
Types of pharmacy organizations, their tasks and functions, comparative characteristics. Order 553n "On the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations"

Modern people have a clear view of pharmacies. But what are the types and functions of pharmacy organizations? Not everyone knows about this. Their activities are regulated and monitored by legislative acts, internal affairs bodies. We live in a state of law, where individuals and legal entities are required to comply with laws. Pharmacy activities are also regulated by several laws, acts and other documents.

Pharmaceutical activity

The article will describe pharmacy organizations, their types, comparative characteristics and other important points in this area. By this concept we mean companies that carry out retail trade, manufacture and distribution of medicines.

types of pharmacy organizations

As for retail, this is a type of trade and the provision of services to customers for personal, family, home purposes, which have nothing to do with entrepreneurial activity.

The list of such companies:

  • pharmacy items;
  • pharmacy stalls;
  • pharmacies;
  • pharmacy stores.

Based on external and functional characteristics, existing types of pharmacy organizations have their own characteristics and differ from each other. As a rule, trading outside the pharmacy is prohibited. This suggests that the pharmacist does not have the right to sell drugs and other products outside a specialized company.

Types of pharmacies

  1. Pharmacies that are created to serve the population. Such institutions sell drugs of both a narrow and a wide profile. They can have their own assortment, which is prescribed in their classification. For example, homeopathic pharmacies have an assortment of products of this kind and specialize in their sale. Specialized activities can be different. For example, a cancer pharmacy produces and sells drugs designed to fight cancer.
  2. Hospital pharmacies. Each medical institution has its own pharmacy organization. In any case, she must be present there.
  3. Inter-hospital pharmacies - such organizations supply drugs to preventive and other institutions.

This list classifies the types of pharmacy organizations by occupation. There are other indicators, according to which pharmacies have their own characteristics.

The nature of the production activities of pharmacies

  • Production. These points carry out the manufacture of medicines according to prescriptions of doctors and the requirements of medical institutions. Companies of this kind have the right to sell finished products.
  • Institutions for the implementation of finished drug forms. Such types of pharmacy organizations and their functions are reduced to the sale of medicines to the population and the sale of them to medical institutions.
  • Night pharmacies. As the name implies, such items are designed to serve the population at night.

Order 553n “On the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations” contains the basic concepts and characteristics adopted in this area. According to the specified document, all pharmacies are regulated based on the content of this paper.

order 553н on the approval of types of pharmacy organizations

In this area, as in any other, it is important to know the laws and apply them correctly.Some unscrupulous implementers, taking advantage of the legal illiteracy of people, do not properly provide services to the population, taking into account legislation. Therefore, in addition to the book of complaints and suggestions, all types of pharmacy organizations should have this document in the corner of the consumer. This is necessary so that the visitor to the pharmacy can easily study it. The order on the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations is also necessary for periodic familiarization with it directly by pharmacy workers. This is understandable, since the rules laid down in it will help to better cope with their duties.

Pharmacy Features

As noted above, Order 553n “On the Approval of the Types of Pharmacy Organizations” not only regulates the legitimacy of pharmacies, but also contains a list of the functions of these institutions.

types and functions of pharmacy organizations

The functions of pharmacies depend not only on the type of activity, but also on its type. Scroll:

  • Production. As a rule, this item refers to the manufacture and production of medicines according to prescriptions of doctors and for healthcare organizations in the Russian Federation.
  • Procurement. Selling and dispensing drugs / products for healthcare organizations and their structural units.
  • Informational. The employees of each pharmacy should be notified of the absence and availability of drugs in the institution, informed of new medicines and their proper use.
  • Trading. Sale of medicines to the population, both on prescription and without it.
  • Financial. Pharmacies have the right to accept cash, pay by credit card, process these cash transactions, keep records of them, deposit funds to the bank and make other payments.
  • Packaging and packaging of drugs.
  • Sale of medical goods and a pharmacy assortment.
  • Quality control, shelf life, packaging integrity, proper storage location.
  • Compliance with the applicable sanitary standards and hygiene rules.
  • Counseling. The pharmacist should have sufficient knowledge of the drugs that he sells, always explain to the population if there are questions of an informative nature regarding medicines, medical equipment, and other pharmacy assortments.
  • Development of instructions affecting the quality of public services and staff work.
  • Compliance with reporting.
  • Self-inspection, in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

All types of pharmacy organizations in the Russian Federation are subject to a single rule: their employees are required to know the latest updates in the law on medicines.

Employee Responsibilities

Employees must know:

  • Rules for the sale of goods.
  • The law according to which pharmacy activity is carried out.
  • Acts governing the rules of conduct for pharmacy workers.
  • The internal routine of the pharmacy.
  • Own rights and obligations.
  • Rules of communication with the public.
  • The latest information on medicines sold by a particular pharmacy.
  • Rules for using the cash register and computer programs.
  • Approximate amount of assortment.
  • In what place, department and on which shelf are the preparations.
  • Competently answer questions, express your thoughts clearly and on medical topics.

Location of pharmacies

Each building in which the pharmacy is located should be located in the most populated area, be within walking distance from hospitals, clinics, schools and other crowded places. It does not matter what types of pharmacy organizations these are - their tasks and functions are to provide stable services to the population and provide people with the opportunity to purchase the necessary medicines at the appointed time. Accordingly, the location of pharmacies on the map of a settlement is an important issue.

order approving the types of pharmacy organizations

In our time, there are many pharmacies that carry out their legal activities in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that, according to all civil standards, pharmacies should be in any settlement, regardless of whether it is a metropolis or a remote village.

Today, not every city with a small number of inhabitants boasts the presence of a pharmacy in it. People are forced to wander around in search of drugs, call an ambulance if the house does not have the necessary funds. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is closely involved in this issue, but it may take years to implement it.

on the approval of types of pharmacy organizations

Existing types of pharmacy organizations are able to carry out their activities in the territory of location, if their geographical location allows customers to easily and quickly get to them. Some citizens note that drugstores located in cities and villages are located too far from places of residence. Therefore, to visit a pharmacy, you sometimes need to go through a thorny path.

Central District Pharmacy

The most important and large-scale institution in a district or city is the central pharmacy. In accordance with the document on the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations, it controls many processes related to medical devices.


  • Providing pharmacies with toxic substances and ethyl alcohol.
  • Informing pharmacies and healthcare facilities about the receipt of drugs.
  • Control of receipt and delivery of drugs from the warehouse.
  • Acceptance and correction of applications for the issuance of medicines.
  • If there is a body managing pharmacies, deliver applications for drugs and medical equipment there.
  • Monitoring the supply, availability and condition of drugs for rural pharmacies.

Pharmacy staff

All types of pharmacy organizations contain a minimum staffing table, which may include the following vacancies:

  • Pharmacist.
  • The nurse.
  • Defect.
  • Pharmacist-technologist.
  • Pharmacist manager.

Each of the employees performs separate functions in accordance with the charter and regulations of the pharmacy organization. Personnel are required to comply with the regime and rules of the institution.

types of pharmacy organizations and their functions


The appointment and dismissal from this position is carried out by the head of the pharmacy of the MPI. The pharmacist is supervised by the pharmacists: technologist and analyst. In order to work in this position, it is not necessary to have a higher education - a secondary pharmaceutical level is sufficient.

The pharmacist must:

  • To produce drugs for the purpose of medical institutions.
  • To make means according to medical prescriptions.
  • Prepare medicine before dispensing.
  • Draw up the drug before vacation.


The appointment and dismissal from this position is made by the head of the medical institution.


  • cleaning of premises;
  • washing dishes and its processing.


For admission to this position, an employee must have a higher pharmacological education. The head of the pharmacy institution or his deputy appoints and dismisses from this vacancy.


  • control of drug records;
  • medical records;
  • intra-pharmacy blanks;
  • checking the presence of the required inscriptions and information on the packaging of the preparations;
  • control of the shelf life of the drug, information about the manufacturer;
  • work with other information about medicines sold by a pharmacy institution.


To be admitted to this position, an employee must have a higher pharmacological education. He is appointed and dismissed by the head of the pharmacy institution, and the employee reports exclusively to the head of the pharmacy and his deputy.

Obligations of a pharmacist-technologist:

  • control over the design of recipes;
  • reception of recipes and requirements;
  • Clarification of drug information to the public;
  • registration of medicines and medical products that are available;
  • control over the storage of drugs;
  • accounting for the use of medicines in departments and offices;
  • bringing information to the medical staff of hospitals, clinics and other institutions about the presence / absence of medicines in the pharmacy.

Pharmacist Manager

In order to get this position, the employee must have a higher pharmacological education and work experience of more than 5 years in the field of pharmacology. The chief physician of the medical institution is appointed to this position by order. The head-pharmacist has identical rights with the head of the branch of the medical institution.


  • monitoring the work of the pharmacy as a whole;
  • monitors the correct manufacture of medicines;
  • registration of dispensing of medicines according to doctor's prescriptions;
  • control over the supply of medical property to medical offices and laboratories;
  • ensuring proper storage of drugs, medical instruments;
  • controls the flow of drugs;
  • keeps special records of the consumption of narcotic and poisonous drugs;
  • ensuring pharmaceutical order in the pharmacy;
  • monitoring the implementation of sanitary standards by employees;
  • drawing up an estimate for the receipt of medical property;
  • monitors how staff performs their duties;
  • issuing orders, instructions and other documents relating to work in the pharmacy.

types of pharmacy organizations their tasks and functions

This list of pharmacy employees can be more extensive - it all depends on what types of pharmacy organizations are meant. Their characteristics and functions have been described above.

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