
Job description and duties of an electrician. Safety instructions for the electrician

Many people know that there is a profession of an electrician. However, not everyone understands what its essence is. Meanwhile, the duties of an electrician are quite extensive. This specialist first of all eliminates breakdowns and malfunctions in complex equipment. Let us further consider what exactly his work consists of.

electrician duties

Electrician: origin of the specialty

The name has Latin-French roots. If you translate the term literally, then the electrician is a corrector of the functioning of the equipment. Its task is to achieve maximum durability and efficiency of the equipment. The profession arose thanks to the invention of N. Tesla. It should be noted that over a rather long period of its existence, the specialty has not changed much. Of course, with the development of technology, the duties of an electrician have significantly expanded, and his knowledge has become more versatile. At the same time, the requirements for a specialist have become tougher. Currently, there are special regulations in which the categories of electricians are established. Specialists undergo special training, education, constantly improve their qualifications.

What is the job?

The electrician must:

  1. Ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment. As part of this task, the specialist performs diagnostics of electrical and mechanical systems, eliminates the detected malfunctions, carries out preventive washing of parts and cleaning of contacts.
  2. To study the operating conditions of the equipment to identify factors contributing to premature wear, take measures to eliminate them.
  3. Provide briefings to persons in direct contact with electrical appliances. The specialist must explain the operating rules and safety precautions.
  4. Participate in the installation of equipment.
  5. Draw up applications for the purchase of spare parts and special tools.
  6. Develop and implement advanced device maintenance methods.

repair electrician

Personal qualities

An electrician servicing electrical equipment operates in rather dangerous conditions. Every day, a specialist is at risk of electric shock. The situation is complicated by the fact that often the electrician works in very cramped and adverse conditions. Therefore, rather high requirements are imposed on such specialists. An electrician repairing electrical devices must first be physically resilient. Among the personal qualities of a specialist can be noted:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. A responsibility.
  3. Mindfulness.
  4. Accuracy.
  5. Creativity.
  6. A sense of balance.
  7. The ability to correctly and quickly navigate in emergency situations.
  8. Developed visual-effective and imaginative thinking.
  9. Diligence.
  10. Discipline.

These are the most basic qualities that an electrician should have. The connection of these characteristics with the availability of the necessary amount of knowledge in different scientific fields provides an effective solution to the tasks.

 job description of an electrician

Specialty Benefits

The main advantage of the profession is its relevance. High-level specialists are needed everywhere and always, both in the private sector and in the manufacturing sector. Young electricians get jobs pretty easily. Another advantage of the specialty is decent earnings.Today, the average salary of an electrician in the country is in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. A good specialist can additionally provide services to the population privately. Entrepreneurial electricians even create their own firms to serve citizens and enterprises. Another unconditional advantage of the specialty is the seamlessness of its receipt. Almost every city has an educational institution where you can learn how to become an electrician.


The main disadvantages of the profession include the constant presence of threats to health and life, stressful situations. Careless movement can lead to the death of a specialist. Moreover, often problems have to be fixed promptly when every minute counts.

Another drawback is the work schedule. According to general rules, electricians work in shifts. However, in an emergency, accidents can cause them even at night. Another important point concerns the amount of specialist knowledge. It should be understood that the complexity and responsibility of the activity requires certain skills and experience. Therefore, a diploma of education is not enough. Learning must be taken very seriously.

profession electrician

Local regulatory documents

Like other similar documents developed for other specialties, the job description of an electrician includes general provisions, rights, tasks of specialists. It also establishes liability of employees for violation of regulations.

The job description of an electrician is mandatory for compliance at all enterprises, regardless of the type of property. This document regulates the relationship between the specialist and the employer. The company also has instructions for labor protection for the electrician. This act regulates safety issues.

Instructions on labor protection for the electrician are made taking into account the tasks that a specialist of one or another qualification performs. Each employee gets acquainted with the contents of the document for signature.

Description of Activities

An electrician belongs to the category of workers. He is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer. An electrician may be a citizen with a secondary specialized education in the relevant profile. In addition, a person must have at least 1 year of experience in a similar specialty.

Admission to the state and dismissal is carried out by order of the head on the proposal of the immediate boss or personnel service.

safety instructions for the electrician

Knowledge required

The electrician must know:

  1. Fundamentals of radio, electrical engineering, electronics.
  2. The device of electrical units, machines, measuring instruments.
  3. Specifications, operating principle, device design.
  4. Provisions of local documents regulating the activities of a specialist.
  5. The procedure for servicing devices.
  6. Methods, rules for assessing the functional state of mechanisms, machines, devices, apparatuses.
  7. Schemes of automatic adjustment and control, ways to troubleshoot them.
  8. The procedure for handling electrical industrial materials.
  9. The order of complex testing of devices, electrical devices, installations.
  10. Methods and standards for repair, installation of networks in an explosive and fire situation.
  11. The procedure for compiling electrical circuits and other technical documentation.
  12. The principle of functioning of automatic protection.
  13. Switching wiring diagrams.
  14. Signs of damage to equipment and methods for their elimination.
  15. Permitted loads on electric motors, transformers, conductive lines of different sections.
  16. Rules and regulations for safety and health, fire protection.
  17. Fundamentals of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  18. The internal regulations of the enterprise.

electrician electrician


The duties of an electrician include, first and foremost, ensuring proper and trouble-free functioning, proper operation of electrical appliances, units, installations. Local acts provide for a list of activities that a specialist must carry out. The duties of an electrician include:

  1. Adjustment, regulation, troubleshooting in critical, experimental sections of technological systems, communications of automatic lines.
  2. Dismantling, assembly, elimination of breakdowns, installation of various types of high-voltage installations with a voltage of more than 15 kW.
  3. Adjustment, maintenance, regulation of electronic devices, welding machines of various designs and types, pulse, electronic, ultrasonic units, remote protection of the automatic start-up reserve system, units using an elemental semiconductor base.
  4. Installation / disassembly, troubleshooting in cable lines of special pipelines filled with oil and gas under pressure.
  5. Verification of accuracy classes of measuring instruments.
  6. Elimination of breakdowns in epoxy end cuts of high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between aluminum and copper conductors.

The specialist’s tasks include preparing the units for commissioning, testing electric devices, motors, transformers after troubleshooting. The duties of an electrician also include the regulation of complex equipment, ensuring the rational and careful use of spare parts, materials, tools.

discharges of electricians

The rights

An electrician can:

  1. Act independently within the competence.
  2. Improve qualifications, attend training events.
  3. Seek advice on issues outside his competence with other specialists.
  4. Submit proposals to the head of the organization aimed at improving the conditions of activity.
  5. Interact with business units on business matters.
  6. Inform the head of the discovered deficiencies in the organization, submit proposals for their elimination.
  7. Do not proceed with tasks in the event of a health / life threat.
  8. Require the head of the creation of appropriate conditions for the implementation of their activities, ensuring security.

A responsibility

Sanctions may be applied to a specialist within the framework of the current legislation in case of non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments. The electrician is responsible for:

  1. The quality of performance of tasks.
  2. Failure to comply with TB regulations.
  3. The content of the documents that are sent to the enterprise management.
  4. The reliability of the information provided about the functional state of the units.
  5. Violation of the requirements of the governing acts.
  6. Independence of actions and their results.

Sanctions against a specialist are applied in accordance with the gravity of the violation and the severity of the consequences.

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