
When building a house, how much to deviate from the fence: law, requirements, rules and instructions

When planning their site, not everyone asks when building a house how much to retreat from the fence to the buildings. And this is a significant enough point that requires special attention, and it is much more important than it seems at the beginning. when building a house how much to retreat from the fence

Starting construction, it is necessary to understand that the builder’s desire alone is not enough, and it is wrong to be guided only by eye with a sufficient gap between buildings. In this subject, certain rules must be observed that clearly prescribe the necessary and accurate distances.

Set of rules

Documents that indicate acceptable distances include:

  • SNiP - construction norms and rules. This is a selection of regulations on the basis of which any construction activity is carried out. Compliance with these rules is mandatory on all counts and will help not only quickly and seamlessly design your building, but also protect your nerves in cases of disagreement with your neighbors.
  • SP - a set of rules. Describes the procedure for design documentation for buildings.

Home construction. First stage

Few people wish to face a legal problem that arose due to a technical error. Therefore, it is so important to get acquainted with all the requirements at the very beginning. Building standards such as RSN 70-88 establish whether buildings will be placed on the site correctly, and whether residential and utility buildings are planned correctly at the design stage.

If you do not want to face serious problems in the process of drawing up documents for the building, then worry about the correct development even before the construction of buildings begins.

When building a house, how much to retreat from the fence?

Very often you can meet a builder who will argue that one meter is a sufficient gap between the fence and the house. But if you carefully read the laws, then they are talking about something completely different. So, when building a house, how much to retreat from the fence, so as not to get into trouble during the subsequent paperwork? How much to retreat from the fence during construction

The SNiP indicates a gap of five meters. If necessary, this distance can be increased, but not reduced. A shorter distance will cause an unnecessary problem when decorating a home in the BTI.

Most often, a dispute arises over how many meters you need to retreat from the neighbor’s fence. It is clear that by placing a residential building in the immediate vicinity of the neighboring plot, you will create inconvenience for both yourself and your neighbors. Therefore, erecting a residential building, back away from the neighboring plot of 3 meters and proceed to construction.

In addition, existing fire regulations state that residential buildings must be located at the maximum distance from each other.

  • if both houses are wooden, then the distance between them should be at least 15 meters;
  • if brick, then 6 meters is enough;
  • brick - wood implies an already 8-meter gap.

It becomes clear that houses made of materials with increased fire resistance require less distance from each other.

But in any case, you need to coordinate the place of construction of the house with your neighbors, so that you do not subsequently spend time and money on lawsuits. How many meters do you need to retreat from the neighbor’s fence

To retreat just as much as you need to retreat from the fence during construction, first mark the foundation of the future home and only after that make the necessary measurements.

The construction of a garage on the site

How much do you need to step back from the fence to build a garage? Between the garage and the fence, it is required to withstand at least 5 meters, and it is forbidden to place the garage in the same plane with the fence, and the fence itself should be located at least three meters from the roadway. But on the question of how many meters should be from the garage to the neighbor’s fence, slightly different rules apply. The law says that only one meter between your garage and the neighboring fence is enough, provided that there are no buildings in the neighboring plot. If the neighboring plot is built up, then you need to be guided by the required standards for specific structures.

It is clear that when deciding how much to retreat from the fence during the construction of the garage, one must be guided by the same rules as when building a house, but some practical tips should be followed. When planning the construction of a garage (as well as any other), keep in mind that in the immediate vicinity there are no communications and no high plantings. how many meters should be from the garage to the neighbor’s fence

In addition, the same fire safety rules require all 6 meters between the garage and the neighbor's house. Therefore, carefully measure all distances so that you do not subsequently fall into a double situation, when you will be ordered to demolish the building in court.

How to reduce fire safety during the construction of the garage?

The existing fire safety regulations can be mitigated if:

  • the garage is not heated and heating is not provided there according to the project;
  • the electrical wiring used in the garage complies with the TEEP rules;
  • all lighting lamps are equipped with protective shades;
  • there is a fire extinguisher in the garage;
  • a fire shield is equipped at the entrance to the garage and there are all the necessary fire fighting equipment (for example, boxes of sand).

The location of the bath relative to the apartment building

When deciding the question of how much to deviate from the fence when building a house, one should not forget about the rest of the buildings. The most important building, which is subject to fairly stringent requirements for placement, is a bathhouse related to fire hazardous facilities. How much to retreat from the fence to build a garage

There are several types of baths: freestanding, attached and located directly in the house. Let's talk in more detail about the first type of baths. Separate saunas should be located no less than 8 meters from both their own and neighboring buildings, and one meter should be kept up to the fence, again provided that there are no buildings on an adjacent site.

General recommendations for the construction of buildings

When choosing which deviation from the fence during construction should be observed, it is necessary to be guided not only by the norms of the law, but also by practical considerations, and also try not to engage in open conflicts with neighbors. Even after maintaining all the necessary distances, it is possible to deliver various inconveniences, so if you doubt the location, discuss the construction with your neighbors. And, by the way, all coordination with neighbors must be notarized, an agreement in words is not enough.

With a documentary agreement, it is possible to erect some buildings, for example a garage, with one common wall between neighbors. But, starting such construction, keep in mind that the neighboring land may be sold, and the new owner may not like this location. What indent from the fence during construction should be observed

Having a plot of up to 12 acres, it is possible to build it up no more than 30% of the total area, so always be guided by the appropriateness of the construction of each building.

Do not forget that any construction on the site should be coordinated, including capital pools, smokehouses, etc. Therefore, take care to get the appropriate permissions in a timely manner so as not to prove your rights to it later in court.

Keep in mind that the requirements apply not only to the distances between buildings, but also between the construction and large perennial plantings.

The fence at home. Building instruction

The fence not only delimits neighboring areas, but also plays a functional role.

Few people know that local authorities can establish their own rules, which will also regulate the construction of fences. Therefore, before construction, it will be useful to ask the administration about these nuances, as well as obtain the written consent of all neighbors. Do not forget that when changing the owner of the site, he may require to demolish the fence.

Also, the unwritten rule determines that the posts on which the fence will be built should be placed clearly on the border between the sites or on the site of the owner of the fence. At the same time, the crossbars should not protrude abroad of their territory.

In addition, when planning to erect a blank fence on your site, make sure that your neighbors will not mind and get their written consent to do so. Remember that the construction of a blank fence can seriously obscure the neighboring plot and its owner may go to court to demolish such a fence.

And only after receiving all the necessary approvals, you can proceed directly to the installation of the fence. fence at home building instruction

Negotiating with neighbors

The following is a step-by-step strategy for negotiating with owners of neighboring plots.

  • Agree on a plan with your neighbors. In cases where you plan to install a fence in front or back of the site, such approvals are not required. Only fences passing along the borders of neighboring plots are subject to approval.
  • Set site boundaries and material consumption. Clearly define the border where your territory ends according to the documents you have, so that in case of what you meet all the claims of your neighbors fully equipped. Also pre-calculate how many materials you need for construction. This will help you not to be distracted by extraneous moments when building the fence.
  • Tell your neighbors that you are planning a fence. It is not necessary to inform them at the official level, it is enough to tell them about it at the meeting. Do not forget to clarify all the features of the future fence, especially if you think that the neighbors may be unhappy with the chosen type of fence.
  • Go to the dialogue. If the neighbors make any complaints about the height or type of your fence, try to resolve all issues peacefully. Small details can be insignificant, but they can spoil relations.
  • Respect the interests of other people, and then they will answer you the same.

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