
Military duty. Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" in simple terms

Military duty and military service - a duty established by the state to remain in the ranks of the armed forces and to participate in activities related to the country's defense. Normative acts determine the content of HE. Let's consider further what the military represents citizens duty in Russia. military duty

General information

Universal military duty includes:

  • Accounting.
  • Training.
  • Conscription in the ranks of the sun.
  • Passage of service.
  • Stay in stock.
  • Military fees.

Accounting is an element of military duty. All males who have reached the appropriate age are subject to it. Registered should also be military men at the place of residence.


Military duty does not apply to:

  • Exempted from staying in the sun.
  • Passing military service or alternative civilian.
  • Located in prisons.
  • Women without military specialties.
  • Citizens residing outside the Russian Federation permanently.

military duty law

Accounting Features

It allows you to establish the ability of the state to ensure the manning of the armed forces. Accounting is carried out in accordance with Federal Law 53 "On Military Duty". It is carried out by the authorized authority at the place of residence of persons subject to appeal. In those settlements in which there is no military commissariat, local authorities perform this task. The initial registration is carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year of reaching 17 years of males.


The law establishes obligations for citizens who have not yet entered the service. In particular, they must:

  • To be registered in the military commissariat or in the local authority at the place of residence.
  • On call (on the agenda) to appear at the appointed time in an authorized organization.
  • In the event of a discharge to the aircraft reserve, arrive at the military commissariat or other body within two weeks from the date the citizen was removed from the list of personnel of the unit.
  • Within two weeks, inform the authorized body about the change in their marital status, place of work, education or place of residence within the district or city without territorial division.


The Law "On Military Duty" provides:

  1. Obtaining initial knowledge in the field of defense.
  2. Preparatory activities on the basics of service in a non-state, state or municipal educational institution of full (secondary), primary and secondary vocational education.
  3. Patriotic education.
  4. Training in the basic military registration specialties of sailors, soldiers, foremen and sergeants in the direction of the commissariat.
  5. Medical examination and medical examination.
  6. Conducting medical and recreational activities.

The call

The law "On Military Duty" and presidential decrees establish the periods in which men are enlisted in the armed forces. The call is carried out twice a year:

  • From April 1 to June 30 (in the spring).
  • From October 1 to December 31 (in the fall).

For people who live in remote areas of the Far North, the appeal is held from May 1 to June 30. For residents of rural areas directly involved in harvesting and sowing, the deadline is from October 15 to December 31. Teachers are called from May 1 to June 30. military duty of citizens

Procedure specifics

The Federal Law "On Military Duty" establishes the procedure in accordance with which the call is made. All males who are 18 to 27 years old and not in stock are subject to admission to the Armed Forces. Organization of the draft is carried out by the head of the territorial authority along with the military commissariat. The procedure is entrusted to an authorized commission. The decision is based on the conclusions of the doctors who conducted a medical certificate of fitness for service.

Legal basis

Military duty in Russia provides for the direct participation of drafted persons in hostilities, duty, daily training. All activities that make up the content of HE are aimed at ensuring the integrity of the state’s borders and protecting the country. Military duty has its own specifics. In particular, it requires from those called upon full dedication, special responsibility, and high professional training. Persons who are in the ranks of the Armed Forces are subject to high demands. First of all, this concerns the state of their health, educational level, physical fitness, moral and psychological qualities. general military duty

One-man management in the sun

One of the most characteristic features of the service is the unquestioning obedience, the timeliness and accuracy of the execution of orders. According to the Charter, one of the principles of the Armed Forces is one-man management. In accordance with it, the completeness of the administrative power of the commander in relation to subordinates is established. He has personal responsibility to the state for the actions of each soldier, the activities of units and units. One-man management is manifested in the ability to make individual decisions, give orders and orders, in accordance with the requirements of legislation and charters, as well as ensure their implementation. Discussion of orders is not allowed. Failure to do so is considered a crime against the state. Some employees in relation to others can act as bosses and subordinates.

Additional features

The military personnel are given the appropriate uniform and insignia, approved by the President. Arms in the ranks of the armed forces are issued. If necessary, it can be worn and stored outside the office hours. Protection of the Fatherland is regulated by the Constitution and other normative acts. According to the Basic Law, it is the duty and duty of citizens of the Russian Federation.


They regulate the daily activities of employees, their direct fulfillment of duties, their way of life and life, methods of warfare, principles of using military units. They are divided into general and combat. The former establish general provisions for all types of aircraft. They determine the relationship between employees, their duties, establish their rights, the order of the guard, garrison and internal service. Along with this, the provisions regulate the essence of discipline, the implementation of combatant techniques, the implementation of movement with and without weapons. The general military category includes charters:

  1. Internal service.
  2. Disciplinary.
  3. Garrison and guard duty.
  4. Combatant.

Combat manuals are developed in accordance with the provisions of the Russian military doctrine of combat experience, the degree of technical equipment. They include theoretical sections and practical recommendations.


It is also established by law. All persons first admitted to the Armed Forces are sworn in. Each soldier should read it aloud before the formation of his unit. The oath of persons swear allegiance to the Fatherland, strict observance of the Constitution, the implementation of charters, orders of commanders and commanders. After reading the oath, a soldier signs on the list in a special column opposite his last name. Then he returns to duty.After the oath, the military acquires official duties and rights in full.

military duty and military service

the contract

His imprisonment with a soldier is a voluntary event. Staying in the ranks of the Armed Forces under the contract today is one of the areas of reform in the army. Such service is carried out on certain conditions. In particular, they include:

  • The established period of stay in the armed forces.
  • Conscientious performance of special, general and official duties established by law and other regulatory acts.

Along with this, the terms of the contract provide for special rights of the soldiers themselves and their relatives (relatives), compensation, guarantees and benefits. Special conditions may be served by:

  • Men in stock.
  • Persons whose previous contract expires.
  • Women not in stock. They can enter into their first contract between the ages of 18 and 40.
  • Military personnel who are in the Armed Forces upon conscription for at least 12 months.
  • Men who graduated from higher vocational educational institutions and are not in stock.

The selection of candidates for the conclusion of a contract from among persons not in the Armed Forces is carried out by the military commissariat, and from employees by military units.

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