
The agenda of the army (sample). What to do if I received a summons?

After school, for many young men, the agenda for the army becomes a huge problem. And not everyone understands how to behave in a particular case. It all depends on the specific situation. But in general, there are some tips that will definitely help you solve the question. What does the summons to the army look like? What kind of document is this? Why is he so scary for young people?summons to the army

What is it

An army agenda is something that can panic even the calmest young man. For many, this document plays an important role, and someone considers it a real death sentence. But how are things really?

The agenda of the army (a sample is presented below) is a kind of call of a citizen to serve in the armed forces of the country. Although it is not always worth worrying about this document. After all, military service in the army is usually carried out among male citizens aged 18 to 27 years inclusive. And the corresponding agenda first appears earlier.

In any case, this document is the basis for appearing at the military registration and enlistment office for one reason or another. By the way, they should be clearly indicated in the text of the message. Pay attention to this before raising a panic.

summons to the army of Ukraine


The first option, when the summons to the army comes, is military registration. In Russia, for example, such a phenomenon occurs even in school age. Laws stipulate that all young people aged 16 must register with the military registration and enlistment office and receive appropriate training. It is called military training.

There is no need to fear and fear them. For about a month, the young man is sent to undergo a "course of a young fighter" in the field. This is a required process. They can only be exempted from it under really significant circumstances. But what to do in a similar situation?

When you see that you received a summons to the army military training (for fees), it is better not to panic, sign the corresponding notice and appear at the place indicated on the document at the appointed time. Registration and military training is not so scary.

Medical board

But the more serious case is considered when a summons arrives in the army to undergo a medical commission. Just in this situation, panic is gaining maximum momentum. After all, such an action is nothing more than a direct pointer to military service in the country's military structures.summons to the army

The agenda of the army (Ukraine or Russia - it doesn’t matter, they themselves are very similar to each other) for the passage of the medical commission can be ignored. That is, you are able to not appear on it. Please note: such actions are criminally punishable. But practice shows that this does not always happen. Usually dodgers try to catch and force the passage of the commission.

The most logical way out would be to sign a notice of receipt and turn up at the military registration and enlistment office to check on health. There is also no need to rush into a panic. Maybe you are not at all fit for military service. And instead of a call, get a respite or complete release from this process.

Last dash

The summons to the army, which makes me most nervous, is the one on which the direct call for military service is indicated. Usually it makes you think about measures to avoid service. In principle, as with the medical board, you can simply ignore the agenda. But know: this will be followed by the prosecution and even the institution of a criminal case against you under the article "Evasion of military service in the army."

Sometimes subpoenas can be deferred.Especially if they come during the summer draft, when the young man is just going to go to university. There are two options for the development of events. The first is to sign the summons and appear at the military registration and enlistment office with confirmation of your attempts to enter. Or to explain the situation on the spot that you are about to apply to the university. Sometimes it works.

The second option is to ignore the agenda in principle. Just don't get it. Or "lose." Before you enroll or enroll in evidence of your enrollment in a university or any other higher education institution. Believe me, a repeated summons to the army will certainly come to your home address. And then it is already possible with peace of mind to sign it and present documents on receipt of higher education to the military enlistment office.how to get a summons to the army

What does it look like

But the most interesting is a bit later. Many are interested in what the summons to the army looks like. There is nothing special about her. And it is worth noting: you will receive the same form of notification for various reasons. The only thing that changes there is the reason for the appearance in the draft board. In the absence thereof, you can refuse to receive and from a visit to the appropriate authority, too. This is a direct violation of the document filling form. It is simply invalidated. Below you can see a sample. The agenda of the army (Ukraine or Russia is not so important, because their format is similar) corresponds to a certain form established by the Ministry of Defense.

As you can see, in the upper right corner are written data about the recipient with his home address. Below, in the center, will be the word "Agenda", and after - its number. Under it is indicated the reason for the appearance, address and time when the citizen should appear. Do not forget: the reason for the call should be spelled out right away. At the very end - a list of necessary things and the personal signature of the commissioner. Of course, there is a special place for separation on receipt of receipt. Before writing it, check the correctness of the agenda and the data contained in it.

Rules for obtaining

By the way, you can avoid conscription. But this does not exempt from the threat of a criminal case. How to get a summons to the army? This issue plays an important role. In case of violation of the rules, the summons is invalid. And it can not be considered delivered (received).what the summons to the army looks like

Please note: this notification must be handed in personally to the citizen. If you drop it in the mailbox or send it through relatives, neighbors or friends (no matter how close they are, whether they live with you, etc.), the document has no effect. This is a simple piece of paper with some inscriptions. And nothing more.

In addition, the summons to the army without the signature of the recipient also has no effect. So, if you want to delay the call, you can run away from the persecution at your own risk and not force to sign the corresponding notice. By the way, to obtain you will need to present a passport. Or any other identification document.

Avoid punishment

The form of the summons to the army, as you see, in all the cases proposed differs only in one inscription (if we are talking about the same military enlistment office) - this is the reason for the appearance. Nevertheless, not everyone should fear that they will be taken to military service. There are a number of reasons that can influence the decision of the military registration and enlistment office regarding your call.sample summons to the army ukraine

For example, if you go to university, you can get a respite. To do this, submit to the draft board indicated on the agenda certain documents confirming your actions. Family circumstances can save you too. If, for example, you look after a feeble relative who has no one else to help, and also have young children (and you are engaged in upbringing alone, without the help of anyone) up to 3 years, you can "dismiss" the army. The status of a deputy or work in government agencies also exempts a conscript from service.

However, you can try to otmazatsya yourself.To do this, you can get a criminal case on you or a trial. Or go through an alternative service (under a contract), serve in another country. Reason for liberation from the army also are serious health problems. Or you can get a degree. In Russia, for example, scientists are exempted from conscription. In an extreme case, if you went to university, you can try to start a family and give birth to several children. Persons with 2 or more children are exempted from service.

Not by law

The most common form of action when receiving a summons to the army is bribery. Or giving a bribe. Criminally punishable case, which is not so often suppressed. You can consider this option, but not seriously.

In addition, conscripts often make themselves fake medical certificates about unsuitability for service due to health reasons. In this case, they are likely to be regularly called to the medical board for checks. Exceptions are chronic diseases and incurable conditions.army subpoena

However, the easiest option is to go through the service. Sooner or later, you still have to do it. Until 27 years old, hiding will not work. But gaining problems and getting a criminal case is easy. Although you can start a family, as already mentioned, or become a scientist. Choose only legal methods.

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