
Mandatory military fees: description, essence, features of passage and reviews

According to the March 1998 Law No. 53-F3, military training is equivalent to training internships at military departments of state universities, where officers, sergeants, and sailors are trained. In addition, military commissariats call on citizens upon receipt of a corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Citizens must go through military drafting medical examination. Then the called are sent to the collection point, and from there to the venue. There are categories of citizens exempted from conscription.

military fees


Throughout life, a liable citizen can be called up for military training several times, in total, their duration is no more than twelve months, and each individual training does not last more than two months and cannot be repeated more than once every 3 years. Dismissed citizens are not called up for military training during the first two years from the moment they are transferred to the reserve. It turns out that after the age of sixty, citizens will not be called up for military training.


Each person called up for military training must have personal state insurance, since he is considered acting military service, and there may be a case of death, injury or contusion, illness during the training. Corresponding entries are made in the documents, since the military fees of the storekeepers are added to the length of service.

drafted for military training

A responsibility

A citizen who has been called up for military training and has failed to appear without due justification in due time to the place of assembly, which is indicated on the agenda submitted by the military registration and enlistment office or other body keeping military records, can be held administratively liable - a warning or a fine. In addition, there is the responsibility of citizens called up for military training for committing crimes during their passage, since they have non-civil status, they are military personnel.

Decree of appeal

In 2015, the collection of military-obligated citizens of the Russian Federation in stock was once again held, since the President of Russia signed the corresponding decree on February 5, 2015. The force of this decree calls for military citizens who are in reserve until they reach the age of sixty.

military drafted citizen

Stock of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are:

  • dismissed from military service and credited to the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • successfully completed training for reserve officers at universities in military departments;
  • not serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to exemption from conscription;
  • who did not serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to the provision of deferrals from military service for good reason and were not called up to twenty-seven years;
  • dismissed from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces with no registration, but subsequently registered with the military commissariats;
  • past alternative service (civilian);
  • women with a military specialty.

How many reservists will go to military training in 2016 is still unknown, and in recent years, the Ministry of Defense has called from two to five thousand people. A person liable for military service must always be prepared for the call. He learns about the need to be sent to military training from the summons, which is presented by the military enlistment office. Up to two months, while retraining lasts, the reservist will receive the average salary at the place of work, which is provided by the Ministry of Defense, and, of course, his duty station is retained for the military person who is at the training camp.

citizens drafted for military training


The place and time for military training is determined by law enforcement agencies, and all called-up reservists will be assigned to state security agencies, the federal security service and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is there that the reserve servicemen will improve their professional knowledge and skills of military skill, master new and modernized models of weapons, special and military equipment, learn the rules for their maintenance and operation, which is the main task that the compulsory military duty of the reserve is pursuing.

The call of liable citizens in reserve is always planned, and at the same time it can be connected with the situation in the world, which has recently become aggravated. All mobilization mechanisms, including people and equipment, are being worked out under conditions close to real military danger. In many regions, the situation is turbulent, so the Russian Armed Forces must constantly maintain combat readiness and check how key military mechanisms operate in the country. Military enlistment offices determine which of the citizens to call first, depending on the military specialty and the needs of military units.

military training depot

Military exemption

The effect of the decree on military training will not apply to those who have undergone military retraining in the last three years, and specialists from strategic enterprises and research institutes will not receive the agenda. In addition, are not subject to appeal:

  • investigators of the prosecutor’s office, tax police, customs officers, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, ATS, intelligence and state security;
  • employees of the internal affairs bodies, fire service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, organs for controlling the turnover of psychotropic and narcotic substances, and customs bodies of the Russian Federation;
  • civilians of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as of other troops, formations and bodies: ATS, GPS, customs authorities institutions of the penal system, bodies controlling the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances;
  • pilots and technicians, as well as employees and workers of railway and air transport, directly involved in providing transportation, repair and maintenance of helicopters, aircraft, aerodrome equipment, devices and rolling stock of railway transport;
  • the floating contingent of vessels of the sea and river fleet and, during the navigation period, the fleet of the fishing industry;
  • during sowing and harvesting harvest, citizens directly involved in such work are not called up;
  • teachers of educational institutions;
  • full-time or part-time students;
  • passing military training will also not affect students of correspondence courses during certification and the preparation of a diploma;
  • parents of three or more minor children;
  • citizens who have grounds for deferment of appeal;
  • located outside the borders of the Russian Federation;
  • members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, officials, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as temporarily performing their duties.

military stock fees

The order of military fees

Successfully passed the tests during the passage on the proposal of the head of military training, can receive the next military rank, but not more than two during their stay in the reserve.

A sailor or soldier, foreman or sergeant may become a senior sergeant or chief foreman. The rank is assigned by the military commissar of a city or district. An officer, warrant officer or warrant officer may become a lieutenant colonel or captain of the second rank. The title is assigned by the Minister of Defense. (The law of the Russian Federation "On military duty", article 54.)

Stock officers

In order to improve quality military training reserve officers are called up for training camps:

  • during the reserve period of 1 category - annually for up to 3 months;
  • during the reserve period 2 categories - 2 charges up to 3 months each;
  • in the reserve period of 3 categories (within five years) - the only two-month fee.

Also, reserve officers can be called up for verification training between training - for up to ten days. The total service life in stock does not exceed thirty months.1st-rank reserve officers are involved in command exercises from thirty to sixty hours, which are organized by the heads of garrisons and military commissariats. Commander classes are once in three years.

At the place of residence, classes are held with residents in cities - without interruption or with a partial separation from their main work, and reserve officers living in rural areas - with a complete separation from production.


Reserve officers of the 1st category are senior officers up to 60 years old, majors and lieutenant colonels up to 50 years old and junior officers up to 45 years old.

Reserve officers of the 2nd category - colonels under 60, majors and lieutenant colonels under 55 and junior officers under 50.

Reserve officers of the 3rd category - majors and lieutenant colonels up to 60 years old and junior officers up to 55 years old.

Provision of contentment

Reserve officers called up for verification or training camps are provided with cash and in-kind allowance for the duration of the camps in the amounts and manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Meals on the way and travel to and from the camp are provided by the state. When passing verification or training camps, officers are expected to wear a military uniform. All those called up for training are liable for the announcement of mobilization remain in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces until further notice.

military training

Priority Specialties

First of all, and most often, doctors, signalmen, those who served in the engineering troops, drivers and mechanics are called on to undergo military training. In 2015, military collections were classified as servicing an untouchable stock of materiel, that is, those liable for military service alerted military equipment in military depots. Some liable reserves have rare military specialties and are assigned to certain military units. Therefore, they can be called up for training urgently. For the military, this is called a control turnout, which occurs during each military readiness test. Such a plan usually lasts about three days.

All military personnel called up for reserve training are entitled to compensation for their average salary or unemployment benefits. This is the case if there is a registration with the employment center. If a person is not listed on the labor exchange, then he receives the minimum wage in the region. In addition, those called up for training receive an official salary, which is laid in the army.

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