
Failure to appear on the draft board: responsibility

More and more often in Russia, such a violation began to be observed as a failure to appear on the agenda of the draft board. This action entails a number of not the best consequences for citizens. Just what to prepare for an evasionist? Is it really impossible to legally postpone military service or completely get rid of it? How do citizens try to evade their legitimate responsibilities? And what comes of this ultimately? About all this - further.

It is not so difficult to understand what threatens the failure to appear in the draft board on the agenda in a particular case. Especially when you consider that some consequences (legal liability) are spelled out in the modern legislation of the Russian Federation. So what is it worth preparing for? And what features in general include army service and a summons from the military enlistment office?

Call time

To begin with, we’ll find out when it’s worthwhile to think about repaying debt to the homeland. That is what many call emergency service. It is worth considering that far from always you will be threatened with responsibility for the absence thereof. But evasion from a visit to the draft board, as a rule, is punishable.

failure to appear on the draft board

The first agenda that will come to you will be back at school. True, we are talking only about boys. According to modern Russian legislation, girls are not called up for military service and are not given any subpoenas. But men are quite. You can call up for military service from 18 to 27 years. During the specified period of time, you may be "pleased" with the summons. The debt repayment period for the state is at least 12 months (now exactly one year). Such norms are provided for by modern legislation.

Punishment for failure to appear on the military commissariat on the agenda may not take place. In any case, when it comes to schoolchildren. They receive a document for military fees usually in grade 10. And parents must give permission for this process. Otherwise, the child will not appear at the fees on the agenda. Under such circumstances, there is no punishment and will not be. Indeed, until adulthood, parents are responsible for their children.

Medical board

But if you already have 18, then you should get ready. After all, after your coming of age, especially if you decide not to go to college, you will receive summons. There are usually several. The first is for a medical examination.

failure to appear in the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda

What threatens the failure to appear in the military enlistment office on the agenda for the medical board? It all depends on whether you received it or not. If the document was not personally handed over to you, and you also did not put your signature in the notification of receipt, then the paper cannot be considered delivered. By the way, it is also forbidden to transmit summons through relatives, friends and roommates. In such cases, you have every right to believe that you did not receive any documents from the military registration and enlistment office.

But when your personal signature took place, the situation changes a bit. As a rule, failure to appear on the subpoena for passing the medical commission is punishable by instituting a criminal case against you. And also the “hunt” will begin for you with the aim of calling for an examination. At a minimum, you will either have to hide or speak with the head of the military registration and enlistment office. There are exceptions - good reasons for the absence. If any, you have no liability.

In part for service

The second scenario is the consequences of failure to appear on the military enlistment office directly for military service. If you have no good reason, then get ready for criminal liability to one degree or another. The punishment will be selected individually on the basis of modern laws of the Russian Federation.About them a little later.

punishment for failure to appear on the draft board

However, as in the past, liability can be avoided. It is simply enough not to personally receive the summons, and also not to sign the receipt of receipt. In this case, you will again begin to send the document. Thus, you can try for some time to "run" from receiving a summons, thereby delaying your service and not get punished for it. But there is a limit to everything. They may start a “hunt” for you in order to personally deliver the summons. Keep this in mind.


If, after all, you once did military service upon conscription, and after that you were sent to the reserve for up to 60 years, this does not mean at all that you can forget about the summons to the draft board. The thing is that while you are in stock, so-called military training can be held. They are mandatory for passing and remind of something the process that occurs with schoolchildren in the 10th grade.

what threatens the non-appearance of the military registration and enlistment office

What threatens the failure to appear on the summons to the draft board for training? Responsibility for the citizen will be assigned, but not too serious. In this case, it is administrative in nature and is expressed as a fine. Which one? Most citizens find the punishment ridiculous in this case. Indeed, for the failure to appear at military training, it is necessary to pay 100 to 500 rubles to the state treasury. The exact amount is assigned individually. No criminal liability will be imposed on you. So sometimes it’s easier to pay a fine than to go to military training at one age or another.


As already mentioned, in some cases criminal liability for such a violation of the law is possible. It is expressed in many ways. Some options are not too serious. But it also happens that responsibility is really worth fearing.

What threatens the failure to appear in the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda, and already for military service? The first measure applied to a citizen is a fine. However, keep in mind that you will face criminal liability. A corresponding case will be opened in which this violation is indicated. If you plan to continue to work in government agencies, it is advisable to avoid such entries.

failure to appear in the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda for the medical board

How much will you have to pay? The exact size will be set individually. The laws of the Russian Federation spell out only the limits that are supposed to. The fine will either be assigned in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles, or expressed in the amount of the convicted person’s income for 1.5 years. Such serious responsibility is considered the most humane punishment.

Let's work

What else is worth paying attention to? Did you fail to appear on the draft board on the agenda? The liability laid down in this case is criminal in nature. But it is expressed in varying degrees, at the discretion of the authorities. In addition to the fine, there are other forms of punishment.

For example, you may be assigned so-called forced labor. In this case, usually cash payments do not take place. How long does this kind of work last? Its maximum duration is 24 months. That is 2 years, no more. In principle, this is not the most serious punishment, but it does occur, although it is not so often appointed. Penalties have a much more effective effect. Indeed, the ruble punishment in Russia scares many citizens.

Arrest and freedom

Failure to appear on the subpoena may also be punished with even more serious sanctions. In some cases, they are able to make draft dodgers think that their obligations to the state still need to be fulfilled. Fines and forced labor are not all that scary.

Among other things, you can be arrested for a maximum of 6 months for evading conscription and failure to appear on the agenda of the military enlistment office. Imprisonment is also possible. But this punishment is usually imposed on malicious deviators who have been hiding from the military enlistment office for a long time. A maximum of 24 months imprisonment. Such norms are spelled out in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


For failure to appear on the agenda for the passage of the so-called alternative service, a certain responsibility is also assumed. True, not as serious as in the previous case. The thing is that the alternative in the army is offered mainly for health reasons. And you will not be punished too severely.

failure to appear on the summons to the draft board

Nevertheless, liability remains criminal. And preventive measures are similar to the previous scenario. That is, first of all, failure to appear on the agenda of the draft board will entail a monetary penalty. In other words, a fine. Its size varies. Either you can be assigned a payment of up to 80,000 rubles, or you will need to give income for a period not exceeding six months. There is also the purpose of a certain type of labor. You will have to serve your sentence by performing mandatory work for up to 480 hours, nothing more. A 6-month arrest is the last measure that can be assigned to draft dodgers.


In some cases, you can avoid a visit to the army legally. As already mentioned, if no one personally handed you a summons, this document cannot be regarded as received. There will be no liability in this case.

You can legally obtain a respite for several reasons. For example, when studying at a university. While you are studying, you should not be afraid of the call. But if you received a summons, so as not to explain later in the dean’s office, it’s better to go to the draft board with documents confirming your training.consequences of failure to appear on the draft board

Also, for family reasons, a citizen has the right to a deferment from service. Do you have a pregnant wife (more than 26 weeks) or a child under 3 years old? Then you can not serve for a while. But it is advisable to declare your rights in the military enlistment office. Caring for a disabled needy relative is also a basis for evasion. But only if there is no one else to take care of.

In addition, civil servants, as well as scientists, are not drafted into the army. Either the President of the Russian Federation himself has the right to delay or completely release from military duties one or another citizen. For health reasons, a delay is also given. But in this case, the medical commission will have to go through again after some period of time. What threatens the failure to appear (draft board)? The agenda will have to be handed only to you. Otherwise, you can not be afraid of punishment. Otherwise, criminal liability arises.

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