
basic military training

It's no secret that young people are reluctant to go to the army. This is because military service "Not in fashion." And only the threat of punishment compels many to become a rookie. Is it possible to somehow rectify the situation and create a positive image of the Russian military man? Is anything done for this in our time? It turns out that military training, based on patriotic education, is called to help rectify the situation. You can’t make a man love his homeland. But you can instill a desire to protect it, as a place where relatives live, where is the house. To instill in the young generation respect for the Armed Forces and a desire to be in their ranks.

military training

You need to start with the children

Preparation for military service begins at school. For this, lessons in life skills are best suited. They tell the young men about what life awaits them in the army barracks. This improves the understanding of what exactly they will have to do, what responsibilities they will have. Thus, psychological stress is relieved, assistance is provided in finding a common language with future comrades. In addition, military training includes drill and rifle exercises. Young people learn that the service has its own specifics, and soldier labor is special. They are trained in combat training skills, physical exercises. They are introduced to the duties of a soldier, a military oath. This makes it possible to know in advance exactly what moral qualities will be required in the service. Military training also includes competitions, thematic tours and summer practice. In order for young men to be proud of their country, they are told about the advantages of our weapons. In practical classes, students assess their knowledge and physical fitness, compare them with the standards that are set in the army. Thus, they already know in advance what skills they need to improve, so as not to hit the face with dirt after the call.

preparation for military service

You decide

Voluntary military training, the process of which is under the control of the Government of the Russian Federation, involves not only the education of minors in schools. Its other directions are also provided. It also includes military-applied sports, additional programs for various branches of the armed forces, training of reserve officers in the military departments of an accredited non-governmental institution. Consider these types of training in more detail.

Additional advantages

All citizens who may be called up for military service are allowed to practice military-applied sports. Moreover, this can be done in any institution intended for this, regardless of departmental affiliation. Such classes, if they led to the receipt of the first sports rank or rank, give young people an advantage when enrolling in a military educational institution. They can also choose the type of troops in which they want to serve, or engage in special sports. Military training can be obtained by minors in Suvorov, Nakhimov, military music schools. Cadet corps are working in the same direction.

preparing citizens for military service

Stock officers

Training at the military department of the full-time department of a state university is also voluntary. Pass it can citizens who at the time of graduation is not 27 years old, and only if they can be called up for health reasons and other necessary indicators. When training ends, young people are considered reserve officers.But you need to know that before undergoing voluntary training it is necessary to conclude a contract that provides for: the delay received by the young man at the university with the military department stipulates that he will serve in the Russian army after its completion. Interestingly, the preparation of citizens for military service at a university with a special department is paid for by an additional scholarship. It is received even by those who have already served in the army, but attends the voluntary training of reserve officers to receive the rank. Moreover, the size of their scholarships is larger.

It happens and not voluntary

Mandatory preparation for military service is also within the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation. It is divided into two periods. The first involves working with pre-conscripts. That is, with young men who were not originally put on military records. This occurs from January 1 to March 31 with males who have reached the age of 17 years this year. In the second period, recruits are trained, that is, those who are registered with the military, and until they are sent to the place of service. Men from 18 to 27 years old fall into this category.

compulsory military training

First and second stage

In the first period, compulsory military training includes only obtaining initial knowledge about how to defend the homeland, determining suitability for service. Improving physical and moral qualities. Training in work in large and small teams. At the second stage, the results of the first period are already taken into account. Military training is going on purposefully, since the psychological tendency of the future soldier is already approximately known. Here, the work of the young man is to improve the skills that he will need to perform service in a particular military branch. He gets acquainted in advance with what requirements are imposed on his health, physical and psychological preparation. Assesses its ability to match them.

compulsory preparation for military service

What qualities come in handy

There are many military specialties, which means that the requirements for them are different. For example, operators are those who control a gun or military equipment. Such a specialist must have technical knowledge in order to work with systems of any complexity. You must be able to quickly and correctly make decisions, have good health and nerves. The operator needs excellent memory, the ability to concentrate, accuracy. The biggest requirements, of course, are imposed on future commanders. Such people educate soldiers, which means they have pedagogical skills. In addition, the makings of a leader, the ability to command should be available, and the orders should be brief and clearly formulated. The commander's speech should be legible. Good physical fitness will not be out of place. The future leader must not only make the soldiers obey, but also be able to follow the orders of higher officers himself, know the charter of military service, and inspire respect among his subordinates.

voluntary military training

But no matter what kind of service a young man would have, one must remember that courage, courage, discipline, and good health are welcomed in all branches of the armed forces. Consequently, military training will prove to be an excellent tool for developing the necessary skills and qualities.

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