
Problems of poaching in Russia and solutions. Responsibility for poaching in Russia

Today, poaching in Russia is one of the most pressing and topical problems in the environmental sphere. The general concept of this term is the illegal extraction of natural resources, which include representatives of the animal and plant world, valuable minerals and minerals.

Offensive liability for poaching

Criminal liability for poaching in Russia is provided for by national law. Thanks to the norms contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that qualify aggravating circumstances, state law enforcement and judicial authorities can impose deserved punishment on criminals. Among the common reasons for imposing more severe legal measures against poachers are the following:

  • group crime;
  • large-scale illegal use of natural resources;
  • malpractice.

How do they fight poachers in our country?

Registration of the section on poaching in the Criminal Code of the Russian state was not without reason. The rapid depletion of natural resources by man over the past decades is a natural justification for the need to take this situation under state control.poaching in Russia Especially valuable breeds of animals, birds, fish are on the verge of extinction, and every year there are less and less rare plant varieties. The fight against poaching in Russia is an indispensable step towards the conservation of nature.

In addition to criminal penalties for this crime, another can be applied to offenders type of legal liability. In particular, the Code of Administrative Offenses predetermines liability based on compensation by the violator for losses, the amount of which is determined at the place of the violation by a law enforcement officer.

Despite the unequivocal legislative wording, poaching in Russia is often confused with the sanitary cleaning of forests and ponds, logging and planned deforestation. Vigilant citizens often receive disturbing calls, because they mistakenly accept people who have permission to carry out relevant events as criminals.

Why can't I solve the problem once and for all?

Every day poaching in Russia occupies a more stable unshakable position. Despite the established penalties, the number of violations does not decrease. After analyzing the current situation in the environmental sphere, it is worth noting the fundamental problems of poaching in Russia:

1. The control of state authorities over legality deforestation, fishing and hunting is carried out at a low level. Often, illegal poaching groups and groups are camouflaged with fake permits, licenses, which cannot be stopped without additional training.

2. The volume of illegal consumption by poachers of natural resources is constantly increasing. Violators, ignoring all the rules and prohibitions, continue their illegal activities without slowing down. The punishment for poaching in Russia does not always correspond to the harm that illegal activities cause to the environment. It is almost impossible to recover many lost breeds and varieties on their own without state funding.

responsibility for poaching in Russia

Group organization of violators and demand for “black” products

Organized groups of poachers are a well-coordinated system. Its functioning mechanism, as a rule, is based on the distribution of roles according to the importance and significance of one or another element of the illegal “structure”, which subsequently significantly complicates the process of criminalizing all participants. The links of one chain, i.e. Members of poaching groups are:

  • performers (those who are recorded by law enforcement at the time of the offense);
  • sellers of illegal products;
  • buyers of illegal goods;
  • officials (in rare cases, act as a "cover" for poaching groups).

Restrictions on hunting, fishing activities and tree felling contribute, on the contrary, to increased demand in the black market of endangered types of natural resources. fight against poaching in RussiaThe high cost of forbidden wood, furs or plants pushes poachers to illegal earnings.

Actions recognized by articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation poaching

An article for poaching in Russia threatens illegal citizens in the event of the following prohibited environmental activities:

  1. Hunting, deforestation and fishing activities during the period prohibited for such actions by environmental authorities and environmental legislation.
  2. Extraction of minerals and other resources without the availability of an appropriate permit document.
  3. Hunting with the operation of various devices, traps, lighting equipment, prohibited by environmental standards.
  4. Any extraction of resources when using land and air transport.
  5. Felling trees in protected areas.
  6. Hunting for representatives of the animal world, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and on the verge of extinction.

Punishment for poaching should occur in the event of unlawful unauthorized removal of wild animals and plants from the natural habitat. The seizure of a pet or farm animal as a crime has a different qualification.

On methods of combating illegal extraction of natural resources

The problems of poaching in Russia and solutions are of concern to many public international organizations. Unfortunately, the researchers admit that it will not be possible to completely eradicate such a negative factor affecting the state of mother nature. problems of poaching in Russia and solutionsThis is due, first of all, to the low standard of living of Russian citizens, the desire for easy and quick money. To stop illegal actions of poachers is possible only with the coordinated work of law enforcement officers and the indifferent attitude of others.

It is almost impossible to completely stop poaching in Russia, while competent preventive actions by state bodies can minimize the frequency of illegal cases of resorting to natural resources.

How to deal with poachers?

Especially effective preventive ways to combat this type of offense are:

  1. Installation of photo traps. Any moving object that falls into the field of view of this digital device will be fixed. The undeniable fact of an offense in an administrative or criminal process is not in any other evidence. In addition, the camera functions perfectly, regardless of weather conditions or time of day.
  2. Fulfillment of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of forestry and hunting grounds in order to identify violations.
  3. Creation of the apparatus of state control over illegal hunting for wild animals and birds, fishing, deforestation and illegal mining of minerals, valuable minerals. In addition, at the legislative level, the regulation of their activities, the scope of competence should be clearly spelled out.Such a method is actively applied in Belarus: the basis for calling to the scene of the crime environmental officers is a call from eyewitnesses to the fact of poaching.
  4. Prohibitions on the implementation of fishing nets, where the corresponding fishery is limited due to objective reasons or is strictly prohibited.
  5. Confiscation of illegal fishing and hunting equipment (nets, devices, weapons).

Punishment for illegal fishing

Responsibility for poaching in Russia, as already mentioned, comes in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses. article for poaching in RussiaIn particular, such acts of poachers as illegal catch of aquatic biological resources, including Illegal prey of marine mammals (fur seals, beavers, dolphins, etc.). The maximum punishment for the commission of this crime may be the arrest of the perpetrator up to 6 months.

In addition, the punishment for poaching fish in Russia is often a fine of up to 300,000 rubles and correctional labor for up to 2 years. By a court decision, a legitimate measure in relation to the offender may be the appointment of two types of punishment simultaneously.

How are illegal hunters punished in Russia?

In the environmental activities of state bodies, most criminal proceedings are related to such an environmental crime as fish poaching. Russia is full of rivers and ponds rich in natural resources, however, the issue of applying methods of legal impact on illegal hunters is no less acute. Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regulates the conditions for liability for hunting with major damage, with the operation of special equipment for the mass destruction of animals. The legislation also banned the hunting of birds and wild animals of rare species.

Sanctions for such violations constitute:

  • a fine of up to 200,000 rubles;
  • correctional labor for up to 24 months;
  • arrest up to 6 months.

Features of holding poachers accountable

Criminal liability is also applied to the offender in the event of the commission of misconduct specified in the Code. In particular, for neglecting the terms of use natural objects and the catch of aquatic biological resources is almost always fined. Poaching in Russia also implies the obligatory confiscation of fishing or hunting tools.punishment for poaching in Russia

The administrative code designates authorized bodies in the field of environmental management, which are entrusted with the function of monitoring, preventing crime and applying legal measures to influence the offender.

Main environmental issues

The presence of many objective and subjective reasons makes it impossible to completely suppress poaching. First of all, such factors include a lack of public awareness regarding problems in the field of nature protection from malicious encroachments. In addition, the absence of appropriate actions by the authorities and public organizations can be clearly expressed. Despite the seriousness of things, poaching in Russia as a dangerous environmental crime is practically not mentioned in the media.

The creation of state programs to combat these types of offenses are often formal in nature. Present only on paper, they cannot be effective. problems of poaching in RussiaThe lack of financial resources still leaves environmental issues unresolved, while budget funds continue to be allocated only to the implementation of social and industrial projects.

Consequences and damage to prosperous poaching

Immediately assessing the extent of harm caused by poaching is quite difficult.In addition, the majority of citizens, not understanding how fraught the consequences of overfishing, hunting for animals and use of minerals are fraught, do not consider this type of crime to be especially dangerous. However, the public must join forces with state law enforcement agencies in order to overcome poaching in Russia, which threatens:

  1. the disappearance of one or more elements of natural systems, which leads to a violation of the ecological balance;
  2. extinction of populations of plants and animal species;
  3. human unpreparedness to overcome natural disasters (deforestation intended for the prevention of landslides and floods, deprives people of additional protection against natural disasters).
  4. Tourism activities are gradually losing their popularity.
  5. Increased natural disasters and emergencies. Illegal deforestation of protective and sanitary forests that have been planted to prevent floods and landslides can cause them to appear.

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