
Punishment and fine for fishing with nets: law, requirements and rules

In Russia there is such a punishment as a fine for fishing with nets. And in general, fishing in some cases in the country is prohibited. Yes, you can fish, but you have to follow certain rules. If you do not do this, you will run into trouble and problems with the law. So what measures can be applied to the offending fisherman? What responsibility and in what specific size should I expect? And it’s worth paying attention not only to fishing with a net, but also just to fishing committed with some kind of disruption.fine for fishing with nets

All banned

So, before you go fishing, every citizen must necessarily learn certain rules for this process. Otherwise, they have the right to punish you by law. Moreover, the fine for fishing (nets or simply in violation of established standards) can reach enormous proportions. Yes, and cash payments can not always "get off."

Therefore, know - the law "On Fisheries" of the Russian Federation will come in handy. Here you can understand for yourself all the rules of fishing. And already in compliance with these, you can easily go on a “hunt” for fish. Remember - it’s forbidden to use the network at all. And during spawning, you also do not have the right to fish. And in no way. These are the rules. Do not follow them? Get ready to be punished.

Violation of the rules

What is the fine for catching fish by nets for the violator? Frankly, it all depends on the specific situation as a whole. That is, it is impossible to say for sure. But to consider some options - completely.

For example, if you fish in violation of established rules or other norms, then only a fine is applicable. It will not be too big - from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. As practice shows, this is not a particularly effective way to prevent repeated violations. After all, the payoff is really small. This means that only in case of fishing in violation of the rules it is impossible to hope for it.


What else is additionally assigned without fail? How much the fine for fishing with nets (or rather, for fishing with violations of the established rules) is, we have already found out. But this is only the first case. And for him, in addition to cash payments, some other measures to prevent repeated violations will rely.

Namely - the seizure of the vessel on which they were fishing, as well as all the equipment involved in this case. That is, there will be a confiscation of everything that can provoke another violation. It will be possible to regain all this only after paying the fine.what is the fine for fishing with nets

Incidentally, it will be superimposed on each participant in the event. If you have not gone fishing alone, then your comrade will also be punished accordingly. Consider this fact before breaking the rules.


During spawning, fishing is generally prohibited. This is known to almost everyone. Nevertheless, the established rules still do not stop fishermen from breaking. What will be the fine for spawning nets?

To be honest, the exact amount is determined when considering your case individually, this is quite normal. Only the law provides for some restrictions in this regard. Namely, the maximum cash payments, expressed as a fine for illegal fishing for spawning, amount to 300,000 rubles. And nothing more.fine for fishing in spawning nets

That is exactly what you have to give for a complete violation. With rare exceptions. But do not rush to rejoice - the punishment that awaits fishermen-violators will only be toughened up at certain acts.Which, for example? And what specific fines for illegally caught fish are supposed to be? About all this further. Actually, it’s not so difficult to understand everything.

Carp, carp and pike

But before delving into this issue, it is worth considering another situation. For example, what to do if you spawned carps, pikes, and common carp for spawning? The laws of the Russian Federation provide for a variety of preventive measures against such an act. More specifically, a penalty will be charged for each fish you catch. But in different sizes.

For each fish you will have to give 250 rubles. If it is whitefish or salmon, then you need to pay extra 200% of the specified "value". Bream is estimated at 25 rubles, crayfish - at 42. In principle, not too much. Just keep in mind - when it comes to females, the penalty increases by 2 times. Sturgeon "breeds" of fish will additionally require payment of 100% of the assigned punishment.how much is a fine for fishing with nets

As you can see, sometimes your "spending" is able to both increase and decrease. Only in practice, most likely, you will find a lot of problems with the law, as well as run into huge fines. And this is quite normal - the only way to deal with violations in Russia. Large payments motivate the population well.

With network

A certain fine is also imposed for catching fish by nets in spawning. And it will be different from all previous cases. Pay attention to a very important fact: you cannot fish with a net at all. Under no circumstances is it prohibited (and, as we have found out, legally). Plus, in this situation, there is not only a cash payment. A different measure of punishment for the offender is envisaged. It all depends on the decision of the relevant law enforcement agencies.

The fine for catching fish with nets is very common. And it is not installed in the most severe form. More precisely, it is not fixed. It turns out that the exact payments are set in each case individually. True, limits still exist. The minimum fine is 100 thousand rubles. But the maximum, like just fishing for spawning, is 300. As you can see, a rather serious punishment, especially if the offender is an individual. Not everyone can handle such monetary losses that occur at one moment.fine for illegal fishing by nets


Therefore, sometimes you can make an exception. Only this is more like a "bear service." The fine for catching fish with nets is not the worst punishment. Even if you don’t have a lot of cash at the moment, it’s still better than some measures.

What exactly is it about? As an alternative to the fine for illegal fishing using the net, you can run into arrest. Moreover, it is usually assigned a specific duration. Namely - 6 months. That is, it seems that not the worst violation will be punished seriously. The majority of the population believes that cash payments in this case are indeed a completely humane punishment. Even if they are huge amounts.


How are things in practice? After all, often there are a variety of unspoken laws or loopholes for violators who successfully help to avoid punishment from the state.

In fact, if we are talking about a violation called "fishing with nets" (you considered the fine and other punitive measures), then there are no tricks here. And loopholes too. If you were caught on this deed, the punishment will have to be fully incurred. The only thing that citizens advise is simply to carefully choose a place for future fishing. And be able to quickly "curl up" when you feel that you can be caught for illegal acts.

Just this skill most often helps to avoid fines and arrests with confiscation. True, he is not subject to all. Fishermen advise everyone to use the principle of "not caught - not a thief." So, when no one can prove the fact of fishing using the network, as well as with other violations of the law "On Fishing", you can not be afraid of anything.fines for illegal fishing

By the way, arrests are not so common in practice. But the confiscation of fishing items, as well as the vessel on which the violation occurred (if any) are favorite measures applied to violators. In general, in order to avoid problems, you just need to learn and follow the rules established by law. Then you will not have to pay a fine for catching fish with nets, nor buy your own property, nor be afraid of arrests. Or learn to quickly “curl up” and disappear from sight, as if you weren’t fishing at all. The option is good, but not too reliable. The fine for illegal fishing by nets is different. And often accompanied by the seizure of your fishing equipment. So obey the laws!

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