
Where and how to get a certified certificate: step by step instructions. What to do if the attributed certificate is lost?

According to Russian law, all young people who have reached the age of 18 are subject to military registration, which is carried out to determine the number of eligible citizens for conscription. In order to make this procedure possible, the registration of young men begins 1-2 years earlier, that is, at the age of 16-17 years.

Therefore, even while studying at a school, adolescents are invited to undergo a medical examination with the help of a subpoena and register at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. From that moment on, young men began legal relations with the military commissariat.registered certificate

Receipt of registered certificate

The main document determining the young person's membership in future military service is an attributed certificate. You can get it at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence after passing the medical commission and submitting a certain package of documents.

This must be done for several reasons: firstly, nobody canceled the debt to the Motherland, and secondly, evasion of military service is prosecuted by law, and criminal liability is provided for. Fines, forced labor, or imprisonment may be imposed as punishment.

If you want to cheat and get a certified certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, even without having been there, you should not spend extra time and money. This document is subject to strict reporting and is also protected by a unique number and watermarks. Sooner or later, during the test, you will be taken to clean water, which will entail even greater troubles than just evading military service.

Medical Examination

The first step to obtaining an attributed certificate will be the passage of a medical board, which determines the suitability and suitability of a young man for military service. As a rule, the attendance at the examination is provided by the school where the future conscript is to study, with the filing of the military registration and enlistment office. Therefore, this stage should not cause any particular difficulties.military registration certificate

According to the results of the medical commission, the young man is awarded a certain status: good, bad, or limited fit for military service. The medical card, on the basis of which the decision is made, is delivered to the military enlistment office without the participation of the pre-conscript.

In some cases, it is possible to appoint an additional medical examination, about which the young man is notified separately. It should be borne in mind that the results of the first medical commission are not final, and the category of validity indicated in the registration certificate may change.

What documents will be required to submit to the draft board?

After passing the medical commission, the military registration and enlistment office sends a summons to the home address of the conscript with the date and time when it is necessary to appear with the documents for registration. You will need the following documents for a certified certificate:

  • Passport or birth certificate.
  • Certificate of housing and communal services at the place of residence or certificate of temporary registration.
  • If at the time of registration a young man managed to graduate from school - a document on education.

All of the documents listed above must be photocopied.

  • Description drawn up and signed by the head of the educational institution, or from the place of work.
  • Two questionnaires, one of which contains data on the parents of the conscript, and the other contains information about the youngest person. Forms will be issued to you at the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Three photographs measuring 3x4 cm in black and white.
  • Results of standard analyzes.

In some cases, additional documents may be required, which you will be notified at the military registration and enlistment office at the first appearance. They will need to be conveyed. After that, you will be assigned a date when you will need to come for a registered certificate of registration.

What should be in this document?

The registration certificate consists of several pages, each of which is filled at a certain stage of registration:

  • On the first page, in addition to standard data (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth), the date of registration is indicated.
  • The category of a young person’s fitness for military service, which varies in degree of restriction, is also recorded there.receipt of registration certificate
  • On the basis of the date of birth, the military commissar determines the period of passage of the draft committee, which is appointed at the time the boys are 18 years old, which is also noted on page No. 1 of the registration certificate.
  • On the second page of the certificate, and at the same time in the personal file, a note is made that the citizen is notified of the timing of his appearance in the military registration and enlistment office to resolve the issue of conscription.
  • The remaining parts of pages No. 2 and No. 3 are reserved for marks on its removal and registration.
  • On the fourth and fifth pages, all the decisions made by the draft board are noted: on draft for military service, on deferral or liberation from the army or referral for an additional medical examination. When issuing a registration certificate, when the final decision on the further fate of the draftee has not yet been made, these pages may remain blank.

Duration of appearance at the draft board

If a decision has not been made to postpone or exempt from military service, you must independently appear in the military commissariat to undergo activities for sending to the army. At the same time, a young man is handed a signature summons, the root of which is filed into the personal file of the conscript.military certificate

If a citizen has a postponement due to studies at a higher or specialized educational institution, and her term ends earlier than the age of the conscript reaches 27 years, the date is set taking this condition into account.

Certificate expiration

The registration certificate is valid until the conscript receives a military card or a decision to release him from the draft, after which the certificate is withdrawn and destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

Such legislative norms governing the issuance and issuance of certificates are valid throughout Russia, while in most countries of the former CIS this order of registration is also preserved. The registration certificate in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and a number of other countries practically does not differ from the Russian certificate.registration certificate in Ukraine

What to do if a registration certificate has not been issued?

There are a number of cases where, for whatever reason, the young man was not issued an attributed certificate. How to get a document in this case?

This situation often arises if, after graduation, a young man did not continue his studies at any of the universities and did not get a job. As an option, a young man can work, but the leadership is negligent in official discipline and does not require the necessary documents during execution.

In this case, you must independently appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence and write a statement. Then they will tell you what documents are required and when they need to be brought. On your next visit, you will receive a military registration certificate.

Similar situations can arise when moving to another city, especially when the conscript did not notify the military enlistment office about the change of residence.By the way, in this case, it is highly recommended that the military commissariat be informed that you are not considered a draft evader.

What to do if there is no permanent registration?

Obtaining a registered certificate may be overshadowed by another problem associated with the lack of a permanent residence permit. If the conscript does not live where he is registered or has a temporary residence permit, it is permissible to appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of actual residence. In this situation, the postscript will be temporary.

If there is no registration at all, you can also arrive at the military commissariat and write a statement where it is necessary to indicate the absence of registration. This is necessary to prevent possible claims from the military enlistment office and the law in the future.

Loss of attributed certificate

Everything happens in life, and sometimes, for various reasons, even the most important documents are lost. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: "If a young man has lost the attributed certificate, what should I do?"

It is necessary once again to visit the draft board and write a statement addressed to the chief about the loss of the document with an explanation of the reason. In addition, you will need to submit the entire previously indicated package of documents, including photographs. It will not only be necessary to re-pass the medical examination and present the results of the tests.how to restore an attributed certificate

The staff of the military registration and enlistment office will raise your case and issue a new registration certificate. When you will be able to receive it will be reported upon submission of documents.

By the way, parents can also get a duplicate of your certificate if for some reason you cannot do this, for example, due to illness or departure to another city. In this case, the application for restoration is written on behalf of any of the parents.

Force Majeure

It is worth saying that the legislation does not provide for any punishment for the loss of a document. With the exception of intentional damage to evidence, which is punishable by a fine or warning. Therefore, in order to avoid disagreements with the military registration and enlistment office, if the registration certificate was lost for a good reason, it is better to provide a certificate from the appropriate service:

  • If the document was stolen and this fact was established by the police, take a police certificate.
  • In case of destruction of the registration certificate during a fire, paper will be required to confirm this fact from the fire service.
  • If the cause of the loss was a natural disaster, the Ministry of Emergency Situations should provide such a certificate.

The presence of these documents will put you in a more favorable light and speed up the process of obtaining a duplicate document, since it is necessary to restore the attributed certificate as quickly as possible.

Why do I need a postal certificate?

Despite the fact that the registration certificate is necessary first of all to the military registration and enlistment office to account for draftees and draftees, this document is no less important for the young man himself. Having it with a young man is a guarantee of the law-abiding person. In addition, this is one of the main documents required in many cases of life.registration certificate how to get

For example, upon admission to any specialized or higher educational institution, the pre-conscript will be required to present an attributed certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. The fact is that all these institutions are required to report to their military commissariat about their students. However, the law does not prohibit the admission of young men without this document, but in most cases, universities prefer not to get involved with such applicants. In addition, the presentation of a registration document will allow to obtain deferment from the army while studying.

This also applies to employers, for whom an employee who respects the law is preferred. Reception of an employee without this document or military ID card is fraught for the employer with a serious fine.

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