
Radiation rate: allowable values, impact on human life

Today, the issue of radiation background has become very acute. A huge number of devices that surround a person can harm him. That is why sanitary inspectors, as well as radiation safety officers, often check houses, streets, and enterprises, because the radiation norm exceeds the permissible values.radiation rate

Norms for humans

The radiation rate is the value that scientists use to indicate a safe environment when exposed to various devices. Radiation standards are established by higher authorities, which try to regulate the clarity of their observance at a particular enterprise, as well as in everyday life.

You can often hear how the level of radiation is discussed. The norm sometimes exceeds permissible values. In general, overestimated indicators are observed at the enterprises of the chemical industry, where workers wear special suits to avoid exposure.

Permissible Norms

It is impossible to say exactly what the norm of radiation is for a person. Scientists only revealed some correspondence of radiation with everyday moments of life. First of all, it should be noted that all indicators are measured in microsievert per hour (this determines the level of exposure to gamma radiation and radiation background).

It is believed that the radiation rate, which is acceptable for a simple layman, should not be more than 5 mSv per year. Moreover, indicators are calculated in aggregate over five years. If the level is increased, then radiologists will find out the cause, and above all, look for it in the air, check the working chemical plants in the city.

Examples of some indicators

So, the norm of radiation (permissible) for a person:

  • 0.005 mSv - the level of radiation that a person receives when watching television broadcasts for about two or three hours a day (per year).
  • 1 mSv - radiation that a person will receive in any case, even if he completely protects himself from watching TV, a computer, etc. (for a year).
  • 0.01 mSv - exposure to which a person is exposed, having flown a distance from St. Petersburg to Magnitogorsk.
  • 0.05 Sv - that exposure which is allowed concerning the personnel working at nuclear power plants.The radiation rate for humans

As you can see, a person throughout his life gives in to radiation. Depending on what lifestyle he leads and where he works, it will be more or less.

Effects at various doses

Separately, it must be said about the effect that a particular radiation dose will have:

  • 11 μSv per hour - this is the dose that is considered dangerous and increases the probability of the appearance of cancerous tumors in the human body by many times.
  • 10,000 mSv per hour - with this exposure, a person immediately becomes ill and dies within two or three weeks.
  • 1000 mSv per year - at this dose, a person feels a temporary malaise, which is manifested by symptoms of radiation sickness. But it does not lead to death and deterioration so that a person can not lead a normal lifestyle. The main danger is that the risk of cancer becomes so great that annual examinations will be required to monitor cell mutations.
  • 0.73 Sv per hour - with such short-term exposure, a change in the composition of the blood occurs, which will pass over time. But, as a rule, this will affect the well-being of a person in the future.

Radiation level, norm

The radiation rate for humans and the consequences of exceeding it

In the event that the radiation background is increased, even if only slightly, this can lead to such consequences for a person as:

  • oncological diseases, and the rate of metastasis increases significantly;
  • problems with fetal development during pregnancy;
  • infertility in both women and men;
  • loss of vision;
  • decrease in the protective function of the body, and then its gradual destruction.

What to do in case of increased background radiation

The main reason that the permissible radiation rate is too high is the objects surrounding the person. Today, all household appliances irradiate the inhabitants of the globe. If the background radiation is significantly increased, you need to pay attention and check:

  • batteries in the house, especially those that were produced back in the USSR;
  • furniture;
  • tiles, which are usually laid out in the toilet and bathroom;
  • some foods, especially brought fish (even now fish that have been in poisoned waters are transported across the border).

Permissible radiation rate

The radiation rate is such an important indicator that it cannot be ignored. True, the current pace and lifestyle of many people, as well as the general prevalence of technology do not allow to lower it. And this happens because no one person can do without a cell phone, computer, Internet, as our whole life is built on this! So you have to hear in the news that more people have begun to die from cancer!

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