
Punishment for tinting the front windows in 2015

Almost all motorists tint glass in their cars. What for? This helps protect the car from sunlight, from the prying eyes of strangers and makes it visually more spectacular. Due to the huge demand for this type of service, motorists appear who violate generally accepted rules governing the rules. The punishment for tinting established by law and the special attention of police officers to this type of violations are not scary for car owners. This is due to the fact that for the violation of the established standards in this matter there is no severe punishment. This is indicated in many regions of the country.

For example, the traffic police department noted that many drivers began to be less afraid of responsibility, since the penalty for tinting in Novosibirsk (2015) was related to the ban on removing license plates from a car. And this is in the hands of car owners. A similar situation arose throughout the country. Car owners are not afraid of an administrative arrest in case of failure to comply with the requirements to remove the dark coating.

And some citizens, especially novice drivers, do not know at all what punishment for tinting is provided, and that it exists at all.punishment for tinting

What is allowed?

Window tinting is strictly regulated. Violation of the rules entails an administrative penalty for tinting. In 2015, blackout is allowed according to the following rules:

  1. The rear side windows and rear window of the car film with any light transmission.
  2. Windshield and side windshields with a film whose light transmittance exceeds 70%.
  3. Allowed a transparent strip of colored film on the windshield in its upper part.punishment for tinting in 2015

Features of dimming glasses

To prevent punishment for tinting, it is important to observe some of its features. When dimming the windshield with a transparent colored strip, it should be no more than 140 mm wide. Light transmission on the windshield and side front windows most often does not reach 100%. This should be considered when tinting. Dimming with 70% light transmission with an initial light transmission below 100% will not work. For example, the light transmission of the windshield and side front windows of a new car is 95%, and the tint film is 70%. Therefore, 0.95 * 0.7 = 0.665, which means 66.5% light transmission. This is a violation.

Tint Resolution

As in any rule, there is an exception. This is also the case with regard to blackout glass. Punishment for tinting the front windows and windshield is not provided if a special permit for dimming is issued for the car. Such a document is issued for special vehicles. For example, for vehicles intended for operational-search measures, for collection of valuables, for transportation of public servants, etc. Permission for this tinting is not provided for personal cars. punishment for tinting in Novosibirsk 2015

What is the punishment for tinting the front windows in 2015?

Non-compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles leads to the application of certain sanctions. The penalty for tinting from January 1, 2015 is provided in the amount of five hundred rubles if the light transmission of the glasses does not meet the requirements of the regulation. In this case, the size of the fine does not depend on the degree of light transmission, but is a fixed amount. Since 2015, the removal of license plates from a car as a punishment for tinting (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) has not been applied.Such measures existed until mid-November 2014, after which they were canceled.

If you remove the tint after a stop by the traffic police

Many motorists mistakenly believe that if you remove the tape immediately after being stopped by a police officer, the fine can be avoided.

Since the punishment for tinting is caused precisely by driving a car with insufficient light transmission, the police officer has every right to write a fine. Moreover, the control of the car was carried out before the stop by a police officer.punishment for tinting from January 1, 2015

Light transmission test

Before imposing an administrative fine for tinting the windshield or front side windows of a car, the police officer must check the level of light transmission. To do this, he has a special device. It must be sealed, and the police officer must have a license to use it. If doubts arise as a result of the verification, then this must be recorded in the protocol. In the absence of a special device from the traffic police officer, he is not entitled to impose a fine.

It does not matter when the measurement is taken, that is, at night or daytime. During the verification process, it is recommended that you ask the police officer to show the sensor that is attached to the glass. During the measurement, the presence of two witnesses is necessary. They are obliged to look for the traffic police officer. At the same time, witnesses should not be interested in the case.

Conditions and procedure for checking light transmission

The test for checking the light transmission is carried out under certain conditions: pressure - from 86 to 106 kPa; temperature - 20 ± 5 C; relative humidity - 60 ± 20%.

Before determining the level of blackout, the traffic police must measure three glass samples at three points in compliance with the above conditions.

Measurement of the light transmission of the front windows of the car is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. At a stationary traffic police post.
  2. Inspector of technical supervision of the traffic police, which should be recorded in the official certificate.
  3. a technical diagnostic device that has a certificate of conformity and an indication of the date of the last inspection of the device.
  4. Provided a dry and clean glass surface.punishment for tinted windshields

Driver Procedure

If the driver of the vehicle complies with certain rules of conduct, he may be able to prevent the punishment for tinting, prevent the illegal actions of police officers, etc.

  1. In the event of a stop by a police officer, it is necessary to turn on a video camera or a voice recorder and wait for a traffic police representative to approach the car. In this case, you do not need to leave the car; just lower the glass.
  2. It is necessary to clarify the reason for the stop, to get acquainted with the identity card of the police officer and his token number. It is important to read all the data out loud.
  3. If a police officer wants to measure the light transmission of glasses, it is necessary to require two witnesses and draw up a search protocol. It is not recommended to open the car door without a search protocol. If a traffic police officer insists on opening the door, talking about the non-fulfillment of his legal requirements, we can safely declare his intention to appeal such actions to the prosecutor's office, since they exceed the limits of official authority, which is regulated by the Criminal Code.
  4. A law enforcement officer does not have the right to detain a driver for a long time without drawing up an appropriate protocol, which he must fill out immediately.
  5. If the representative of the traffic police detains the vehicle without appropriate grounds, then this action can be reported to the traffic police trust service.
  6. If the driver allowed to measure for dimming, then it is necessary to verify the correctness of all the actions of the employee.It is important not to forget that only the traffic police inspector, who is obliged to appear at the request of the police officer who stopped the vehicle, can take measurements.
  7. After all actions, a protocol is drawn up with which the driver of the vehicle has the right to agree or not.how to avoid punishment for tinting

How to tint a car without breaking the law

Since the penalty for tinting in 2015 provides for a fine, some conscientious drivers are looking for other options for dimming windows, for which you do not have to bear administrative responsibility. The first method is an athermal film. It provides sufficient light transmission, has the properties of heat removal, and during rain, foggy weather or at night does not reduce visibility on the road.

The second option is a sticker on the windshield. It is attached to its upper part. It is a protective strip not exceeding 14 cm wide. The third option is electrochromic tinting. This method can not afford every motorist because of its high cost. But it allows you to adjust the light transmission of windows, and is currently the most convenient means of protection from sunlight.

Electrochromic tinting is a design consisting of two polarizing filters: liquid chromium crystals that change the angle of polarization under the influence of a magnetic field, and a static polarizing film.

Additional devices

Since certain conditions are necessary for measuring light transmission (temperature, humidity, and pressure), in addition to the main measuring device, the technical inspection inspector must have additional equipment with him. These include a hygrometer, thermometer and barometer. Without the availability of these devices, it is impossible to establish whether the external conditions meet the necessary requirements or not. Therefore, metering cannot be carried out.what is the punishment for tinting

Measuring instruments

Inspection inspectors use several types of instruments depending on the thickness of the glass. Most of them do not have certificates for measuring 7.5 mm thick glasses. Thick glasses are measured with Tonic and Glare + devices. It is important not to confuse “Flare +” and simply “Flare”.

Seeing that the inspector is going to take a measurement with the Blik device, we can safely say that the glass thickness is 9 mm, and this procedure cannot be performed. The inspector will be able to establish the thickness of the glass with a micrometer. If he does not have this device with him, then carrying out the procedure is considered an illegal action.

Thus, in the article we examined the rules for dimming glasses and learned that their non-observance leads to a fine. How to avoid? The punishment for tinting, although not too strict, can be prevented by observing all the rules established by the current law.

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