of personnel;
  • a combination of unity of command, collegiality and centralization;
  • linear, functional and target management;
  • control over the execution of instructions and decisions.

The main directions of personnel management

Taking into account the experience of foreign managers, it is necessary to consider the basic principles of personnel management:

HR principles

  • strategic approach to this area of ​​management activity;
  • consideration of the employee as a factor in the competitiveness and effectiveness of the enterprise;
  • the feasibility of attracting investment in the formation of the human resources system;
  • management democratization and social partnership;
  • improving the quality of labor and its "enrichment";
  • ongoing training for development human resources;
  • professionalism in personnel management.

Public administration

The principles of public administration should indicate its main features and characteristics. They allow you to determine the content, basis and importance of public administration from the position of the legal characteristics of this type of activity.management system principles

The principles of public administration are classified on the basis of provisions with a general social character, and are implemented on the basis of the status of a subject of state and administrative activity. These approaches may include:

  • legality, represented by strict and steady observance and execution by objects and subjects of legal requirements that were in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • objectivity: the content of this principle includes the study of the laws of social development, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the further improvement of the entire administrative process at the state level; this principle can be opposed to voluntarism and subjectivity;
  • specificity expressed in the implementation of public administration in the context of specific life circumstances, taking into account various forms of manifestation of the laws of social development on the basis of reliable information about the actual state of the managed facility;
  • the effectiveness of striving to achieve the goals of public administration using the minimum cost of funds, time and effort;
  • organizational principles of the management system, implying the determination of the order of interaction of its links (in the economic literature, a classical classification of these principles is usually found).

General organizational principles

First, the industry principle, which acts as a leader in the creation of services and apparatuses responsible for the exercise of executive power. Thanks to him, a system of organs is formed for the implementation of a certain type of managerial activity of state significance (health care or culture).management principles and methods

Secondly, the territorial principle, which is based on the formation of the apparatus of state executive power in accordance with the administrative-territorial division.

Thirdly, the linear principle, in the implementation of which the head of any level (within his competence) has certain management functions and rights in relation to his subordinates.

Fourth, the intersectoral principle, within which the subject of management has the right to provide normative and methodological guidance within a certain function. In this case, we can talk about control, and about administrative coercion.

Organizational Principles

This classification can be represented by the following approaches:

  • a rational distribution of powers between entities within the framework of executive activity, which involves a certain consolidation of tasks from a legal point of view, as well as the rights and obligations of each individual body and employee;
  • the responsibility of the subjects of the executive branch for the results of their activities, which is rather closely connected with the principle of rationality in the distribution of powers.


Thus, the topic of this article can be considered both in a broad and narrow sense. So, the principles of enterprise management are considered at the level of a specific business unit. Public administration is a concept of a wider spectrum, its characteristic features include a direct connection with the state, diligence, managerial and nation-wide, as well as legality, efficiency and continuity.

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